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Would i look good with this bob style?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 2:24pm

Topic: Would i look good with this bob style?
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Would i look good with this bob style?
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 3:24am
Hi I'm new here
I came across the wonder pics of a bobbed style that i like very much. The pics are of a brunette and I'm blonde but I wanted imput.IThe pics of me are from last fall but I planning on having new still shots done with a new hairstyle ( I model) By looking at my pics do you think I could pull this haircut off. Would i look alright with it?
Please let me know
Thanx in advance all

And here's the style i want i dont like the finished result but the iterm is very nice so here is the pics that show how i would like it cut. I dont knwo how the naope shoudl lok though tapered? clippered? Looks like in the pic the woman hair is an angled bob slighty and higher in the back up to the middle of the ears. - - - - - -

Posted By: llama_man666
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 5:01am
go for it, itd look good. And im talkin bout the irst one,


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 5:23am
Yea I like it too.
I wonder if my hair would look sleek like that. My hair is blonde. it might not look as good in my color

This pic you can se my current hair length better

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 6:57am
you would look absolutely stunning in that cut GO FOR IT!!!!

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 7:02am
I think you should only do it if you are tried of being a model.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 9:05am
It does seem odd that a model could come here to ask for advice on a style that would not work with a modelling career.

Originally posted by Hal Hal wrote:

I think you should only do it if you are tried of being a model.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 1:06pm
Originally posted by The Riddler The Riddler wrote:

It does seem odd that a model could come here to ask for advice on a style that would not work with a modelling career.

Originally posted by Hal Hal wrote:

I think you should only do it if you are tried of being a model.

Not so odd to me that a model would look here for advice but VERY odd a model would want such a harse hair style unless she didn't want to be a model anymore...

Very troll like in my opinion!


Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 1:25pm
Originally posted by Hal Hal wrote:

Originally posted by The Riddler The Riddler wrote:

It does seem odd that a model could come here to ask for advice on a style that would not work with a modelling career.

Originally posted by Hal Hal wrote:

I think you should only do it if you are tried of being a model.

Not so odd to me that a model would look here for advice but VERY odd a model would want such a harse hair style unless she didn't want to be a model anymore...

Very troll like in my opinion! Now if this isn't a troll and you would like to see how you look in other styles.. email me! I'll change your hair in your pics.


Posted By: Scott365
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 1:36pm
Wow... i'm a sucker for blonde bobs, and you would make a very good looking bob girl. I say go for it... you do mean in the last picture for it to the be that short all the way around right? Your not gonna leave it long on the rest and short on that one side? I hope not! Good luck, let us know how it goes!


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 7:11pm
Posts from Hal and "The Riddler" made me go "hmmm..."

So I checked the IP address. I suspect this person has previously posted as "bowlhead" and "Jimmy The King."


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 9:52pm
Jimmy is my boyfriend.
He post here. he said i should get your opinion because your experts on hair.
Why is unusual to have short hair and model.
Talent Scouts tell me i should hack my hair off to stand out. I didnt know if i wanted to but then i foudn this style. I think if i have to have short hair i should have style i want.
I want to make fashion statement but am still a little afraid

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 9:57pm
Originally posted by Scott365 Scott365 wrote:

Wow... i'm a sucker for blonde bobs, and you would make a very good looking bob girl. I say go for it... you do mean in the last picture for it to the be that short all the way around right? Your not gonna leave it long on the rest and short on that one side? I hope not! Good luck, let us know how it goes!

Oh no scott I want the final result of the cut like the first two pics. Sorry i didnt post the pics in order

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 10:19pm
you should absolutely do that
it would look stunning on you

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 11:12pm
I would just go for a chin length bob (or slightly shorter). The other is too severe. You could have it slightly angled up in the back with it tapered.

Posted By: miss brenda
Date Posted: July 28 2004 at 11:46pm
Obviously many female models have bob cuts or hair even shorter than that. Have you guys ever looked at a woman's fashion magazine? Geeezzz!

Riba, if you have been advised by fashion experts that you would look better and attract more attention with a bob cut, then go for it.

I know when I first went to a bob cut after having long hair, I got more attention, not less, from men, and I know for a fact that because many women wear bob cuts or even shorter hair than that, that they like to see women fashion models with bob cuts or short hair. That is why so many women's fashion magazines feature women with bobs, short spkey looks, pixies, short crops, etc..


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 12:39am
Originally posted by miss brenda miss brenda wrote:

Obviously many female models have bob cuts or hair even shorter than that. Have you guys ever looked at a woman's fashion magazine? Geeezzz!

Riba, if you have been advised by fashion experts that you would look better and attract more attention with a bob cut, then go for it.

