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Personality Traits?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 4:29am

Topic: Personality Traits?
Posted By: Grace912
Subject: Personality Traits?
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 9:35am
I'm curious; what do you think people who consistently wear their hair long have in common? The reason why I ask this is because Halle Berry recently said that even though she's been wearing long extensions for roles lately, she's "a short-haired person at heart." Conversely, you get people who, when they cut their hair short, grow it out right away because "it's just not me." So, what is "me"? What are the qualities that lead to our preferences?

I know that for me, there's a fair amount of rebellion involved; if I'm told to do something, I will do the opposite, and for the longest time I was told "you need to cut it," so of course my response was "no I don't." That exchange doesn't really happen so much now that I no longer live in Preppyville, but I still aesthetically prefer it long, and on a certain level it represents my stubborn streak, which has served me well in other ways even today.

Any other explanations/common personality traits?

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 11:45am
Hi Hi:

Good question. I guess the simple truth for me is, ego. There are few factors that come in play for my ego.

1- The feel of long hair on my shoulders makes me feel very feminine, and sexy. This makes me feel good about myself.

2- I "Love" the attention and looks I get from guys. I really do think men pay more attention to a gal with long hair then one with short hair.

3- It also drives many other women crazy, when they see a gal with long hair. Exspecially the strong willed feminests, that seem to be against anything feminine. Personally - I love being a girl, as the song goes. I also love being feminine.

NOW - I mean no disrespect to any one out there. All I did here is answer the question that was asked to all of us. This is just how I feel. So please do not take a nuttt.



Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 2:12pm
My mom always chopped mine off short when I was a kid, so I always envied the girls with the long hair, and I noticed when the boys all wanted to spend their time with those girls (which is probably what lead me to the opinion that long hair makes people prettier). Even though I know where I probably got this idea from, it never changed my opinion.

Still waiting for mine to grow out, and I can't wait to feel pretty and girly again!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: GoldieLocks92
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 6:08pm
Wow... I don't think I'm either a short or long hair person. As soon as my hair is long, I want it short and when it is short I want it long. I guess both have their pros and cons. I like long hair because you can do some real pretty stuff with it and I like short hair because of all the cute cuts you can get.

Hair is BSL+ as of 9/15/05

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 5:42am
Speaking as someone who went from very long to short a couple of months ago I can say I am definitely a "long haired" girl at heart. I've had extensions now to give me back a some length. I felt totally unglamorous and plain with short hair although strangely enough I did gain a boyfriend while my hair was short, but he doesn't mind how I have my hair. Oh well.
I feel sexier with long hair and more confident, plus it may not be politically correct but I really enjoy being feminine. Other women didn't seem to like it when I had really long hair in fact it was my ex best friend who persuaded me to go short.


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 5:52am
Longhaired people are more patient.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 5:32pm
Originally posted by Grace912 Grace912 wrote:

... if I'm told to do something, I will do the opposite...

Grace, cut your hair short now! Whatever you do, do not grow your hair super long!

Originally posted by deltagirl12345 deltagirl12345 wrote:

Especially the strong willed feminests, that seem to be against anything feminine.

Feminists against being feminine. Hmm... just whose interests do they represent, anyway?


Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 11 2005 at 1:52am
I've never had short hair, and I fear change....especially if said change is not easily reversible. Drastic color changes don't bug me because I know how to fix it if I don't like it. But if I ever cut my hair, at the sloooooow rate mine grows, it would take absolutely forever to grow back.


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 11 2005 at 2:01am
For me? The Seven Deadly Sins in this order:

ETA: forgot to reorder them after typing them from web.
Pride - Envy - Lust - Wrath - Gluttony (which includes non-food pleasures, apparently)- Greed - Sloth

And the biggest thing for me is wanting to be something "-est". Wanting to outdo everyone I know in SOMETHING. In this case, the longest hair. I want to have the longest hair of anyone I know in person. That's probably classified as Pride then :)

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Cranberry
Date Posted: March 16 2005 at 3:42pm

I love the extreme lengths...that is, either very short or very long, because both are fairly uncommon where I live.  Most people are in between chin and shoulder-blade length styles.  Right now I'm working on kind of a long bohemian Joss Stone-kind of look, except auburn-colored.  It's an especially fun style...the positive attention is of course enjoyable, and easy to spot in a sea full of women with medium-length hair and blonde highlights.   

