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360 Waves & Hair Growth

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    Posted: December 30 2009 at 10:14am
When it comes to 360 waves hair growth is a common question since this will impact the wave formation.

There are a lot of myths about hair growth rates, how to make hair grow faster and what happens if you take vitamins and supplements to make hair grow faster.

Generally speaking, hair growth and growth cycles are tied to your family and their genetics.  There are things you can do to maximize your growth potential such as vitamins but ultimately

Hair grows in three basic cycles which have been proven by scientists and hair experts:

Phase One - Anagen Growth Cycle - Active Cycle

About 80-85% of all hair is in the growth phase at any one time. Hair in the anagen phase generally grows about a half inch every 28 days.  Each individual will experience different growth and while the majority may experience 1/2 inch.  Others will experience as much as 1 inch of growth.

Scalp hair or “capilli” hair, may remain in the anagen phase as an average for approximately 2-6 years.

Catagen Phase:  Hair Growth Stops

The catagen stage is the transitional phase. After the growth phase, the hair proceeds into the catagen stage. This is when the hair follicle shrinks to 1/6 of its normal length.

During this stage hair growth stops. 3% of all hairs are in the catagen stage at any time. This phase can last from 1-3 weeks.

Telogen Phase - Hair Resting Phase

10-15% of all hair on the head is in the Telogen Phase at any given time. Hair does not grow during telogen.  It will stay attached to the follicle in a dormant state. Telogen lasts for about 5-6 weeks for scalp hair.

Although the above three phases are documented by all cosmetologists and hair experts, they can be different depending on genetics.

It has been proven that hair can grow at different rates on different parts of the scalp.

Things which impact normal hair growth cycles include:

1.  Diet
2.  Daily Water consumption
3.  Vitamins & supplements
4.  Prescription drugs
5.  Nicotine use
6.  Caffeine

If you have a healthy diet then your hair could experience its maximum growth potential.

Vitamins and supplements, depending on the individual, may increase natural growth rates anywhere from 1/2 to 1 inch per month.  This all depends on your genetic makeup and your hair growth.

Hair will also be healthier in general with less split ends and stronger roots.

There are many factors involved with hair growth but the bottom line is that it is based upon genetics.

Maximum hair growth speeds may not be met due to other circomestances such as illness, stress, poor nutrition and other causes.

Edited by wave connection - December 30 2009 at 10:27am
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