QuoteReplyTopic: HELP Posted: May 02 2007 at 6:55pm
I seriously need some advice. I took my weft extensions out about 2 weeks ago. They were glued in, and I used this conditioner and oil from Sallys. I left it on my hair for awhile until the wefts were really loose and them took them out. I noticed some of my own hair was on the weft, so I tried to be even more careful. Well, anyway, I washed my hair, got all the excess glue out and when I went to brush it a couple minutes later, I noticed I had like 2 or 3 completely bald spots on both sides of my head. I am so scared and dont know what to do. Is there anything I can do to make sure my hair grows back? Or vitamins maybe or shampoo? It has been about 2 weeks and I still havent seen any regrowth? I am really nervous, does anyone have any advice? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
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well first off - did you use the proclaim latex glue? its AWFUL for your hair in my experince so that could be causing this.
However, if you're not experiecing any regrowth you should see a dermatologist. I know its embarassing since it could easily be self-envoked, but they can give you a better idea of it was caused by the extensions or by some other health issue, which consitering there is no re-growth sounds possible. You need to know what caused the hair loss before you can take any sort of treatment or vitamins. certain types of hair loss will not have regrowth and others will if you just let your hair rest. I just went through some major medical issues, including hair loss, so if you're that concerned and there is no regrowth, its time to seek medical treatment.
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yes it was proclaim latex glue!!!!!!!!! It was the most horrible experience ever!!!!!! I thought I was being pretty careful about taking the extensions out, but like I said I did see my hair come out on the weft too. I will definetly take your advice though and see what a dermetologist has to say. I hope your medical issues are taken care of and thank you so much for helping me. My mom just had a hysterectomy, and I took care of her, so I know medical issues take a huge toll on you life. Well, be well, and thanks again.
Edited by Carieann - May 02 2007 at 9:23pm
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Hopefully you'll be alright, but its good to double check as a precaution - My hair was already thinning when I used the latex, and i lost abouthalf of what was left (whichw as about a 1/3 of my origional thickness) i JUST noticed it was back and I did the latex job back at new years! So it does take time to fill back in - but true blad spots I never had those.
Good luck at the doc! Ill cross my fingers for ya it was just the proclaim. Sorry to hear about your mom, my boyfriends mom went through the same thing a few years before I was with him, recovery is tough from a big surgery like that.
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Sorry about your bald spots, this is terrible. I hope you can know more about what to do after you see a dermatologist.
I can't believe people can sell such a nasty glue!...
It sounds like your problem is connected to your extensions wearing, so hopefully it will get better by itself.
Just a thought: I know that I have sometimes bad scalp problems when I wear extensions, and some people can start losing hair in areas where the scalp issues are located. Maybe you experienced some extreme dandruff or smthg? That would be worth metioning to your dermatologist.
I hope things get better for you, keep us posted!
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Hi, I am hapy to report that my crazy hair is growing back!!!!!!!! I looked about a day after I made my dermotologist app, and the spot were growing back!!!!!! So, I want to thank you girls for helping me I really appreciate it, and I would also like to take this oppurtunity for anyone who comes across this post, that if you decide to get hair extensions and do it yourself, DO NOT use that ucky latex glue. I was so careful and gentle with my hair and it still got messed up, so please take my advice, and these lovely ladies that took the time to help me out. So anyway, thank you again!!
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LOL!!!!! I know!!!!! I used the conditioner, and this special shampoo, and it still wouldnt come out! So, in the end I ended up taking my whole head off too, no just kidding, seriously though, almost a whole bottle of Pantene conditioner, and mixed it with Pantene shampoo, and put it all on my hair, and slept over night with it in my hair. Then the next day, I had to take a fine tooth comb and run it under warm water each time I ran it through my hair so the glue would loosen up, it took FOREVER!!!!!!! In the end I swore I would NEVER use that crap again.
Edited by Carieann - May 16 2007 at 10:40am
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Hello-I am new to the site and have worn the hair extentions several times but with the Chrissy V Bond system that I LOVED! The problem is that its so expensive and I can't pay every 4 weeks to have my wefts lifted.
I have read about the Liquid Gold and wanted to know a little more about it. I wash my hair 2x a week and blow and straighten it with an iron. Can I use this to put in my extentions? They are already cut and fit to me so I just need a way to put them in. Chrissy V system can't be bought for at home use.
Thanks for any help or guidance on the issue.
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I used to use the ChrissyV glue too, but its very expensive! And from what I know, they WILL sell it to you if you want to buy it.
LG is good too. I switched from ChrissyV to LG, price being the main factor. LG did hold slightly longer for me than ChrissyV.
The LG company has changed their formula slightly, and some people dont like it as well anymore. I havent heard too many people say lately how its holding for weft bonding.
I changed my method to supertape/LG and have been using this method for a few years now. I like the tape much better than the bonding glue alone, but I do add a tiny bit of LG to the tapes for added security. The tape/glue combo will stay in my hair an extremely long time. I typically go at least 8 weeks between takedowns.
Thank you very much for your help. Yes, the chrissy V was costing me 65$ per row to put in. I had three double wefts and then the cut in and blending. It was over 250$ every 4-6 weeks! Couldn't do it.
When putting the wefts in should I have Hair "tabs" on then end? That was what I had before but didn't really think it helped.
Is there any other advice about using this product or combo? I have never heard of the supertape. What about shampooing, conditioning and styling? Will the remover hurt my hair? When removing the chrissyV I just used pure acetone and it dissolved and slipped out pretty easy.
Again-Thanks so much for your help, I loved my longer "hair" but I think I could at least try it on my own. I have watched and taken mental notes.
Any thing else you can suggest would be great! Thanks!
crystal babz
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