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Great Lengths Follow-Up

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Ally View Drop Down

Joined: June 02 2002
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    Posted: January 11 2000 at 9:09pm
Wow! A lot of interesting and intelligent responses!It's true that I have never seen ultra-long hair in real life that was in good shape. Usually the last foot or so is thin and uneven, and it's clear the wearer is bent on hanging onto that length at whatever cost.Still, I have seen pictures of people with exquisite knee-length hair. Let me rephrase: people with exquisite hair that was grown to knee-length. Gigi, I like your cat analogy. In every case I couldn't help but think their hair would look even better at waist length.I compare it to yards of beautiful silk, still on the bolt with frayed edges. Its potential for beauty is obvious, but it needs a skilled seamstress to fashion it into a finished garment.And in spite of what you say, Dave, most people's hair goes /flat/ when it gets past a certain length. It lies against their head and drapes over their shoulders like it was painted there. /Lift/ is flattering to the features.Ally
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Dave View Drop Down

Joined: February 28 2001
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Hi Ally,In *my* opinion, hair of any length looks its best when the ends are neatlytrimmed and "reasonably" and relatively thick (thick relative to the rest ofthe hair, so even hair that is fine but consistently fine to near the endslooks its best).If the ends are frayed, removal of those frayed ends makes for a neater line,which I like. Removing otherwise healthy length serves no aesthetic purpose,though. So if a given head of knee-length hair that received a 1-inch trimto remove the fraying and give it a neat line, then it "needs" no additionallength removed! (my opinion)Ally, I don't disagree that long hair can and does lay flatter. I was justreminding you that whether hair "lays flat" or "has lift," that some peoplewill prefer one, and others will prefer the other. Here again, you make aseemingly universal claim that "lift *is* flattering to the features," yetthis is *your* opinion and is not necessarily shared by all. I myself likethe way long hair lays flat and drapes over the shoulders. The way youdescribe long hair as "draping over their shoulders like it was paintedthere" makes it sound like art, and, well, it is :-)To each his or her own opinion :-)Dave
David M Squires
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Jade21 View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jade21 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 11 2000 at 9:10pm
Inquiring minds want to know.....Wow! A lot of interesting and intelligent responses!> It's true that I have never seen ultra-long hair in> real life that was in good shape. Usually the last> foot or so is thin and uneven, and it's clear the> wearer is bent on hanging onto that length at whatever> cost.> Still, I have seen pictures of people with exquisite> knee-length hair. Let me rephrase: people with> exquisite hair that was grown to knee-length. Gigi, I> like your cat analogy. In every case I couldn't help> but think their hair would look even better at waist> length.> I compare it to yards of beautiful silk, still on the> bolt with frayed edges. Its potential for beauty is> obvious, but it needs a skilled seamstress to fashion> it into a finished garment.> And in spite of what you say, Dave, most people's hair> goes /flat/ when it gets past a certain length. It> lies against their head and drapes over their> shoulders like it was painted there. /Lift/ is> flattering to the features.> Ally
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