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long gray hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 12:24pm

Topic: long gray hair
Posted By: eg888
Subject: long gray hair
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 5:57pm
I am over 50 and have long gray hair which I love, but some family members are giving me less than positive feedback. Is there anyone else out there who can give me some support and suggestions on ignoring the negativity?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 6:36pm
Originally posted by eg888 eg888 wrote:

I am over 50 and have long gray hair which I love, but some family members are giving me less than positive feedback. Is there anyone else out there who can give me some support and suggestions on ignoring the negativity?

Hello, and welcome!

I'm sorry to hear you are getting flak from others in your life about your own personal choices. Some people (your critics) do not seem to possess a shred of tact. Don't let them drag you down.

In my early 30's, I grew a spine. There's no way I would have ever grown my hair this long without one. I decided that I was going to have the hairstyle (and length) of my choosing, and to heck with anybody who didn't approve.

If you love your hair, and you do -- that is all you need to know. The only thing you need to ask yourself is why you care so much about the opinions of others on your hair. They are welcome to wear their own hair as they themselves please. And so are you.

I hope this helps. (( eg888 ))


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 9:33pm
In an Asian community there is always more than enough unsolicited advice. I've been putting up with flak about my long hair ever since it was shoulder length. Dave's got everything covered-- I couldn't have gotten this long either, without trusting my own instincts and insisting on doing MY hair MY way.

Here's an inspirational picture of Glenn Close (although in this photo she's not completely grey):

Here's another (((Hug))) and lovely to meet you :)

Anais Satin

Posted By: Eowyn
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 7:55am
I think long grey hair can be quite beautiful. It looks like silver to me. Sometimes if I see a woman with really nice grey hair thats long and stuff, I wish I had it cause it can look shiny and nice, adn its very unique.

I agree with Dave. I am learning the hard way in life that you decide what you want to do with your life, and there are always going to be those who frown on it, but you can't please everyone anyways. Its very tough for me, because I tend to be a "people pleaser" and its hard cause I value just about everyones opinion! But I am learning to go my own way I see fit, even if others aren't too keen on it. Its difficult, but yes you do get backbone.

My avatar pic is Eowyn, the White Lady of Rohan. I *wish* I had hair like her's lol!!
Hair is: 1c (straight with body wave and one or two visible S-waves)/ MF(medium-fine)/ii (normal volume)

Posted By: Supersugar
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 9:17am
Are you kidding? As long as it's not severely damaged and choppy, there's no reason for you to cut it off unless YOU want to. (And if it is, that's still entirely your choice.)

AnaisSatin, you get crap for having long hair? From within your OWN community? Well, if that doesn't fly in the face of all of my preconceptions about Asian women and their hair.

Then again, I used to get smack tossed my way from older black women about my hair once it hit my shoulders - seems they thought I needed to 'do something with it' - namely, put weave or braids or a plastic ponytail in it so I could have severely broken hair in the next six months.

Unsolicited advice - it's killer!

Make every day you have count, before the time comes for you to count every day you have.

Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 9:57am
I think that long gray hair is so beautiful! Granted, when the time comes (many years from now, I'm only 20!), transitioning from my current medium-dark brown will be awkward, but hey, cross that bridge when we get to it, right?

And as for taking crap, I've always taken a great thrill in being contrary. I mentioned this on another thread: I grew up in Preppyville, USA. Telling me, "You'd look so cute with a bob" is all the motivation that I need to grow my hair even longer. And for a period when I was around 16, wear even heavier eyeliner just for good measure.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 12:11pm
I tend to get huffy when someone takes that tone with me. Your family members are being very selfish and controlling in my opinion. They want you to have the hairstyle they like, not the one you like...that's just selfish! It's YOUR hair, they have their own. I'd tell them so and that they were being pretty rude about it in my opinion. Then I'd ask them why my hair was so important to them. Didn't they have anything better to worry about?

I used to get that from family members too because I had long hair (that wasn't even that long really, just bsl). Not responding, and responding nicely just never seemed to work quieting anybody for me.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: harpgal
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 1:52pm
Hi eg888...I just joined this wonderful group so I could encourage you to keep your long grey hair. I am 56 and have hair 39 inches long. My hair hasn't turned completely white yet, but I do have many white strands. Please believe me when I tell you how special you are to have long hair. It is only today's society who tells us we are too old for long hair. What garbage! Keep enjoying your is just too short to not do the things we love and enjoy. Hang in there and know that there are many of us out there who hear the same things you are hearing and have decided to go along our OWN path...lovely as it is.

The Joy is in the Journey

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: November 17 2004 at 12:21am
It's your hair. Don't let anyone tell you how you should wear it.

By the way, I think Emmylou Harris is absolutely gorgeous. She has had long, grey hair for years. Joni Mitchell recently let her long hair go grey too. She looks fabulous. You're in good company.

My hair will turn white eventually. I plan to have glorious, long white hair. No short, permed 'do for me.

My user name is WAY too long. Just call me Juliana. :-)

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