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Straighten My Hair

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samks View Drop Down

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    Posted: November 17 2008 at 5:11pm

So that's me and my hair and I'm trying to get it straight and more "defined" I guess you should say. What are some ways to go about doing this? It's very curly and thick and it really bunches up in the back. I'm growing it out currently and I'd say it's a little bit longer now than it is in that picture. Here are some styles I'm going for.
(blue hoody in last picture)

Any tips?

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ShaeJJ View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ShaeJJ Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2008 at 2:15pm
ahh, well dont be too worried, because thick hair is great for changing around because its very strong. one thing i would recommend is that you go to a local grocery store and buy a chemical hair straightener for black people, im asian and i have really wavy/thick hair and these work fine for me. I bought one for like $6 and it worked fine. OR you can buy a flat iron hair straightener. the one I have was about $16, its over a year old and it works fine.

If you do decide to buy one of those, what you want to do is mix the chemicals like the directions say and then get some rubber bands or hair ties and put your hair in a few sections, like one on each side above your ears, one or two in the front, a couple on the top of your head, and a few in the back until all of your hair is in sections. i guess you can use the spatula/popsicle stick that comes in the package, or just use your fingers like i do. ooh, before you start, you should probably get a towel and put it around your neck, cause you dont want the chemicals to get on your neck, it wont affect you much, it just might get itchy. okay, so what you want to do is definitely do the top first, then the front, then the sides, and then the back. so what you have to do is to do each section of hair by itself, take out the rubber band/hair tie and completely cover the section of hair with the chemical cream or whatever product it is. you want to do this fast, because your hair gets really hard and sticks together so you cant really comb it or anything. but once you cover ALL of your hair with the stuff (it might smell funny by the way) you want to get a comb and use the backside of it to smooth your hair in the way you want it to go. for your bangs/ the front of your hair, smooth it whichever way it normally goes but try to keep your hair above your skin so it wont get itchy, so it will look like you have an old guys combover, basically. and with your sides, you can either smooth it out in front of your ears or above/behind them. your sideburns will definitely be straighter if you make it go in front of your ears, but it may cause some irritation, but nothing a little cold water and lotion wont fix.  and i guess for your bangs you can smooth them out on your forehead instead of above your forehead, but yeah, it may irritate your skin a little. for the top of your hair, just smooth it with the comb in the direction you want your bangs to go. and as for the back of your hair, smooth it straight down, preferrably on the towel around your neck...again, unless you wont mind some minor skin irritation on the back of your neck.

so to make it more understandable, follow these more simple instructions AFTER you read the top part of this

1) apply the chemical stuff to your hair in less than 10 minutes
2) keep smoothing your hair with the backside of the comb like in the details above
3) after smoothing your hair for about 10-15 minutes, go in the shower and rinse out your hair COMPLETELY!! i cannot emphasize that enough, the last time i did this, i didnt wash my hair out enough and there were sections in the back of my head on my scalp where the hair stayed really hard and i couldnt make it soft until i reused the chemicals again. oh, and make sure you dont get it in your hurts.
4) use the other stuff in the package to make sure all of the chemicals are gone
5) finally, shampoo and condition your hair with your normal stuff, and your hair should be straight!

your other option is to get a flat iron straightener, like i said in the beginning, you can get ones for less than $25 and they will work fine. although, you have more curly hair, so it might take longer. if you care that much, try to invest some money and buy one for a little bit more money ~$50 for a pretty good one. the only difference i've noticed with more expensive ones is that my hair straightens more easily with them, i dont have to go over sections multiple times. but if you do the chemical straightener, since you have pretty curly hair, you might want to get a flat iron anyways, thats what i did. i mean, my hair still looked cool after i chemically relaxed it, i just wanted the really straight hair. and if you chemically straighten/relax your hair, it makes flat ironing your hair a LOT faster.

I hope i helped =)

by the way, dont worry about people teasing you for straightening your hair, girls never care, and most guys wont say anything. people stop saying those things eventually anyways
- Shae
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_Princess_ View Drop Down
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Don't kno if the chemical straightener tha above poster is referring to is a relaxer...but I'd stay away from it, especially if you don't know what you're doing and relaxers (if done incorrectly) can lead to serious damage to your hair.
I'd use a flat iron to straighten it, make sure its very hot and to use hair/heat protectant. Another way would be to get a blowout with a roller brush & hair dryer.
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samks View Drop Down

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What do you suggest for a chemical straightener or relaxer? 
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LivLuv View Drop Down

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Please don't damage your hair.
Do the Brazilian Keratin Treatment!!!!
They also make a BKT specifically for African American hair.
Your hair won't be completely straight, but it will be in much better condition, less frizzy and much easier to style.
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