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red highlights on red hair...

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arizonnadream View Drop Down

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    Posted: October 23 2010 at 6:14pm
I am new on this forum and I am very happy to have found this website. I need an advice or procedure how to do my hair.
My hair is kinda redish..fade. (what's left from red made at salon few months ago).
I want to color my hair red and have other red highlights also. I want the base: redken color gel 4R and the highlights 4RV. It's first time when i try this at home (to do highlights), and I do not know what other products I need or what's the procedure.
At salon, the hair-dresser told me that she used 4R for base all over my hair. Then she left it for 45 minutes. Then, washed and prepare the highlights. She told me that she discolored my hair and applied the 4RV in the same time. Then another 40 minutes and after that she used something for shine and make it more red (I don't know what was it.. i would like to know...:). After that I was red with red highlights. Please help me and teach me how to color my hair... what exactly did my hair-dresser did????.. I tried to ask her, but she was kinda secret.... And where do I buy processing solution?...
Please help me... Thank you very much.
I apologize if my English is not so good or I did not make myself clear... I am open to answer your questions...
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Susan W View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Susan W Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2010 at 9:14am
Hi, and welcome to the forum! I am not a pro, so I may not be the best one to answer your question. I do not usually do highlights on myself. I know people do them with foils if they want big chunks of highlights, or they use a cap with holes in it and pull small pieces of hair through it for small all over highlights. I used to highlight a small amount of hair around my face, all I did for this was keep this hair separate from the rest and do only this hair. (I used a plastic claw clip to hold it in a coil away from the rest.)

I know that the pros do it the way you describe, putting the color on, then removing it from the highlights - it sounds like more steps this way, but I can see why they would, it would be harder to keep a whole head of highlights separate while doing the base color. It is a very complicated process. She may have used ColorFix or Color Oops to remove the base color, then do the highlights. if you use that, you will have to rinse VERY well to remove the color.

Since you are doing this yourself, you should do test strands to make sure the colors will come out how you want. The more times you dye hair, the more porous it becomes, and this can change how it comes out even if you use the same colors.

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