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grey hair

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: May 19 2024 at 11:13pm

Topic: grey hair
Posted By: 2scoops
Subject: grey hair
Date Posted: May 13 2004 at 7:38am
I'm male and i started going grey at 15! can you believe that, my genes suck!

I have dyed my hair in some shape or fashion since as i was 16 (i'm 27 now!).

It's something i've always been emarrased about, it not so much going grey that bothered me, it's going grey so early (not socially acceptable). For the last 6 years i have mearly "touched" up my hair to make it seem less grey.

The problem is now is that i'm so grey that just touching it up isn't an option anymore. I feel at the moment that i need a big change, either to go complete natural (phase out the touch ups) or get my hair professionally coloured. (i've considered shaving it off but i have no hair loss at all and i don't think it would suit me)

What makes things even more difficult is that i've never admitted to anyone that i dye my hair at all and after 11 years and tired of dying my in secret.

I guess i have 3 questions:

1, should i go out and get a trendy professional hair cut and colour or (now i'm approaching my 30's start to phase out the colour and grow old gracefully?

2, When i started dyeing my hair back in 93 it's certainly wasn't cool for men to dye the hair, is it cool now in 2004?

3, How good is top Salon dyed hair? - can i pass for natural?

Posted By: ColorPro
Date Posted: May 13 2004 at 1:17pm
Hi there,

I think I can answer your question, somewhat. The salon quality products are excellent, it will give you a good color result (provided you have a good colorist), you could also just kind of tone the grey down by getting low lights through it, kind of like turning the clock back a few years, you'll still have grey but not as much and less noticable as it grows. Low lights are also a good way for you to transition from coloring the whole head to just going natural, you don't have to have that horrible line of demarcation that you get when you just stop coloring your hair and your hair will look very natural. I think it's perfectly acceptable for a guy to color his hair now a days, lots of men do it, you just don't notice it. Also you can go a little on the fun side and add some streaks to the top.

I see nothing at all wrong with guys coloring their hair, and as time goes on you will see more and more of it. My husband is your age and just starting to get grey hair, I will be talking him into coloring when it gets really noticable. Looking at his dad, who has been totally grey for years, I can tell he would look so much younger if he had some color in his hair. Luckely I think by the time we are our parents age there won't be any thought to men coloring their hair, it will be such a normal thing.

Hope I helped a little,


Posted By: Lucinda
Date Posted: May 15 2004 at 7:27am
My husband has been going to a salon and getting his hair colored for a number of years now. He looks great! He was always proud of his bright Irish red hair and when he started going gray he got jealous whenever I had my hair done.

Recently we went to a funeral, and all the guys his age were salt/pepper. They noticed and complimented him on his color as it makes him look years younger. He's never had any qualms about doing it and I was the one who actually recommended coloring since he was so upset about his grays.

I think it is much more acceptable now and we will see more guys going that route.

Posted By: ProudlySilver
Date Posted: June 13 2004 at 7:18pm
2scoops, you have wonderful genes. They make you unique and special. I should know--I started to go grey at 14. I developed a streak in front, which has progressively spread so that now, at 38, I am 60% white over all, and 100% white up front. I have never dyed my hair. For people like you and I, white hair is not a sign of age. It is a sign of genetics. As long as we look young, have young faces, and young attitudes, nobody will get that mixed up. You think white hair is unacceptable for men? Guess what, I'm a woman. If I were ashamed of it, and I carried myself as if my hair embarassed me, then others would go along with that. But people know I have white hair because I want to. Otherwise, I'd have changed it by now. I won't do that. This is who I am. This is my heritage. My father's mother had a white streak like I did when she was very young. Both of my grandmothers had snow white hair by 40. My great grandfather was renowned for his shock of white hair that he developed at a young age. I think this is cool.

My advice--don't be ashamed. Carry it proudly. You are hardly "growing old gracefully." You aren't even 30 yet. You are in the peak of youth. the white hair is an anomally that has nothing at all to do with age. So embrace the difference and show the world the truth.

I think of all the people in the world who are embarassed and ashamed to admit they have white hairs (and far fewer than I have, at a much higher age!) and I wear my hair natural for them. That's my way of saying, "ITS OKAY!" I make a point to keep it short and neat, so there is never any misunderstanding that I just haven't gotten around to taking care of it. I use a white hair shampoo to keep it bright and pretty. Be proud!


Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: June 15 2004 at 8:12am
1, should i go out and get a trendy professional hair cut and colour or (now i'm approaching my 30's start to phase out the colour and grow old gracefully?

That is something only you can decide. Do be aware that professional cut and color needs upkeep and can become expensive, if that could be an issue for you.

2, When i started dyeing my hair back in 93 it's certainly wasn't cool for men to dye the hair, is it cool now in 2004?

I think it's more generally accepted now, though I personally thought it was fine then too.

3, How good is top Salon dyed hair? - can i pass for natural?

Salon color is the best, in fact, when your color is custom-blended for you by a professional, it usually looks better than something you've done yourself, particularly if you're lightening.

Keep in mind that if you wear your hair short, anything you try can be cut out fairly easily, so it's not as long-term of a commitment as it would be for a long-haired person. Good luck!!!!


Posted By: Anna4247
Date Posted: June 17 2004 at 11:03pm
ahhh... a wonderful thread here... with great advice... one of my favorite pastimes is trying to see who colors there hair themselves and who has it proffessionally done...

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