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Why Long Hair?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 02 2024 at 10:27am

Topic: Why Long Hair?
Posted By: deltagirl12345
Subject: Why Long Hair?
Date Posted: February 02 2005 at 3:17pm
Hi Hi:

I get asked all the time by many of my girlfriends, and many times by women I do not know.

Why do you have long hair?

I look at them and I answer. Why do you think! Because I LIKE IT.

What do you G&G's - Gal's & Guy's. Tell people when they ask you?



Posted By: Innamorata594
Date Posted: February 02 2005 at 4:10pm
ah! I am soooo sick of people telling me to cut my hair, over and over again! I just tell them very bluntly how sick of hearing it I am... They stop telling me :)


Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: February 02 2005 at 5:46pm
My Mom and brother always say to cut it and I'm told my grandmother doesn't like it either.

But otherwise no one asks me. All my friends are online and they aren't people who ask things like that. They like me for who I am.

The only comments I've gotten at all in public was a few weeks ago I was at the store in line and this other long haired guy walked by and said something about "you hippy" or "long hair" or something in a joking tone. I didn't know for sure if he meant me cuz I was kinda ignoring him.
As I was getting in my car he walked by and asked if I heard his joke and I said yes in a friendly like way.
I knew he was just joking.

No matter what anyone says the answer will be something along the lines of, "I'm not cutting it" or "It's My hair"

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: February 03 2005 at 6:57am
Strangers ask you why you have long hair? Jeez! In my mind that's a really odd thing to ask a stranger. I think I'd have to give them the "why would you ask a weirdo thing like that?" look so they would realize they were being a bit weird to someone they don't even know.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: February 03 2005 at 12:50pm
People shouldnt be concerned about other's hair. This tells you where their mind is.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: sunrise
Date Posted: February 03 2005 at 4:19pm
What a strange question! It's one thing for friends and family to comment, but total strangers ask too? I would want to know why they were asking, might even ask them why they were asking. When my hair is long, the only unsolicited comment I would get would be about how I hide behind my hair. When I'd ask my friends for their opinions about my hair, they would tell me my long hair looked scraggly and unhealthy. But that was only if I asked! From the photo, you hair looks very well cared for. The ladies asking are probably just jealous you look so good and they want your beautiful hair! ;)

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 11:21am
Hi All:

Thank you all so much for your replys.

Sunrise - Its not that people just walk up to me and ask me that question. It happends at times like when I am in line at the supermarket, and the woman next to me in line will start to chat. Also when I am dealing with sales girls in stores.

It's at time like that I get asked this.

PS: Thank you for the kind words.

Take care - Susan


Posted By: Supersugar
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 3:15pm
Well, a quick question - exactly how long is your hair?

Make every day you have count, before the time comes for you to count every day you have.

Posted By: sunrise
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 3:24pm
Hi Susan!

Yours is the kind of hair I would be asking, 'What's your secret?!' Products, regime, advice, please!

From what you share, it sounds likely that these women admire your hair and their question is meant to open up conversation on how you take good care of it. I still think I'd be tempted to ask right back with a big disarming smile, 'Why do you ask?'

REALLY long hair seems to turn all heads. The question before mine has me curious long is your hair?

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: February 04 2005 at 11:29pm
Ditto, Deltagirl! :) C'mon, spill! What's your current length and what's your hair goal?

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Suers
Date Posted: February 05 2005 at 10:51am
My public reason I like long hair: I like long hair.

My private reason for long hair: wouldn't you like to know? Long hair makes me feel like a sexy woman. There is also a spiritual reason why I have long hair too but this is not the place to discuss it.

My economical reason for long hair: saves on time and money. I don't need so many haircuts, washing/styling products, time on blowing drying and styling.

When someone says they like chocolate cake, does someone ask why? Could someone really tell you why they like chocolate cake other than they like the taste, it makes them happy etc?


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: February 06 2005 at 4:54pm
The perfect (?) response to the question would be:

"Why do you wear your hair short?"

When they complete their answer, then just walk away. (heh heh -- you never answered their question).

(Okay, that's just one way -- a snarky way -- of handling the situation. There are lots of others. Some nicer, some even more snarky. Depends on your mood and the tone of the person asking the question).


Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 11:56am
Hi Hi:

Thank you all for the kind words. You guys and gals are all so sweet. I have no real hair secret. I just wash, condition and try to take care of it. When it rains or snows, I stick it all under a hat or a hood. I never put my blow dryer on high. I always use a low to middle heat setting.

Right now my hair is at breast level. I have no real hair length goal. I really like it at this length. It makes me feel good and I enjoy how it feels on my neck and shoulders.

