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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 6:40am

Posted By: NightSlasher
Subject: DANDRUFF!!
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 4:46pm
I want to know what is the best way to get rid of dandruff,is there any really good products or techniques?also if anyone knows i would like to know how people get dandruff,thanks people.and dang dandruff sucks!

My birthday is on September 9th!dang thats like practically in a year. :(

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 6:32pm
Dandruff could be a number of things, like general dryness, a fungus infection of the skin, an allergic rash or psoriasis. How you should treat it depends on what it is. There are some fairly decent shampoos out there, Head&Shoulders is usually ok as far as the "normal" dandruffproblem goes, but it´s not very gentle on the hair. In Sweden we have some more potent stuff at the state pharmacy, Apoteket, but I´m not sure how it works where you live.

Anyway, try to find a mild dandruff shampoo, ask at your local pharmacy. If it doesn´t work, see a doctor. Hope you beat it.

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

Posted By: Snuggles
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 7:54pm
Well, chances are that you don't actually have dandruff. Dandruff is very rare, and you'll REALLY know when you have it. I would be willing to bet you probably just have a moderate case of Dry Scalp. Don't use head & Shoulders. As was said above, it's very damaging to hair. Try going and grabbing something from a salon. I would recommend the Redken Dry Scalp treatment shampoo and conditioner. They seem to work pretty well :)

Good Luck!


**Starving Actor** --Will Work For Peanuts!

Posted By: NightSlasher
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 1:28am
thanks you guys,any other suggestions?Also does anyone else know if Nizoral Anti-Dandruff work well?And also how am i suppose to know if i have Dandruff or just a dry scalp,im assuming its just dry scalp.

My birthday is on September 9th!dang thats like practically in a year. :(

Posted By: Suers
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 9:32am
I have wicked dandruff. Some of the situations that seem to make it worse are: letting my scalp stay damp for hours (sleeping on wet hair), allergy flare-up, using cheap conditioners, using hairspray or gel, scratching when it is bad.

What makes it better is using Nizoral shampoo even though it makes my hair feel like it belongs to a Barbie doll. I need to use a good conditioner with it but not on the scalp just the hair. I use Nizoral for about three shampoos and then just use it when I need it again.

Using Nizoral only works if you read the instructions on the bottle first. You have to put it on your hair and lather and then wait for 3-5 min before rinsing. It also recommends how often it should be used and that will depend on also how often you wash your hair. I put a kitchen timer in the shower to use it.

The active ingredient in Nizoral is anti-fungal. I won't let my husband use Head and Shoulders because he doesn't have dandruff just greasy hair. The active ingredient in H&S is a cell growth promotor. It makes the skin cells grow faster and shed off faster. When you stop using it, you will have dandruff again. It never worked for me other than damaging my hair. I actually believe it just makes men go balder faster. Have you ever seen a bald person with dandruff. I'd rather have dandruff and long hair than be bald.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: September 10 2004 at 3:49pm
go to your dermatologist. These shampoos dont work Ask for clobatesol solution, apply to scalp.
it will disappear

Posted By: NightSlasher
Date Posted: September 10 2004 at 5:31pm
i realized that it isnt dandruff its dry scalp from the coloring ive done to my hair.anyone have any suggestions for fixing the flaking from a dry scalp?

My birthday is on September 9th!dang thats like practically in a year. :(

Posted By: Snuggles
Date Posted: September 10 2004 at 6:52pm
Try Using Neutragina T-Gel Gentle once or twice a week. If you're not finding that it's going away after a few weeks, you may want to visit a Doctor and see about a dry-scalp prescription :)


**Starving Actor** --Will Work For Peanuts!

Posted By: serk
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 1:07am

May be this topic is too old, but I just singed up for this forum and I want to answer this question any way.

I am not a professional, but I am researching dandruff topic for more than one year. I get rid of my dandruff by 95%.

There is a lot of useful information on Internet. It is not easy to find but it is a lot. Some info cost money. But from my opinion it better to invest in knowledge then in bottle of shampoo.

Anyway here what I think. There is no best way. You need to try different solutions until you’ll find what is really helping you.

I prefer home remedies. Here is the one that very effective.

Wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 15-20 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water. The problem is the smell of the vinegar. But it does evaporate fast.

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 7:30am
Serk, I've found that a vigorous scalp massage while washing will completely remove dandruff buildup, which I've had my whole life.

Most people prefer the use of harsh chemical treatments and prescriptions requiring trips to a specialist.


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Posted By: serk
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 9:49pm

Massage is good, but I am not sure about vigorous massage. Did you try it? Is it help? I prefer to use combination of mild massage with some home remedy.


Most medicated shampoos with harsh chemicals may make your hair rough. Besides, the chemicals may act negatively on a sensitive scalp. Avoid using shampoos with harsh chemicals if you have a bruised scalp. Applying shampoos containing such chemicals on broken skin may cause irritation.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 6:59am
I don't have any at all now that I've started diluting my shampoo 50/50 or more with water.  Maybe part of the problem is that the scalp gets dried out from most shampoos being so concentrated.

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Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 4:36pm

Once in a great while, I use Nizoral diluted with water about 1/2 and 1/2. Sea Breeze antiseptic/astringent is good for an occasional rinse on the scalp only or apply to dry scalp with cotton balls.  If you rinse with it, I'd follow with conditioner and or oiling the ends.

Brown sugar as a scalp scrub is sometimes good to remove dead skin cells and other gunk, such as product, whatever.

Good luck! 

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