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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 12:17pm

Posted By: CURLYJO
Date Posted: November 12 2004 at 10:42am
I have been viewing this board for a while now and I decided to join in. I'm in my 30's, look more like my early 20's and have a head full of, bra strap length, bouncy, shiny, curls.

Not to brag but today they look really good. I have a love-hate relationship with my curly hair. I have abused it and misused it for more years than I care to acknowledge. I always fought against conformity, and had waist length dark blonde curly hair, when it wasn't in style.

Then I became a CPA and decided that my curls had to go because I didn't feel that I fit in with the other short-straight hair in my office. So I would spend an hour removing the curl, in order to look more professional. I was miserable. I felt like I was lying to myself and others, by not being me. Then I cut all of my hair off. It looked more professional, but it still wasn't me.

So last June, I decided to throw caution to the wind and let it grow and be curly. No more pretending. Well now I love it and I'm comfortable with it. I sometimes think that it might not be appropriate for my line of work, but I get alot of compliments on my curls. I have worked very hard trying to keep my hair healthy while it grows and I find myself loving the fact that my hair is different. I want my waist length hair back and I will have it again one day.

I would have posted this on the curly board, but most of the people that post on that board hate their curls and want advice on getting rid of them. The people that post on this board, love their hair and that's what I'm looking for. People that embrace the diffrences but all seem to have the same goal in mind.


Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: November 12 2004 at 6:28pm
Hi Curlyjo. I'm so glad to hear that you've decided to let your curls grow. I used to work with a woman who had waist-length dark, curly hair. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I had a friend in high school who was always trying to get her curls to go away. Her curls were beautiful, but she hated them. She was trying all sorts of straightening products while I was getting spiral perms because I desperately wanted curly hair like hers. We always want what we don't have.

By the time I reached my 20s I accepted the fact that I have straight hair and I've learned to love it. I think everyone's hair looks best when they're not trying to make it do something it's not meant to do.

P.S. I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I recently went blonde. I had the same hair colour for 34 years and I'm loving the new look. (It's still straight, though. No more perms.)

My user name is WAY too long. Just call me Juliana. :-)

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 14 2004 at 4:47pm
Originally posted by CURLYJO CURLYJO wrote:

I sometimes think that it might not be appropriate for my line of work...

I would have posted this on the curly board, but most of the people that post on that board hate their curls and want advice on getting rid of them. The people that post on this board, love their hair and that's what I'm looking for. People that embrace the diffrences but all seem to have the same goal in mind.

Hi CurlyJo, and welcome!

I think what is most appropriate for "your line of work" (whatever that may be) is for you to perform your job responsibilities to the best of your abilities. Hair -- style or length -- has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of your job. So you are professional and will remain professional with waist-length curls.

I think it's sad that those on the curly board hate their hair. Like Juliana, a former co-worker of mine had waist-length dark curly hair, which was absolutely gorgeous.


Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 8:22am
The idea that "curls are unprofessional" or "long hair is unprofessional" is totally arbitrary. I'd like to think that my ideas and hard work speak for themselves, thankyouverymuch .

I too have had a love-hate relationship with the texture of my hair; I've said that it "can't decide" whether it wants to be curly or straight, since the individual hairs are fine, but there's a lot of it, and it's got loose curls that aren't consistent (it won't all go straight or all go curly at once without some convincing). When I lived in a more humid climate, it was curlier (but this was when everyone straightened their hair, so I tried too, with little success). Then I moved, and among the many culture shocks I experienced, I found that my hair isn't nearly so curly without the little "boost" that East Coast humidity gives it. But lately I like a bit more volume, so I pretty much let it do its thing (although I do use a large curling iron on my bangs once in a while. When I got them I discovered some cowlicks I never knew I had, so unless I'm going for the Something About Mary look, it's just not attractive).

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: frizzygurl
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 9:49am
Hi CURLYJO! I'm another curly and am in the process of growing out my hair. I quickly found the same thing as you, many on the curly board are lurkers that hate their curls.

I fought my curls only in my early teens but now at 23 love my curls; straight hair just doesn't suit me. My hubby loves my curls and mopes when i straighten it temporarily.

I never had problems with my hair until recently but i found a great routine and products that my hair loves. I had chopped it off from BSL to really short, out of frustration but am attempting to grow it out again now that i have it under control.

CO wash only since September '04! Dyed red botticelli curls (3b), fine and just past shoulder length

Posted By: CURLYJO
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 10:08am
Thanks for the replies. I have always struggled with the fact that my hair is not in "style". It was always a struggle to force my hair into a style that it was not meant for. I remember trying to straighten it every morning, only to walk outside and the moisture in the air make it frizzy. My day would be ruined.

Not to mention the amount of money wasted on products, that promised the smooth straight hair I wanted. What a waste of time and money.

It's a freeing feeling to let my hair do what it does best and if it's not in style, tough, maybe I'll start a new one.

I feel as if I'm being truer to myself and no longer bothered by others opinions. Besides, my husband thinks my curls are sexy.

I really like this board. Everyone on it is so encouraging. And I appriciate your time and responses.


Posted By: farahsatana
Date Posted: November 17 2004 at 2:18pm
"Then I moved, and among the many culture shocks I experienced, I found that my hair isn't nearly so curly without the little "boost" that East Coast humidity gives it. "

I went that way too, east to west, and have found that what I always thought was humidity induced frizzyness is in fact, just frizziness. I vastly prefer this weather, where (forgive my frank explication) the summertime sweat on my scalp dries instantaneously instead of, um, clinging.

My hair is BSL but shirley temple-curly underneath and wavy on top. It's warm in the winter and a great place to hide, if I want. I had occasion to have my hair blown out straight about a month ago and I couldn't tell it was me in here--who's head did I suddenly have? A shampooing fixed the dilemma.

I like my curly mane!

Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: November 18 2004 at 8:18am
My curls were actually tighter and springier when I lived on the East coast. Ages ago on this board, I told about a girl in my science class pulling at them and watching them spring up. Can't really do that anymore; it's a looser curl now, kind of like straight hair that's been set on rollers.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: CURLYJO
Date Posted: November 18 2004 at 8:18am
I totally agree about the humidity. It rains alot where I live. I know it will be a challenging hair day, if I wake up and it's raining (like today). On days like this I won't dry my hair as much. Sure it takes longer to dry on it's own but it keeps the frizzies away.

It gets really warm in the summer too and humid. I really like the days with no humidity, so I am a little envious of your state, farahsatana !

I'm glad you like your curls, so few of us do. We seem to be faced with a diffrent set of hair problems everyday, but when it all comes together it's worth the time and effort.


Posted By: alista
Date Posted: November 19 2004 at 10:45pm
I fought my hair as a kid also. I wanted straight hair! But now at 21 I love my curly/wavy hair and am just now learning how to controll it. Mine is like farahs...wavy on top and shirly temple underneath! I'm pretty new here but learning a lot and can't wait to see the improvement in my hair thanx to the advice of everyone here.

I once saw a bumper sticker that said:
"I slow down for brunettes, stop for
blonds, and back up for redheads!"

Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: November 20 2004 at 9:24am
Hi there!

When I graduated from college and started my first post-college job as an auditor for Touche Ross (now D&T, there were SIX big firms in those days!) I wore my long wavy hair in a tight bun every day. That was a big difficult decision for me back then, so I know how you feel. It took me a long time to start wearing it down, and I always pinned back the front even then. Good for you for deciding to be yourself at work. How times have changed!


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