Ok, Ok, I will dish girlfriends. It also makes me feel sexy. Ok, I said it. By the way - The guys all seem to like it also. Lest thats what they tell me.

Hugs - Susan


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: February 07 2005 at 9:59pm
Originally posted by deltagirl12345 deltagirl12345 wrote:

Ok, Ok, I will dish girlfriends. It also makes me feel sexy. Ok, I said it. By the way - The guys all seem to like it also. Lest thats what they tell me.

Nothing to be embarrassed about! I feel the same way about my hair. It's a feminizing effect. (LOL and I was never much of a feminist until I grew my hair out.)


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 08 2005 at 7:09am
Hi AnaisSatin

You are so right. Having soft long hair does make me feel very feminine.

Truth is, I love that feeling.

Hugs Susan


Posted By: BlondeJohn
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 3:09am
My reasons for having long hair;

I love the feeling of having long hair (my hair is mid-back length at present). It is a great feeling having long, smooth, silky hair flowing down your back.
There is also a community of sorts, of men and women who wear very long hair. I write on long haired websites (I recognize a few of you here on this website) and enjoy discussing long hair and hairstyles in general with people.
I also like how it is an ice breaker, people,(especially women), often ask me about my long hair;... how long it took to grow it, what shampoos and conditioners I use, how they love my long hair and think my long hair looks beautiful, how they wish their husbands or boyfriends would grow their hair long, etc..
I get far more compliments than any sort of negativity. And if someone is curious about long hair or asks me why I grow my hair so long,(which people rarely do, most people mind their own business), I am happy to answer their questions.
I also enjoy the versaitility of very long hair, how I can wear it straight and loose down my back, wrap a headscarf around my head and wear my hair down my back with the headwrap, wear my long tresses in a ponytail (which I usually do at work), put my tresses up in a bun or an updo (usually with my wife's help, she is very good at putting people's long hair in buns or updos). Of course using a curling iron or rollers to put some curls in it is another option, (although my very straight silky hair doesn't hold curls for long).
And I like using various hair accessories such as scrunchies, clips, barrettes, scarves to tie back my ponytail or use as headwraps, etc...
My wife is very into long haired men also, which is another reason I like wearing ultra-long hair. She has always encouraged me to grow my hair as long as I can, and loves helping me take care of my long tresses, she actually enjoys detangling my hair, brushing it, etc... It helps to have a spouse who is into you having ultra long hair.
My daughters seem to like my long hair also.
In fact of the people I know, none of them seem to dislike my long hair.
To me their are many positives and very few negatives about having long hair. True it takes a little longer at night to wash, shampoo, and condtion it (I wash my hair every day, and shampoo and condition my hair every other day), but to me it is worth it.
Long hair, in a way, also makes me feel masculine and macho. I wear not only long hair but a goatee beard, and sometimes earrings, and to me that look on a dude has always been one of a cool, macho sort of fellow!
Or maybe it's just my style.

Long hair isn't right for everyone, it is good that different people have different hair lengths and hair styles, I enjoy many hair lengths and hair styles on people (especially the lovely ladies!!!).......... but it is right for me having long hair, and that is the important thing, wearing your hair how you like it!


Posted By: Supersugar
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 3:49pm
I worked a job once where more than one person asked me about my hair, and they were usually pretty obnoxious about it.

One much older lady came up to me while I was doing something else and out of the clear blue says, 'You know, there's no point in your having that kind of length to your hair if you're not going to do anything with it. You need to put it up.' She was wearing a Yaki ponytail at the time. So I asked her did she think that I should do what she was doing and basically break my hair off by putting plastic in it? Even though my hair is pretty strong, it suffers from dryness and fake hair like braids, ponytails and wigs are a bad idea for me.

Well, she was quite offended and scolded me. Finally I responded, 'Look, you're not my mother.' And she answered, 'I know I'm not! None of my children would speak to me as disrespectfully as you just did!' Perhaps, but sticking your nose in someone's else business is a good invitation to have it whacked off...she didn't have much to say to me the rest of the time we worked together, which was a shame. I didn't have a problem with her, I just didn't welcome her unsolicited advice on what I should do with MY hair.

Make every day you have count, before the time comes for you to count every day you have.

Posted By: Gormlaith
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 9:01pm
That co-worker said, "You know, there's no point in your having that kind of length to your hair if you're not going to do anything with it. You need to put it up," and then complained that *you* were disrespectful to *her*? Egads, I am sorry she did that to you Supersugar. Makes you wonder if she is also the kind of person that would tell a regular updo wearer that they might as well have short hair because they never wear it down.