Cool for those women, though.  Hey, as long as you like the way you look--bald, highlights, or long--go for it, eh? 

Posted By: Lady Godiva
Date Posted: March 16 2005 at 11:29pm
Anais, you're funny.

Long hair for me reflects practicality, and at this point, laziness. I grew my hair long because 17 years ago, I couldn't afford going to salons anymore, so I thought I would try doing the one style I had never had before, long, and see how long it could grow.  I secretly always wanted super long hair since I was a very young child.  Once I reached my goal of 6 feet, I told myself I would trim regularly.  Heh, I haven't done it yet.

I like being extreme in this one area of my life, and when I do wear my hair down, it's great fun receiving attention, which mostly is quizzical and shocked, but some men can get over ardent, which I'm not so fond of anymore.  Bikers looove long hair.

I agree with Katherine, too, long hair does reflect patience.  When it does become work, which isn't too often 'cuz I wear it in updos most of the time, it can tangle badly, which requires detangling no matter what hour it is.  Still, my husband and I have to carefully undo each tangle, even if it's 2 AM.  That's when patience kicks in.

Jennifer Eve

Posted By: SumoSamurai
Date Posted: March 16 2005 at 11:44pm
Go for eight feet.


SamuraiJoe- designed by me, will be very popular movie/series in the future of the Stick World...

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 9:58am

Bwhahaha!!! Thanks LadyG!

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 11:12am

Hi All,

Great topic.

I really could relate to what LadyG said about having long hair.  In many ways, I think it is definitely about patience but I also think it is about feeling comfortable in your own skin.  When hair is worn differently there is sometimes pressure from society to conform to whatever is the most popular norm and when we have super long hair (and my hair is nowhere as long as LadyG or many here) people criticize us for not conforming.  I am still told the old standbys at times...too old for long hair, it would look so much better in a shorter style...etc... blah blah blah.  However, I truly feel comfortable with my hair just as it is and it doesn't ruffle me at all to hear comments.  And then sometimes I do get compliments which is always very nice.

So I think people with long hair are patient but I also think that they are unique and proud of being true to who they are and what feels good for them.  They don't bend to other's pressure, which I feel gives them a sense of great self esteem.

Thanks to all for great insights.

Best wishes,
Karen Marie Shelton

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: Gear Girl
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 9:32pm

Part of my reason for deciding to grow my hair long is because I was tired of being mistaken for a guy.  Most of my friends are guys and I tend to dress in baggy clothes (it's all I'm comfortable in) and if I ever was wearing a hat or had a hood up so you couldn't clearly see my face I'd get lots of people calling me a sir, or a guy etc. 

I also love doing something with my hair.  When I had short hair if I wanted it to look really nice I had to spend a lot of time and hair products to get it just right.  Now it just takes two minutes and a few nice hair accesories and my hair is up in a nice bun or twist. 

I also have long hair for the feminine reasons, I guess.  While the rest of my clothes is baggy and black, my hair will always be done up in a nice style with something pink or purple.  I suppose that my hair is my favorite part of myself and I want to make sure people see it as the beautiful part of me that it is.

Posted By: Lady Godiva
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:24am
Originally posted by Karen Shelton Karen Shelton wrote:

So I think people with long hair are patient but I also think that they are unique and proud of being true to who they are and what feels good for them.  They don't bend to other's pressure, which I feel gives them a sense of great self esteem.
So nicely stated. (Howdy, Karen!)

