Should You Say Anything If Someone Has A Horrible Haircut?
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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
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Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 2:47am
Topic: Should You Say Anything If Someone Has A Horrible Haircut?
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Should You Say Anything If Someone Has A Horrible Haircut?
Date Posted: April 14 2003 at 1:33pm
I have an auntie that I love very much. She is 50ish and just got a Pixie cut. She has a strong ethnic face and the Pixie not only makes her already voluptuous nose and lips look even more pronounced, but not really in a good way. She also has a double chin that looks more prominent. She asked me what I thought and I basically avoided giving her an answer because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. But now she is talking about going back and getting it even shorter. Eureka!!!!. I want to help her from making her current haircut look worse but I don't know what to do.
Any suggestions?
Posted By: Lady Maria
Date Posted: April 14 2003 at 3:48pm
Some women don't look good in very short hair, although I think I do. What to say to your aunt? Don't say anything. She probably thinks she looks good. Besides it's her life and she is older than you and deserves your respect. If she is happy with her haircut that is what counts.
Besides, who ever said people have to be brutally honest in every circumstance.
Maybe she will realize she is not the short hair type and grow it out a little eventually. But it is her decision and not your place to correct her, in my humble opinion.
------------- Lady Maria
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: April 14 2003 at 4:02pm
IMHO If your aunt is happy with her choice than it doesn't matter how she looks in anyone elses eyes. I know she asked your opinion as many people do, but it may have been a desire for you to share her pleasure.
Please be compassionate and supportive. This is a really personal thing and if you were "honest" you would really hurt her.
Take care
------------- Uzi
Posted By: Isla Q.
Date Posted: April 15 2003 at 1:43am
Agreed, don't tell her you dislike the haircut. That would probably really hurt her feelings and might make her feel insecure. As long as she likes it, it's good, right?
And if it's really that bad, she'll probably get tired of it pretty soon, and change it anyway.
Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: April 16 2003 at 11:54am
Definitely, if she is happy don't say anything negative. Maybe her look will "grow" on you anyway. Sometimes if someone thinks they look good, eventually you will see them as looking good too. It just takes confidence and it sounds as though she has it.
------------- "It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal
Posted By: BlueFreak
Date Posted: April 16 2003 at 7:29pm
Don't say anything,or if you like anything about the cut,then compliment her on it!
I mean,how would you feel if you thought that you had a great haircut then someone told you exactly what they thought(and not something too positive)?!
Plus,maybe with the right makeup,clothes..Who knows!She could look stunning!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: June 01 2003 at 11:40pm
You could turn the tables and ask her, "How do you like it?"
If she responds that she loves it, then tell her you're very glad! After all, with so many women hating their hair, (even if you don't like it), it's great that she does like it.
Posted By: HeadBoy
Date Posted: June 25 2003 at 2:54pm
If a person likes the way their hair looks, chances are the cut will flatter them in plenty of ways other than appearance. Sure, honesty is great, but diplomacy is sometimes better. "It looks like you're happy with it," is always a safe compliment.
------------- Peace to all
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: June 29 2003 at 11:25pm
But a lot of times when someone thinks someone they know got a really bad haircut, it's just because they're not used to it, and just the fact it's different repulses at first. So at least wait a while before giving any opinion, until after the newness wears off. Then again, some people who are more fond of long hair won't think any short style looks good. So even if it's like gorgeous, there are some people who won't like it. *shrugs* Probably nicer to only give positive opinions, if you can help it, so as not to cause arguments.