Sounds as if there is some official list floating around out there with the rules that must be followed concerning hair on others. Anyone caught being disobedient gets a well deserved lecture on propriety.



Posted By: BlondeJohn
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 12:25am
Sorry that you lovely long haired women have met some inconsiderate people who bother you about your choice of hairstyle.
I will state this though, I actually love it when women wear their long hair in updos! It really is a sexy look, and some of the updos are gorgeous.

The advantage of a nice looking lady wearing her hair up are several;
one- the updos themselves can be beautiful.
two- you can see a woman's features easily.
three- earrings, especially long dangle or hoop earrings, really look good with an updo. Necklaces too. Jewelry in general compliments an attractive updo!!!

I personally love long or short hairstyles on women, as long as it looks good on them, that it is a hairstyle that flatters them.
A woman really needs to know what works best for her.
So does a man for that matter.
My wife wears her hair short. I wear my hair long. Those styles work for us.


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 8:22am
My personal feeling is that if someone has to ask, "Why long hair?", they're never going to understand.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: misterhappy
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 9:39am
Because I've always wanted it and finally feel the freedom to act on it. It is not an appearance thing, it is purely tactile. Oh and Mrs. Happy says she is done with long hair...

Mr. Happy


Posted By: BlondeJohn
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 1:09pm
EKatherine, how long is your hair? It looks very nice!


Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 1:35pm
Originally posted by eKatherine eKatherine wrote:

My personal feeling is that if someone has to ask, "Why long hair?", they're never going to understand.


It's the same thing with when people who don't have computers ask why you go on the internet so much? Or why do you visit forums or talk to strangers? Why a hair care forum?

I haven't necessarily had those questions but I recall a lot of posts over the years with things like that.

Why did I travel hundreds of miles just to stop at lighthouses for 5-10 minutes and then leave? Because I wanted to experience it. I now miss doing that instead of regretting not doing it. No one can ever take that away from me.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 3:29pm
Originally posted by BlondeJohn BlondeJohn wrote:

EKatherine, how long is your hair? It looks very nice!

It's about 35-1/2" long as measured from my front hairline. I figure that puts it about 1-1/2" from tailbone (according to my anatomical research), or about 6" from classic.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 9:56pm
Heres a good one, my one friend 'Brenda' was cursed with naturally crappy hair that will not grow past her shoulders without getting fine and scraggly looking. I wear and do hair extensions. So we put extensions in her hair. They looked amazing. Her hair was beautiful, and she was she most confident that I have ever seen her. Complete strangers commented on her amazing hair. But never the local people she knows or female friends. Until she had to remove them, she went to work in a fiberglass factory and it was to hard on long hair so we removed them. Then all the people she knows would comment. 'Oh Brenda you look so much better with short hair', or 'short hair is more you'. And these comments usually came from women with short hair!

------------- - -

Posted By: BlondeJohn
Date Posted: February 14 2005 at 12:17am
Birds of a feather flock together Sherrie!

Long haired women want other women to wear long hair and short haired women like other women to wear short hair.

My wife, who is very tolerant of all hair lengths, does like it when a woman she knows gets her hair cut real short, since my wife wears ultra short hair.


Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: February 14 2005 at 10:43pm
Noone ever says anything to me about my hair. Except the husband, who compliments me all the time, even when it looks really crappy. (Heīs a dear.) It is waist length and will probably grow to tail. I probably wonīt bother with any longer than that.

Actually, I just recently started to feel natural and comfortable with it, itīs never been this long before and the first year or so, itīs been very much like something outside of me, something I put on. But Iīm getting there, slowly. Anyone else experience that? I mean having to get used to your own hair.

I like it because itīs really low maintenance and a classic look. I know I will keep it this way.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: February 14 2005 at 11:59pm
I like my current length that's in my sig.

My hair isn't very heavy so unless I'm looking at a picture I don't notice how long it is. I don't think I want to ever go above where it is now. That's part of why I slowed down and cut the 3 inches off last month. I want to enjoy this length a bit more before something does get harder.

And catch up the breakage, and learn styles, and try stuff.

I'm glad you're happy Viktoria.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 15 2005 at 12:41pm
Hi Hi:

BlondeJohn wrote the following.

"Birds of a feather flock together" Sherrie! Long haired women want other women to wear long hair and short haired women like other women to wear short hair.


With all due respect. I must disagree. I have long hair and I never try to get anyone to wear there hair either long or short. I do not like anyone telling me what I should do. I would never tell anyone else what to do with there hair.

