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Biff View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 6:10pm
Reply to message: 4.1922.3

Sorry to burst your bubble, Diane - Lina is not me. After Wolfgang`s last post, I just had to give it up. He made it clear that his negative predisposition towards anything I had to write was similar to mine towards you, and that nothing would be gained from continuing. But, since you brought me back into the discussion...

Lina is my new hero. :-)

Diane, you never claimed to be anti-fetish or anti-haircutting? Your postings make it clear. It wasn`t an accusation, it was an observation, but I can see how it could be perceived as an attack. Thus, the whole tone of the thread was negatively set. Ah well.
I never said anything about your not having a heart. However I did object to when you said you had "empathy" for a fetishist. That`s the wrong word. You may have sympathy, you may have pity. You do _not_ have empathy.
Also, I haven`t attacked "everyone" - just you. >;-) I did and do challenge your statements.

And you did call it a "mental disease" repeatedly, not a "disorder." (And, according to a psychologist friend of mine, she states that: "Fetish stuff used to be clasified as a mental disorder, but they have since removed it as a disorder. I don`t know if there is a "root cause". Seems that some folks are just born kinky and others not. Some folks may wind up eroticizing a particular activity or situation due to some kind of early childhood experience though.")
That jives with the definition of "paraphilia" that I had posted earlier.

To Lina, yes I did say I work in the medical field. I`m in healthcare research. I don`t claim to be a doctor or nurse or medical practitioner, just showing that there can be a wide definition that can be applied to "working in the medical field."
And Lina did attempt to express what I had attempted to express: that "fetish" comes in many shades and degrees.

Lastly, chiropractors ARE in the medical field, thank you - they have done more to improve my bad back than any M.D. A chiropractor realigns the spine. A "doctor" would only commit surgery. A long-term homeopathic solution works better for me than an invasive procedure.

So, Diane - be pissed off if you want to be. You have yet to offer any proof or text or sources that refute any of the things by which we`ve refuted your statements.
My suspicion is that you may well have had some basic psych classes (all colleges have Psych 101), but that your knowledge is dated. How long ago was your "medical training?"

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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

Joined: December 15 2000
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 7:46pm
Reply to message: 4.1923.3
Well Biff Canada is known to have the best education in the world because we follow and are extremely disipline in the British ways. I am please to say I graduated with honors. Those rules apply to doctors , nurses and others.

I am extremely surprise that you don`t know our medical practice acts and the laws that governs them. According to the act states that a medical doctor that is in the position of perscribing many different medication is considered a medical doctor and for this reason dentist , chiropractor, etc and any other doctor that only goes in the herbel ways are not considered a medical doctor by their laws eventhought they are called doctors like your buddy the psychologist and spent as many years studying as the medical doctor. That is also the reason why some are not even allowed to practice in hospitals and start their own private practices. That is why so many doctors that come to our country find themselves going back to studies or discourage.
YOu should also been aware that a psychologist and a psychiatrist ( being the medical doctor) do not follow the same techniques nor believe in the same exact thoughts. Their training is a bit different. Even themselves have debates over such matters.
You might want to study Feud views as many views still hold and some are debated and change. But lets see Biff ( seeing that you came back as yourself) might not want to ask a psychiatrist about your obsession with long hair women or any fetish. lol I am proud that at least you did some research. Maybe there is hope. Lots of hugs.

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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 7:49pm
Reply to message: 4.1924.3
Correction British is first in the education level and Canada is second.
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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 8:24pm
Reply to message: 4.1925.3
and before you try this splitpersonality thing again I will must remind you that YOu need to accept my education as it is based on my country and laws that governs them. I mean the medical laws which are diffiernt than the country laws. You will also have to accept that I am not into fetishes and by bullying me you will not change me. I do not want to associate myself with your thoughts and you will have to accept this. I follow the bible and you will have to accept this.
Hopefully you are happy the way you are. I strongly suspect you are not because this topic according to you disturbed you. If you were so convince that your fetish is nothing, my words or anyone elses words would have been water on your back like a duck. IN fact you wouldn`t have chase me for a discussion and announce that you have read every topic I wrote.
YOu wouldn`t have had a need to do this split personality thing nor insult anyone. I have often said sorry to your feelings but you have ignore me many times. Very typical on your part. I didn`t have to try to reach you as I didn`t come chasing you nor open up the discussion. If you are not comfortable with your fetish you can easily get help. I am not saying go because I don`t care. They often say when someone in pain like you have portrayed with your words and attitude that person is asking for help. I don`t want to help you. YOu are not respectful. Ask your family.
You see right now you have sadly proven my point that a person that has a fetish like yours to your extent cannot accept no from another person. YOu are trying to be controlling when I never tried to change your mind about your thoughts but you have tried to controll everything I was taught plus more. The fact that I will not accept your fetish thoughts for myself nor go against my education drives you widly beyond belief.

Go ahead and insult as this is my very last message because talking my dogs is way more rewarding then trying to conduct any type of conversation with you.
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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 9:46pm
Reply to message: 4.1926.3
Had to answer Biff`s question about personality because he won`t do his homework. He wanted to know my views about personality and believe in this as many does.