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: April 03 2005 at 4:02pm

Originally posted by AnaisSatin AnaisSatin wrote:

And the biggest thing for me is wanting to be something "-est". Wanting to outdo everyone I know in SOMETHING. In this case, the longest hair. I want to have the longest hair of anyone I know in person. That's probably classified as Pride then :)

I'm so glad you said that Anais, because I thought I was the only one!  Whenever someone I know (in person) with long hair cuts it short, I feel like I'm one step closer to "winning" the race for the longest hair.  It's really sick but like you said, it's probably a pride thing.

Aside from that, I also think it's a patience thing.  Everything with my hair involves patience- growing, washing, combing, drying, detangling, etc.  There are so many days that I just want to chop it off into a pixie-style cut, but I know that if I did I'd cry forever and I would know that I gave up, and I don't like to be a quitter. 

This is a great thread, by the way

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: April 03 2005 at 5:03pm
How long is your hair now, Katja?  I'm probably among the longest haired-men around anywhere (but who knows how many Sikh men have me beat?  I'll never find out).  Having the longest hair was never my goal (I just haven't prevented it from continuing to grow longer).

Ouch, Redhairedgirl!   At least you learned that your ex-best friend isn't really a friend after all.  A high price to pay, though.

I've long been immune to haircut pressures that others still occasionally attempt to apply (since about one year into my "quest"). 13 years since short, and it continues to inch down toward the floor.


Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 4:05pm
Keep going all you long haired people! Don't bend to the masses! Especially Dave and LG because you two have the longest hair I've ever heard of. I think that some people just feel more comfortable with the long haired image. Don't jump on me people when I say business people generally have shorter hair. Having long hair DOESN'T mean you can't be a business person but a lot of career orientated, snappy, officey people have short, stylish cuts which reflect their go get em personality. Long haired people tend to be more relaxed? I mean you have to spend longer combing it and been patient with it and if you're a rush rush person you're not going to want to spend hours faffing around with your hair. Ok, not hours, but you know what I mean. I think?

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 6:58pm
If you're a longhaired person, you know that long hair takes less time to care for than short, stylish hair, and the upkeep is cheaper, too.

I think many business people see themselves as iconoclasts. The "going against the grain" thing is what they're striving for. It's kind of funny, because rebelling against long hair and getting short, trendy styles is pure conformity - how do you rebel against something that's uncommon and noninfluential?


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 11:32am
yes, I know and I have long hair and I know it doesn't need as many products etc. However, it's undeniable that if you've got knee length hair, it's going to take longer to comb than a pixie. and a buzz cut takes maybe 1 second??!!

Posted By: Lady Godiva
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 7:43pm
How much time long v. short hair requires depends on how much you handle and style it.

If your hair is long and your usual style is a quick detangle, then a quick updo, compared to when your hair was short and you used to blow-dry, gel, curl, fuss, mangle, and spray it into position, then long definitely takes less time.

OTOH, if your short hair is 1/4" long, you can go from shampoo to dry in 5 minutes, ready to be out the door.  Compare that to shampoo, condition, detangle, put-in-braid, and air-dry, taking an hour, well, um, short hair takes less time.

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 12:38pm
Yay! At last someone has acknowledged that long hair CAN be a pain in the neck in the mornings!

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 5:04pm
Originally posted by LadyFrog LadyFrog wrote:

Yay! At last someone has acknowledged that long hair CAN be a pain in the neck in the mornings!

In what way? I remember how I used to fight my hair every morning to get it into a proper bob.

And before that, I had a short cut something like a pixie. It lay flat like a "boy" cut, and I wore wigs a lot.

Now I wake up, brush, twist, pin, and go.

There's a common misconception that the amount of time spent caring for the hair is directly proportional to how long it it. Actually, waist-length hair only takes a bit more care than BSL hair, and classic a bit more again.