Hugs - Susan


Posted By: BlondeJohn
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 2:02am
Susan, I was talking in general terms. I didn't say that women attempt to pressure other women into a certain length of hair, what I meant was that women with certain hair lengths relate to each other.
My wife wears very short hair, and most of her girlfriends have either long or medium length hair, and she gets along fine with them, and I'm sure she never tells them how to wear their hair, she wouldn't do that.
But she always is very happy and excited when one of her girlfriends decides to get her hair cut short.
That is what I meant.
Your hair looks nice Susan. How long is it now? How long are you planning on growing it?
My hair is straight, medium thickness, dark blonde hair, appox. mid-back length, trimmed at the ends in a blunt cut.
I plan on growing my tresses to tailbone length.


Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 11:55am
Hi Blonde.

I am sorry. I must of misunderstood.

To answer your question. My hair length is down to the top of my breasts. I plan on maybe another inch or two. This is the perfect length for me.

Hugs - Susan


Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 12:18pm
I was persuaded to have my nearly waist length hair cut really short about a month ago by my now ex-best friend. I found out after that she only did it to see if I would go through with it (*****)! So I would love to have long hair again. Short hair sucks. As soon as it is long enough, I am going to have extensions, I reckon it will take about 3 years for it to grow back naturally to how it was.


Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 1:43pm
just do your research for extensions.

I got the same thing no matter HOW I wear my hair. if its blonde "why be blonde?" if its dark "why go dark?" long - short - yada yada

"cause I wanna" is my favorite anwser

Hair to me is an accessory. I wear it any color and length I want to, however the mood fits.


Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 2:17pm
I am very sad to hear that you were conned into cutting your hair, Redhairedgirl. I know what happened stinks, but don't let this "friend" know you are unhappy. Wear it as pretty as possible, take pride in it and hold your head up. A well-shaped short cut can look cute on nearly every woman. Remember always that it WILL grow back!
Why *I* love long hair on most women is b/c it gives them a mystical aura, an extra dimension of beauty that no shorter style can match. So many women become just another pretty face in the crowd to me after cutting their magnificent manes. I just saw the March 2005 GH mag yesterday, and they chop some lovely woman's hip length tresses into a classic housewife bob with choppy layers. She still looks pretty, but her hair no longer accentuates her loveliness to the extent that her long locks did, in my opinion. Before the shearing, EVERY man's head would have turned, believe me!
As for my wife's long hair, the smell, softness and luxuriant aura of her waist length tresses make it like Christmas every day. And yes, she has come to love it too, esp. its texture. Bob
P.S. Kalika and others, WOW!

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: February 17 2005 at 12:24pm
Thanks for the replies. I reckon my hair will have grown out enough for extensions in about a month. It's the glue-in type I am looking to get. I know I probably can't have my hair as long as it was, with extensions, but I would settle for shoulder length to start with.
I will try and have a more positive attitude to my short hair in the meantime. At least I can get ready quicker in the morning!


Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: February 17 2005 at 12:59pm
Hi Redheadgirl:

I am so sorry to hear that. What kind of a girlfriend would do somthing like that. She must be a real piece of work.

Remember, your hair will grow back. This "Witch", lost a good friend. That is somthing, that will never grow back.



Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: February 18 2005 at 12:22pm
Hi Susan, nice to meet you!

Yes she is a "witch" and quite a few other things I probably wouldn't want to say on an open forum.

Anyway, thanks for the message.

Sarah redhairedgirl


Posted By: The Asian Invasion
Date Posted: February 18 2005 at 8:26pm
Kalika, I would just like to say: WOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

That hair is amazing--the shine, length, color, and just... everything. =D I would love it if you answered a few questions.

-What's your natural haircolor?
-How long have you been growing it out?
-What is your hair wash routine?
-What conditioners and shampoos do you use?
-Do you use oils? if so, what kinds?

As for people who pressure others into dying their hair or cutting it, I just stopped paying attention. I made the mistake about 2 years ago to cut my hair to ear length because my friends pressured me into it. They all didn't like my BSL hair, but now that it's grown out to my waist or so, everyone loves it and begs me not to ever cut it.


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: February 18 2005 at 10:15pm
Kalika's blond hair is synthetic shrinkie extensions. She had a bleaching accident not long ago.

Amazing, huh?


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: The Asian Invasion
Date Posted: February 19 2005 at 10:44am
Originally posted by eKatherine eKatherine wrote:

Kalika's blond hair is synthetic shrinkie extensions. She had a bleaching accident not long ago.

Amazing, huh?

Oh wow, I couldn't tell at all. It looks so shiny, I assumed it MUST be natural.


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