I know when I first went to a bob cut after having long hair, I got more attention, not less, from men, and I know for a fact that because many women wear bob cuts or even shorter hair than that, that they like to see women fashion models with bob cuts or short hair. That is why so many women's fashion magazines feature women with bobs, short spkey looks, pixies, short crops, etc..

Aww thank you your very nice.
Actually my talent agenency suggested I get my hair cut short but didnt specify how short. They keep saying very short or drastic.
My boyfriend Jimmy who post here says it doesnt matter either way how i wear my hair. he is ok with it and supportive. But It's been a ccouple of months they have told me i could generate more attention with short hair and stand out.
My Bf said if I had to go with hosrt hair he does liek bobs. So started looking up sites and pics.
And I like the ones i showed from the italainhair site.
Miss brenda do you agree it is ok looking?
It seems many here are saying it's too drastic.
It's only slightly above the lips?
I've sen models with buzzcuts beofre. i dotnt hink this is that severe. I just dont know how the back should be cut. I think maybe like the firt two pics it shows the back is bobbed around mid ear lenght. That's where i need advice if i go thru with it i need a plan . Should it be tapered below that? buzzed clippered, cut with scissors?
What would look better?

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 1:12am
Just on the off chance it is a real post, might as well try to give an honest reply. . .
I really don't like the style in the pics at all-- it's very boring. If a bob is preferred, I would say some sort of layered or piecy one. I don't care for bobs in general, but ones that do something are preferable to ones that just sit there.

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 1:46am
I'm sorry if i bothered anybody.
Im also sorry if people come here are not honest.
I found several more pics of that haircut.
It shows the back better.
I dotn knoww hat to think. It's very cute. But I need unbiased support
My modeling agegency say cut it short and dont say what style
and my BF says it doent matter but he likes bobs.
Hair shouldnt be this stressful - - - -

Posted By: Hairdude02
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 3:37am
Originally posted by Riba Riba wrote:

I'm sorry if i bothered anybody.
Im also sorry if people come here are not honest.
I found several more pics of that haircut.
It shows the back better.
I dotn knoww hat to think. It's very cute. But I need unbiased support
My modeling agegency say cut it short and dont say what style
and my BF says it doent matter but he likes bobs.
Hair shouldnt be this stressful - - - -


Posted By: Hairdude02
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 3:46am
Oops...Sorry about the other post.

Riba, Your right, deciding to get your haircut should not be this stressful.
I personally think you should go for it. I do not think the cut you suggested is too short and you have the beautiful features to accentuate the style. I'd say go for it, but I am no hair expert. I just know what I like. Good luck and I would love to see the results.


Posted By: JL
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 8:46am
Riba, from your pics, you look great just as you are and would look great any way you cut your hair. As other posts mentioned, most runway models that go short, go drastic. It does bring attention. I recently read an article where Samaire Armstrong (actress on O.C.) commented she feels she was offered the role on O.C. because of her recent short haircut and that many movie offers have been made since she cut her hair, but not before. Renee of Loreal Paris fame recently went for the angled bob as well, but much shorter with a buzzed nape. Good luck with the career. With your looks, you can't miss.

Live life, have fun and never hold back. The ride is much too short.

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 9:26am
The current cut is very cute, although it doesn't stand out from most models. The look is very much girl next door. The short cut will stand out, and looks attractive, although I don't know how it will come off for modeling. It's more of a funky alternative girl without being too alternative.


Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 10:04am
I have simulated the cut.. if anyone wants to see it, post your email address and I'll send it to you. Personally I like it at the top of her shoulders.. layered with bangs!


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 29 2004 at 7:30pm
Hello Hal. If you could be so kind I would like to see the pics you made?
Please let me know how to e-mail you or visa versa.
I'm still looking on the net for pics of bobs too.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: July 30 2004 at 9:03am
I have already done them.. 6 or 8 of E mail me at


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: July 31 2004 at 2:25am
I send you an e-mail but
it says returned hal.?
Is there an @ after Lifes?

Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: July 31 2004 at 11:42pm
Hal was so excited, he forgot his own email address:

Hal...send me a copy to. Jim

BTW Riba, if you wanna do it, just do it, then show us before and afters...that simple.

My two cents.

We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 01 2004 at 6:55pm
Ok thank you.
I send to rigt e-mail now.
I couldnt figure it out.
I agree with you I should just go for it, but now Hal has got me curious to see how it would look.
I think it will help me decide either way.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 03 2004 at 3:02am
I send you e-mail but you do not repond with pics?
please if you could i would like to see how i could look.
I made an appointmet for friday to cut my hair but still do not know how much i will get cut.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: August 03 2004 at 8:38am
I sent it this morning... sorry for the delay but I've been traveling with work alot and then last night Yahoo was screwed up as well!


