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What is your current daily Biotin dosage?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 10:35am

Topic: What is your current daily Biotin dosage?
Posted By: PurpleBubba
Subject: What is your current daily Biotin dosage?
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 11:18pm
What is your current daily Biotin dosage?

I was just wondering how much Biotin everyone else is taking per day?

300 mcg (.3 mg) is 100% daily value. So I'm taking 5 times that at 1500 mcg (1.5 mg)
1000 mcg / micrograms = 1 mg / milligram

None - I never took it

None - I used to take it

Very little - up to 299 mcg (.299 mg)

300 mcg (.3 mg) - 999 mcg (.999 mg)

1000 mcg (1 mg) - 1999 mcg (1.999 mg)

2000 mcg (2 mg) - 2999 mcg (2.999 mg)

3000 mcg (3 mg) - 3999 mcg (3.999 mg)

4000 mcg (4 mg) - 4999 mcg (4.999 mg)

5000 mcg (5 mg) - 5999 mcg (5.999 mg)

6000 mcg (6 mg) and up

I just finished my first 60 tablets of 1000 mcg Biotin and I'm now upping my dosage to 1500 mcg per day. I'm not taking anything else. Just Sundown brand 1000 mcg Biotin.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 10:27am
I used 5 mg for a while, but I got tired of noticing no difference, and when my hair went into a no-growth part of its cycle I discontinued supplements. My hair is growing again just fine. I suppose I should give away the bottle.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 2:53pm
My answer:

"300 mcg (.3 mg) - 999 mcg (.999 mg)"

I totaled the biotin content of my daily pill/capsule supplements (630 mcg), but did not add in quantities derived from ordinary food intake. To come up with a more accurate figure for daily intake would require additional study, but it's safe to say that I get more than 2x the daily RDA of the stuff.


Posted By: Nekita
Date Posted: January 19 2005 at 8:58pm
My Flintstones complete have 40 mcg of biotin. Perhaps I should be taking grown-up vitamins. They just taste so good. :)

Posted By: AmberJune
Date Posted: January 20 2005 at 8:43pm
Currently I am taking 5000 mcg a day. My one source hair vitamins contain 833% in each pill and your supposed to take two a day so therefore I get 1666% of my daily value!! I really have noticed a great difference in how my hair is growing now!


Posted By: Nekita
Date Posted: January 21 2005 at 8:34pm
Are there any bad effects of taking too much biotin?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 11:00am
Nekita - I remember those Flintstones vitamins from my early childhood. Tasty.

I don't know if there are any detrimental effects of taking large quantities of Biotin. I do know that Biotin helps your body to metabolize protein, so it would seem to be a useful dietary aid. I know that when I took larger doses (current supplementation plus a specific biotin supplement), my fingernails were rock hard, but I didn't notice any effect on my hair. It was probably good for it, though.


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