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terrible cut

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<(**)>Krazy LoLo View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote <(**)>Krazy LoLo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2002 at 5:20am
WooHoo! I like HAZZWOP`s description of "herself" she described my ideal hairstyle for girls, IMO girls with short almost boyish haircuts are very sexy, especially the buzzed nape..... Mmmm, that`s my favorite, my ex g/f after much pleading and begging ect, let me use the clippers on her neck, beneath her long middle of back legnth thick brown hair. I buzzed it with a number 2 guide comb to about the middle of her ears leaving the top layers of hair intact so that it would hang down and hide the buzzed aera. It was important to her that she could hide the clipped hair for maybe a week and a half, then she went everywhere with her hair in a high pony tail proudly displaying her buzzed nape. I couldn`t keep my hands off her now super sensitive nape and she would regularly have orgasams from extended carressing and touching of her pokie clippered neck! I used to deviously attack her nape in the supermarket and other places while waiting in lines LOL watching her tremble and try to suppress the moans and yelps as she came was just a real treat! She acted like she was mad, but that wasn`t true she was just a little embarrased from her pleasurable wait in line LOL :-) As soon as we got in the car she would attack me and make it nearly impossible to drive the 3 blocks back to the house! After about a year of having her nape buzzed she got brave and allowed me to give her a fairly short layered all over haircut that was really sexy on her with the sides cut with the #4 guide and the top cut with sissors to about 3 inches long. The lower part of her neck was of course clipped close tapering as it went up into her longer hair giving her a new erogenous zone as we called it that would turn her on every bit as much as her sex did. My biggest mistake I made in my life was one night after we came home from a party, I was in a bad mood had a splitting headache and she had her kids over with her that weekend and they had no sort of disipline what so ever, they were screaming and yelling throwing things breaking things just like the "heathens" they were. Well I slipped up and said as much to her out of anger/misery telling her to get her "heathens" under control before someone calls the zoo to come capture the wild animals that had escaped! Bang, she shot up out of bed saying nothing and not responding to me when I asked where she was going, just collected her clothes, the "heathens" and walked out my front door never to return :-( She was that once in a lifetime dream girl everyone wishes for (to me at least) and in a moment of lame ass stupidity I threw it all away.... Now 15 years later I still mourn her leaving when I dwell on the subject, she was the "ONE" and I blew it to the max. I`ll forever regret my ignorance and stupidity I unselfishly released that night on the best thing that ever came into my life. Nancy...... How on earth could I be so stupid? Arughhh....

<(**)>Krazy LoLo *LoLo is a Hawaiian word for idiot, dumb, careless, foolish, crazy person. So I adopted that name as my on-line name. I am even known by my friends as Krazy these days LooL!!! :-) Aloha, Krazy :) :D :P
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Sunshine View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sunshine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 03 2002 at 7:03pm
Originally posted by Cheri Cheri wrote:

I can pray with compassion on this one! I fell victim to a hair dresser with delusions of know the kind. He jets to England and Italy every year to learn the "latest styles", etc., etc...

My long-time hair designer (I love you, Lori) retired from hair work to begin a family. I'd never let anyone else touch my hair but her and even then, it took me two years to not tremble when she began so much as a 1/4" trim. (Childhood hair-length issues.) I went for nearly 18 months without so much as a trim after she stopped doing hair; my hair was to my waist.

Okay, longer story shortened: Was referred to this Dr. Mengele of hair styles by a friend. I didn't know he thought long hair was a bad thing. I asked for a regular 1/4" trim, he said I should cut it more since long hair was just so "Cher" and far too dated. I said no, took me too long to grow it, makes me feel more feminine and pretty. We bantered back and forth and finally agreed (I THOUGHT) on letting him remove appx 3" of the truly damaged ends.

He snagged his scissors and before I knew it, my hair was just above my colorbone, with doofy bangs. I was absolutely traumatized, my worst childhood nightmares revisited! Even though most people said it was "chic"--I'm not the "chic" type, trust me--I wept for 3 full days, hated mirrors, gained weight... yeesh. (shudder)

Of course, I never set foot near him again and it was again months before I would even look at a salon. However, because God is good, I've finally located a hair guru, Jilda, who understands me and nurses me through my trims. My hair is layered and growing, back down to just at or a bit below bra strap level. (I'm letting it get back to where it was, and I don't give a d*mn HOW old I am when it gets there!!!)

Except now SHE'S pregnant. If she retires, I shall simply purchase weaponry before I choose a new stylist and explain what I want. Yes, I shall be armed and ready...he/she will be surprised what he/she can live through. (lol)

Cheri, I LOVED your post! I was laughing so hard I was crying! You certainly have a way with words!!!

My sister talked me into seeing her guy at her salon. She said he made her feel beautiful! I had only once before entered a salon for a perm, and that was a disaster! My hair wouldn`t take and so the stylist was reading the box in front of me and then proceeded to do exactly what the box said not to. Still didn`t take and she said we could try again tomorrow. No thanks. Even my hair got scared and fell off!

After that, I was reluctant to go to another salon. Supercuts was fine by me. But I went at the promises of Goddess Glory by my sister. I told the stylist what I wanted (bangs, layers) and exactly what I didn`t want (Brenda Walsh from 90210). He told me bangs are for little girls and I`m not little anymore. He tried to make twice the $ in half the time by cutting both mine and my sister`s hair at the same time, blowing out the power in the whole joint in the process. I came out looking like Brenda Walsh. Greeeeaaaaat. And then I went home and cut me some bangs, dangit!

When I finally find a new hair guru, or at least a guru in training, seems like 3 months later they all disappear! *Poof!* I am praying God will be good to me, as you say! In the meantime, maybe I should procure my own weaponry?!? LOL!!!
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