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Why do people try to sugest cutting

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 8:20am

Topic: Why do people try to sugest cutting
Posted By: laststar
Subject: Why do people try to sugest cutting
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 8:40pm
How come so many people are always trying to get long hair people to cut. There is a beautiful girl at work that had thick redish blond waist lenghth hair. The other girls at work are always telling her to cut it, I told her it is stunning and not to listen to them. After a while I have seen it go from waist lenghth to hip lenghth to bsl I hope she lets it grow back and doesn't decide to go to a bob. I tell people that say I should cut, I like it that way and I don't want to look like you. I love my long hair and it will get even longer. If everyone was the same it would make for a pretty dull world. Even on t.v. on Maury Povich had a lady with knee lenghth hair absolutely stunning and they choped it into a bob, it is on alot of t.v. make overs what is the deal why does a make over include chopping all their hair off.

Take care TLSF

1b-M-ii type, 29.5 inches long as of 07/11/06, goal for now waist

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: March 06 2005 at 3:57am
Jealousy in my opinion, speaking as a girl who was persuaded to go from waist length to short by a so-called friend.


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: March 06 2005 at 8:29am
Jealousy, yes. But there are a multitude of reasons why long-haired people are pressured to cut.

Many women find long hair on others makes them feel uncomfortable, but can't put their finger on what it is that's bothering them.

Some people feel threatened that there are others who are not willing to conform to expectations, especially when they themselves have invested a great deal of time, energy, and money into trying to conform to these often unrealistic expectations.

Many people feel long hair worn loose carries sexual connotations. People like this feel it is only appropriate for young, beautiful women in certain occupations to have beautiful hair like this. Ordinary women or older women are not allowed the freedom to express their sexuality in this way.

Others consider long hair to be a political statement, entirely aside from choice of appearance. They read all kinds of things into a hair style.

Many people will look at long hair and say that if it is not in absolutely pristine condition, it should be cut short. Clearly they are not applying this standard also to short hair, as most short hair I see is not only seriously damaged, but fails to successfully achieve the style that was attempted.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 06 2005 at 11:11am
Originally posted by eKatherine eKatherine wrote:

Many women find long hair on others makes them feel uncomfortable, but can't put their finger on what it is that's bothering them.

Great point. I must add... that these people may feel uncomfortable because long hair has always signified great influence. Maybe they feel less-than on the alpha scale / it threatens their social status.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: March 06 2005 at 1:24pm
OMG! If had known this was going to get so intellectual I would have given a bit more thought to my answer. lol
I agree with both of you. You have totally valid points, that I wish I had thought of. And I'm a psychology student too


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 7:01am
Sometimes I've found in my own life it's also an outdated sense of style. My mother believed girls should have curls and always cut short. This was the only thing that looked good in her opinion. I saw her high school yearbook from 1952 and understood why. Every girl in there had the exact same short curled hairstyle. If you didn't have it, there must have been something wrong with you! 30 years later, she was still chopping my (to her, disappointingly straight, hair off). Her sister also told me she spent hours a day in high school curling her own straight hair! It's not a thing to have choices with to her, it just HAD to be a certain way to look good. My point is, my whole life she kept fussing at me to chop it off, and that's why. She thought she was wanting what was "best" for me...for me to look "good".

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 7:32am
Hi Hi:

This is an area I have spoke about before in other threads. I find many short haired girls all want long haired girls to cut, cut, cut....

I have found over time that for some strange reason. I have lost touch with many of my friends that have short hair. However, I remain haiving very close to my other long haired girlfriends.

Maybe the old saying "Birds of a feather".

Who knows.



Posted By: Veronica F
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 10:28am
I agree w/ the all of the above, u guys make very valid points. I too used to have long, thick, black hair down to my butt, from the time i was small til abt 11/12 years old I got a suggestion from my hairdresser at the time, (actually my moms becuz i never did anything to my hair before then, my mom would give it the occasional trim) that I should layer it and add bangs. Well, she did that and then it was down to my waist. It stayed that way for a while and at the time I never used to appreciate having long hair, maybe becuz i had it from a young age, i dunno. It even grew a little longer, until i had it cut to shoulder length hair. (What a BIG mistake that was) I too, used to think, being so young and under peer pressure, that having long hair was "old-fashioned" so later on i had got it cut even shorter. 13 was when I first had any color put in my hair and from that time i couldn't stop, I had blonde streak put in my shoulder length hair. During highschool I had it cut short as in above the shoulder, then one day i was a hair model my junior year and it was cut short! Well short for me becuz it was just hanging down to my neck, actually i'm quite tall at 5'8 so I guess it felt more obvious. During that time i pretty much had it shoulder length, and now finally I've been letting it grow since my junior year, so its been approx. two years and now its actually long, past my shoulders but not below the bra line, lol. It would have been longer but i had to trim off the over-processed part of my hair from the time i had bleached and colored it several times. Sorry to bore anyone reading this it almost sounds like my hair's biography hehe, but I guess the point here is that now i would do practically anything to have that nice long hair back!
Sometimes u have to lose something to truly appreciate it i guess...


Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 10:31am
Hi Hi:

That is some hair journey. I wish you the very best in growing it long again.



Posted By: shorthairnomore
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 1:39pm
I totally agree with you all........I really think it is some sort of jealousy that they have short hair and know they made a mistake in cutting it, so now they want others to cut their long hair as well. A ladies hair is their crowning glory, so why want to have it hacked short? Beats me but this is coming from a guy who really likes the long flowing hair on ladies. Those makeover shows could all cancel today and I wouldn`t lose a bit of sleep.....


Posted By: KB
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 4:29pm
It freaks me out how fanatical people get about hair. Man, I'm not kidding. Go on the short hair board and count how many people told this one person to cut her hair into a pixie. Holy crap if she does that she will regret it. Not everyone looks good with a damn pixie!

And I'm disturbed at how angry the long-haired people seem to be at some of the short-hairs. Now listen, not every short haired person hates or is jealous of a long-haired gal. It's just...some long hair is not always that pretty and might benefit from a cut. That's all. However, most of the super-long hair I've seen has been well taken care of and very pretty. In that case, you're right - why cut it?

Posted By: Veronica F
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 6:56pm
Originally posted by KB KB wrote:

It freaks me out how fanatical people get about hair. Man, I'm not kidding. Go on the short hair board and count how many people told this one person to cut her hair into a pixie. Holy crap if she does that she will regret it. Not everyone looks good with a damn pixie!

And I'm disturbed at how angry the long-haired people seem to be at some of the short-hairs. Now listen, not every short haired person hates or is jealous of a long-haired gal. It's just...some long hair is not always that pretty and might benefit from a cut. That's all. However, most of the super-long hair I've seen has been well taken care of and very pretty. In that case, you're right - why cut it?

I think they were just speaking in general, but my own experience wasn't from anyone else's jealousy but my own stupidity i guess u could say. Actually, now that i think of it, I also found it extremely hard to maintain...Imagine if they had de-extensions for long haired pple when they get sick of looking after it and then when they come off ur hair's long again! Haha ok this makes absolutely no sense, but i had to say it!!


Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 7:39am
I've got to say that it's probably not all jealousy. One of my best friends has short hair, and she's totally jealous of my hair, but she'd never tell me to cut it. She admires it, saying that it's the hair that she'd have if she had any patience whatsoever. I find that it's people who like me anyway (regardless of what their own hair looks like) who don't tell me what to do, and people who are acquaintances and in competition with me for something (boyfriends or popularity) who give me unsolicited advice. No wonder I've gotten virtually none of that crap since high school.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: HD_EU
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 8:18am
My two cents in addition to all above: is it possible too that people make that remark a few days after it has been washed or when it looks untidy? It could make people voice the remark 'why not cut it?'. It is no solution to what they see, but maybe their way to hint something. The untidy look these days is associated with short hair, not that much with long (always nice, healthy and shiny in ads).

Cent two: during the sixties and seventies, there was a counterreaction to the 'long haired hippies'. The slogan: 'get a haircut' was very much on the 'mainstream' lips. Maybe that has stayed on too.

As eKatherine, Susan and others have written, other reasons are without a doubt at the basis too (jealousy e.g.). The 'urge' for everybody to conform may be in there too. Then the remark is made (turned around) by the same people to short haired women: 'why don't you have your hair longer?'


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 11:15am
Originally posted by HD_EU HD_EU wrote:

Then the remark is made (turned around) by the same people to short haired women: 'why don't you have your hair longer?'

From other boards:

Quote rom the Men's Longhair Board
So you think I should cut my hair?
Now let me tell you how I think you should change your appearance...

Quote rom LHC
I think you would look more professional with short hair.
That's funny, I was just thinking you would look more feminine if you grew your hair out.

Quote lso from LHC
They tell you that you'd look better with shorter hair, but actually what they mean is they'd prefer you with smaller breasts and thicker ankles.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:49pm
Originally posted by KB KB wrote:

It freaks me out how fanatical people get about hair. Man, I'm not kidding. Go on the short hair board and count how many people told this one person to cut her hair into a pixie. Holy crap if she does that she will regret it. Not everyone looks good with a damn pixie!

Maybe so, but she didn't come here (the long hair board) for advice. I think it's a case of "getting what you ask for."
Originally posted by KB KB wrote:

And I'm disturbed at how angry the long-haired people seem to be at some of the short-hairs. Now listen, not every short haired person hates or is jealous of a long-haired gal. It's just...some long hair is not always that pretty and might benefit from a cut. That's all.

I'm not aware that any long-haired people are unjustifiably angry with any short-haired people. If there's any anger, it's due to unwanted and unsolicited advice or pressure to cut (in which case, IMO, feeling angry is understandable).