Freudian Theory
Freud`s theory states that personality is made up of three parts.

-unconscious instincts present at birth and thereafter
-basic drives of pleasure and gratification, regardless of reality, exists in us all the time

-true self
-evaluates and assesses reality and controls the id

super ego
-internal conscious and moral part
-established by parental and social discipline
-guilt feelings arise from the super ego when our thoughts do not conform to the standards of our super ego

Freud believed that psychological disorders occurs when conflict arises between two or more of the above.
Human develop "defense mechanisms"( denial for example) that are employed to ward off the conflicts of our different parts of the personalities.

Official defination of sexual disorders and all its classes in the medical field.
Considered a sexual disorder when arousal can only be attained through unusual acts or fantasies.
1) exhitionism
2) fetishism
3)transvestic fetishism
7) pedophilia

Now I am off. I would certainly hope that you Biff don`t take pride in being into fetishism and announced it to your co-workers or your dates as most people would run or reacte very strongly.
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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 9:51pm
Reply to message: 4.1927.3
and I don`t know why there is this face on my writing. Didn`t include it.
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dianefromcanada View Drop Down

Joined: December 15 2000
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2001 at 10:08pm
Reply to message: 4.1928.3
Biff do you watch the dating show? Can you imagine meeting this beautiful woman for the very first time and the whole evening goes smoothly talking about things. All of sudden she might ask you what is your fantasy and you might answer that you don`t have a fantasy but a fetish. How much do you bet that date would cool off quickly?
People easily accept fantasies because it hold a special meaning but as soon as the word fetish comes out watch out. It holds a very negative meaning.
I personally know of someone that is very sweet and was always talking about this guy. She was so convince that they were perfect for each other eventhough it was only three months. ONe day she went into his apartment and found a baby suit that he has to wear. She was so discourage, heart broken that the relationship broke up immediately. None of us told her to do this but we all knew that it wouldn`t work.
How can it when the other person is not important but the object is.
I think that people at times use the fetish word wrongly and really mean fantasies. If only they actually sat down and think if they are or not. YOu are or you are not. Pretty simple to figure out.

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Biff View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 01 2001 at 11:52am
Reply to message: 4.1929.3
Poor Diane. *6* responses to my one letter. You must be truly desperate for my attentions, as you chase me, harping for my attention. I guess negative reinforcement is better than no reinforcement at all? Flatter yourself as you see fit. Your ego must be in sad shape.

So where is your split-personality/alter-ego "Wolfgang"? Why did you feel the need to post under two names? I didn`t. You`re free to ask Karen to check the IP addresses. Yes, there are actually two people who frequent the board who are willing to point out the errors of your "debate" style. You`re all over the place, and continue to make wild allegations and launch personal attacks. You`re the one who twists things around.

So, your friend broke into her beau`s house and snooped around and didn`t like what she found? Maybe he was going to wait for a properly safe time, when he could trust her enough to open up and reveal his true feelings. Given the fetish-bigotry you expound, he must have understood how volatile some people could be. He must have felt vulnerable. Rightly so, given her reaction. She proved herself untrustworthy by snooping. Serves her right. That you support snooping reveals your own true character, too.
My friends know about my fetish. They know I`m a sweet wonderful guy in real life, and I would never harm or threaten another person. The women I"ve dated have been fine with it. In fact, they`ve really enjoyed the added attention and affection. They know that it isn`t only about hair. That`s just a bonus for them. You`re the only person I know who freaks out at the idea.

You should accept that life is not black and white, Diane.
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Lina View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2001 at 2:47pm
1. Diane, I did not say that a chiropractor, dentist, or homeopath was a "medical doctor". I said that they worked in the "medical field", the same monoker that you like to tote around continuously.

2. Diane, yes, I am familiar with the Canadian system of education. Last I looked, I was a product of it.

3. Biff, Bravo!

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Lina View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2001 at 2:51pm

Just pure curiousity here, what are you researching?
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Biff View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2001 at 4:31pm
Reply to message: 4.1932.3
We`ve been looking to improve neonatal outcomes, and are now starting to address perinatal issues and interventions. A popular subject of perinatal research is toxicology screening.

Chiropractic students who attend Life Chiropractic College study more "medicine" (number of hours in certain areas) than medical doctors. Next time I visit my chiro, I`ll try to remember to ask about the course-hours breakdown. (He had it posted on the wall of his office, comparing chiro students and med students. It was very interesting.)
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Lina View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2001 at 12:31pm
Reply to message: 4.1933.4

From what I`ve heard from the medical students I know, getting into medical school is a lot harder than the actual medical school curriculum. I guess a lot of the course material is a review of what has been addressed at the undergraduate level, for those who studied a similar program before medical school, only with more facts to memorize and a lot more social (that is, patient-based) components. Medical students probably need to know a broader base of information, but one would be completely self-inflating by arguing that the allopathic medical education is any more challenging or "better" than other forms of medicine. Sure, in a way, the challenge has stronger consequences, because you`re more often dealing with life and death situations than a chiropractor, but it`s just as hard to master chiropathy or other non-traditional medicine techniques as it is to memorize what drugs to administer, and when.
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