But when it gets too long to just comb or brush, that's when it starts to take longer.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 1:02pm
Originally posted by LadyFrog LadyFrog wrote:

Don't jump on me people when I say business people generally have shorter hair. Having long hair DOESN'T mean you can't be a business person but a lot of career orientated, snappy, officey people have short, stylish cuts which reflect their go get em personality. Long haired people tend to be more relaxed? I mean you have to spend longer combing it and been patient with it and if you're a rush rush person you're not going to want to spend hours faffing around with your hair. Ok, not hours, but you know what I mean. I think?

[... and...]

yes, I know and I have long hair and I know it doesn't need as many products etc. However, it's undeniable that if you've got knee length hair, it's going to take longer to comb than a pixie. and a buzz cut takes maybe 1 second??!!

I am a business person, career-oriented, snappy, officey person with a go-get-em personality... and long long hair.

Takes me about 10 minutes in the morning to comb & braid.

When my hair was short I washed it every day, blow-dried, and combed, combed, combed to try to keep it from looking ridiculous.  Some days turned out better than others.  All things considered (care & styling) I spend no more time on my hair now than when it was short.


Posted By: Donda
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 1:43pm

Personaly I love short hair!  However I have learned that I look better with my hair sholder length or longer   Once a year I get the urge to cut it off in a Halle style............................So I guess it is Vanity

Thick 4A Hair, Relaxed every 8 weeks. Contributing writer at

Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 7:41am
My hair is so much easier when it's long! For starters, I can let it dry naturally and it'll still go down and not out, since the weight of it keeps the curls in control. Second, well, updos are always a fabulous thing!

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 5:19pm


I have always loved long hair all my life.  Why I didn't grow it out super long more times before, I was always told fine hair didn't look good long.

I beg to differ!  I am loving growing my hair out without reservation.

You people rock.

12/25.5"/terminal length after reaching "small of my back length"

Posted By: Kristine391
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 4:53pm
Interesting topic.  I think for myself, I had long hair (down to my tailbone) until I was about 13-14, and then cut it short (just above my shoulders).  I kept it this way until I turned 19 or 20, and then grew it long again, off and on.  I never had it really long in my adult years unless I was pregnant (2x), when it grew wildly quick and was in excellent condition.

I went through a period of hairloss, so I think I want long hair now because after suffering through that, I would love to be able to have a lot of hair again.  I've always been a long haired person at heart.  My sister, OTOH, has always had very short hair and has never let it grow past her ears.  She said this was out of convenience and practicality.  I'm hoping for hair down to my waist someday soon. :)  After that, I'm hoping to leave it that way for the rest of my life.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 8:45pm

Is that you in your signature photo?   Your hair is absolutely amazing!


Posted By: Kristine391
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 10:27pm
Hi Dave!  Thank you, that means a lot to me to have you say that!  Yes, I just took that photo this evening (I love the self-timer feature on the digital cam).  I thought I would start taking pics of the hair every couple of months for a point of growth reference, and come here to look at all of your pics to ensure I don't cut my hair. ;)

Your hair has always amazed me!  My hair won't be as thick as your hair ever, but I'm continuously inspired at least! 


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 21 2005 at 1:06pm
Hey Kris,

I think my hair is medium fine and fairly thick (at least for the first foot or so).  It gradually tapers to zilch at my calves.  I plan to post a new sig pic soon...  Anyway, your hair is wonderful and would (and may already) be inspirational to others.


Posted By: ChelseaB
Date Posted: May 21 2005 at 7:43pm
I had both long and short hair. Right now it is about medium length(little past my shoulders) and I am trying to grow it out long again. I think when it was longer I was more confident, and a little more relaxed. When I cut it I have been way more uptight. Always worrying what I look like and what people are thinking about me, and my confidence took a dive. I heard guys talking about how they like girls with long hair and hated it when girls had short hair. So in my opinion people with long hair may have it to be more confident in themselves. While people with short hair don't need that long hair to hide behind because they have cofidence already. Like Halle Berry seems to have lots of cofidence, that may be why she is a "short haired girl at heart" Well that is my thought.

Hair Type: 1a/1b-N-ii

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