Interesting idea, Veronica... the only facsimiles being either a wig or a virtual makeover. It's easier to "remedy" a decision to grow long (by cutting) than it is to to "remedy" a decision to go short (you end up waiting and waiting and waiting... for months or years to regrow).

Originally posted by Grace912 Grace912 wrote:

I've got to say that it's probably not all jealousy. One of my best friends has short hair, and she's totally jealous of my hair, but she'd never tell me to cut it. She admires it...

Hi Grace,

Your friend is sufficiently considerate and wise to refrain from informing you of her jealousy in an unpleasant manner. Not everyone who is jealous is equally capable of keeping their thoughts in check.

Originally posted by HD_EU HD_EU wrote:

My two cents in addition to all above: is it possible too that people make that remark a few days after it has been washed or when it looks untidy? It could make people voice the remark 'why not cut it?'. It is no solution to what they see, but maybe their way to hint something. The untidy look these days is associated with short hair, not that much with long (always nice, healthy and shiny in ads).

HD_EU... You're right, it isn't always easy to live up to the ideal.
Originally posted by HD_EU HD_EU wrote:

Cent two: during the sixties and seventies, there was a counterreaction to the 'long haired hippies'. The slogan: 'get a haircut' was very much on the 'mainstream' lips. Maybe that has stayed on too.

I suspect you are correct. Once implanted, some notions stay firmly in place.
Originally posted by HD_EU HD_EU wrote:

Then the remark is made (turned around) by the same people to short haired women: 'why don't you have your hair longer?'

Funny, I've never heard that one before. (Someone please enlighten me if you are aware of this scenario having played out.) Maybe it goes to show that the long-haired are more respectful to other's choices for themselves? Or maybe it's just that they don't feel that there's a reasonable chance that such advice would be taken (or even openly considered). Whatever, I think the evidence indicates that our society is generally biased in favor of short hair.


Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: March 09 2005 at 2:36pm
Deltagirl, I've noticed what you say to be true. Women of similar lengths usually hang together. I think there is a comfort level that maybe both are seeking in being with each other, but esp. the shorter tressed.
I remember when I was in college, this classmate from kindergarten on befriended two short-haired gals. She had classic length locks at the time, shiny, silky, straight and *perfect*. It had been mid-thigh in HS. My friend stood out dramatically from the other two, even tho' each had similarly attractive faces and shapes. I remember suspecting that her hair would not survive this friendship for long, and I was right. During spring semester, my friend traded her majestic locks for a horrible (on her) bowl cut, which she kept through graduation. Her pals also remained short throughout.
I remarked that I was surprised, and she sadly replied, "Well, it's gone now." A ringing endorsement indeed. I'm sure at least her friends were thrilled not to be overshadowed any longer. Bob


Posted By: Gormlaith
Date Posted: March 09 2005 at 8:15pm
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

Originally posted by HD_EU HD_EU wrote:

Then the remark is made (turned around) by the same people to short haired women: 'why don't you have your hair longer?'

Funny, I've never heard that one before. (Someone please enlighten me if you are aware of this scenario having played out.) .

Sometimes the question is just a question, not an attempt to influence. A kid once asked me, "Why don't you cut your hair?" Grinning, I asked why he did not grow his hair. "My parents won't let me," was his resigned reply. Not a short haired woman but surely the situation can apply to more than children.



Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: March 10 2005 at 7:24am
Usually you can tell the intention by the tone and wording, though.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: vijay
Date Posted: March 11 2005 at 7:29am
hai i am vijay haircare advicer and messur

my cousin sister has 98cm hair bymy tips and she really wants to grow more upto floor length.because her husband(my uncle) loves her hair

he feels long hair is sexy he never say goto cut and dont allow to trim also


Posted By: HD_EU
Date Posted: March 11 2005 at 9:48am
Hi Dave,
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

D_EU originally wrote:
Then the remark is made (turned around) by the same people to short haired women: 'why don't you have your hair longer?'

Funny, I've never heard that one before. (Someone please enlighten me if you are aware of this scenario having played out.) Maybe it goes to show that the long-haired are more respectful to other's choices for themselves? Or maybe it's just that they don't feel that there's a reasonable chance that such advice would be taken (or even openly considered). Whatever, I think the evidence indicates that our society is generally biased in favor of short hair.
To make my point a bit clearer: with short I mean (and meant) what sometimes is considered very short (1-let's say 10inch) here. Mid length to me is from chin to collarbones, long is everything from shoulderlength to bsl. Very long after that. I don't want to impose my 'categories' (always stupid-but they led to this misunderstanding I guess). In the case where women have short hair (1-10 inch) that remark is not uncommon. The length most women don't get remarks is the 'comfort zone' between jaw and just above shoulder blade. There's a 4 inch zone that is regarded as 'acceptable' to all. "Maybe room for improvement" to some, but generally accepted. Anything longer/shorter attracts attention and comments. Another clarification: with general I mean from collegues etc, not hair board related. The talk is very quickly biased in one way or another I guess.


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