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 04 2004 at 1:51am
It's ok
I got them now.
thank you Hal
You did a good job with the pics
Can you make it look shorter?
I will let evetyone know what i choose. thanks for helping

Posted By: nygal
Date Posted: August 06 2004 at 12:01pm
Hi Riba..I know it's only 2 days after your last post, but what did you decide to do? I'm sure that whatever you decide, it'll look great because you have great features.


I bought some batteries, but they weren't included.
.....Steven Wright

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: August 13 2004 at 9:36am
Originally posted by Riba Riba wrote:

I send you e-mail but you do not repond with pics?
please if you could i would like to see how i could look.
I made an appointmet for friday to cut my hair but still do not know how much i will get cut.



Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 16 2004 at 1:40am
Yes this past firday i did get my hair cut.
It was postponed by one week because i still wasnt ready and did not find the pictures of styles i wanted.
It is short and i got it bobbed. It is below my lips and the back is bobbed and i had the sytlist clipper the back/ nape below my ear lobes. So it looks rather different hair color wise because my bob is blonde and but my nape hair is golden brown color because it's short.!.
i will post pictures here as soon as posible.
Thank you everybody who gave me support in this big change for me.
but I have gotten compliments over the weekend.
and my boyfriend Jimmy adores it.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 16 2004 at 7:02am
My bet is we will NEVER see pics... we've been shammed!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 17 2004 at 9:59pm
Originally posted by Troll Hunter Troll Hunter wrote:

My bet is we will NEVER see pics... we've been shammed!

Why are you being mean? Have I been mean to you?
the pictures I showed are of my profession shots from my modeling. When i get my new headshots an still shots done with my new hair cut you will see them.
I do not have the luxury of a webcam or digital camera, if i did my pics i showed of you would had not been from my photo collection book

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: September 27 2004 at 10:20am
My wife has had an inverted bob with a clippered nape yet the hairdresser could not/would not repeat the cut. She is now going to a new stylist and we need a picture. I cannot find pics of the Loreal model previously mentioned - "Renee of Loreal Paris fame recently went for the angled bob as well, but much shorter with a buzzed nape."
Any help with good pics of Renee or other models with an inverted bob clippered nape and stacked to top of ears while the front comes down to the earlobe so she can tuck it.
Thanks for your help.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 5:33am
Hello all. I hope you like my new pics.
It is the new still shots i had taken with my new hair cut.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 5:36am

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 8:08am
So where are the new stills?

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 12:44pm

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 2:26pm
The pic looks like a fake to me - you can see the difference in color/texture along the shoulder and the hair at the end doesn't look like it would lie that way at that length. If that is a real pic of you- you are very pretty and would look good with shorter hair.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 3:10pm
Also check out the neck, just doesnt look right.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 3:32pm
Two ways to tell is a fake. 1st - It's the SAME pic as the one poste don page ONE!!!!!!! The other way is to ask me... I made them for he/she/it before I was sure it was a troll!


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 11:11pm
I dunno I think its rather funny. it's blatenly fake.
Whoever did this didnt even put any effort into it. Like someone said this chicks pic ( that's the same pic) is on the first page.
Then again she is blonde so who knows.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 11:15pm
Hey for kicks and giggles. Miss blonde lady. Show us so more pics. In fact cut it shorter with each pic by a little bit like that lovebob guy does with his wifes hair.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 11:31pm
Your are very funny Conan.
I love humor in a man.
Ok for you I will cut itshorter.
Here is my new pic.
I hope you like it.
I like to wear the same clothes and pose.
I cut i my self is it any good? For you conan?

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 18 2004 at 11:33pm
Yeah, owww hey baby. Ok that was unprofessional of me
That's terrific.
It looks really good on you.
I love how its brings out the hives on your chest too.
Is that calimine lotion?

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 19 2004 at 12:07am
Shes an alien!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: October 19 2004 at 6:52am
Come on Reba/ Jimmy who ever you are you may as well post the all the sims I did for you.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: October 19 2004 at 6:41pm
"Riba" posted on 18-Oct-2004 11:31:29 PM

"ConanOBrien" posted on 18-Oct-2004 11:33:49 PM

Same IP address, 2 minutes apart.

You do the math...


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 19 2004 at 7:23pm
Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that one. Thanks for checking up on it Dave.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: October 20 2004 at 7:13am
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

"Riba" posted on 18-Oct-2004 11:31:29 PM

"ConanOBrien" posted on 18-Oct-2004 11:33:49 PM

Same IP address, 2 minutes apart.

You do the math...

Way to go Dave! I knew the pics were simulation because I did them, I also remember last time she/he posted you pointed out Riba and Jimmy the king were one in the same. Maybe now that they are once again exposed Riba/Jimmy/Conan wouldn't mind explaining what the point of trolling is?


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