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Has anyone has their hair trimmed this way?

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Talk Archive
Forum Description: All the old Hair Talk Messages...
Printed Date: September 16 2024 at 2:06pm

Topic: Has anyone has their hair trimmed this way?
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Has anyone has their hair trimmed this way?
Date Posted: January 12 2000 at 2:27am
I went to Fantasic Sams yesterday for a 1 inch trim thatthis man from Iran, I think he said he was from there,gave me. He asked if I would prefer him using scissorsor an electric razor, one of the bigger ones for flattops. He told me that the ends of the hair will feelthicker with the razor so I opted for that. My hair isabout waist length even after the trim. Anyway I reallylike the results using the razor, it really does feelthicker on the bottom. I dont think I have every had myhair trimmed that way and I was wondering if anyone elsehas had theirs trimmed that way.Leslie
