Hi.....I don't think it is the removal method that can damage your hair but other variables. .....such as how long did you leave them in before you had them removed? did they matt? also it matters how the technician removes them....I had euro socap before and went to a new person to remove them so I could try microlinks (she said she had done all the methods before). SHe slathered them with oil and tried pulling them out....I left her salon...and finished the removal myself. I went to a better hairstylist who was super gentle and allowed my hair to be in better condition after removal.
I know metal girl here does socap and she will tell you that it depends on your hair type, maintenance that you do, how long you wait for removal and the technician who does it.
Hello Ladies, Could someone please help me? Please tell me what the ingredients are in the SOCAP solgel USA remover. I need to take my SOCAP extensions out and I can't afford to pay for the labor so I will take them out myself. I know that last time I used plain alcohol but I was wondering if anyone else had extra tips for removal???
I am certified by So Cap USA and I find removal to be quite easy. With the alcohol based gel, they crunch apart nicely. I don't know the exact ingridients of the gel, but I'll look on the bottle when I get to work and report back to you what it says.
You may want to try the alcohol based remover from www.donnabellahair.com . It's inexpensive and it may work for So Cap.
Oh, Thank You Metalgirl!!! I am so thankful for this forum! If you could please tell me the ingredients so I can go to Sallys Beauty Supply and buy the ingredients I would be so grateful! I don't really trust other people with my hair only the installation but I always like to take my hair extensions out which I did with great lengths and alcohol worked good but I noticed with the Socap the bonds are stiffer and harder to take out. Good karma to you!!!
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I wanted to see if you were able to remove your extensions yourself? If so how did you do them & what did you use. I am in the same situation almost. I need to get mine out but can't find anyone that can do them before I have to go out of town in a couple of days & I have had several come out so it is looking bad & I don't want to go out of town with my hair looking the way it does.
Please let me know what I can buy to take them out myself.
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