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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 12:11pm

Topic: Extensions
Posted By: xRhianx
Subject: Extensions
Date Posted: July 16 2004 at 6:28am
Hiya im lookin to have hair extensions soon.I have shoulder length hair and i want xtensions till it grows longer.I had xtensions last year and they were strips.the woman glued 6 strips on and that was it.that day i washed them and they fell out.she wouldnt put them bk in.i payed £340 for them.what a rip off!!!! Now im lookin 2 have extensions that glue in by strand i think..u kno the extensions lk famouse people have.
Does any1 have them???? Do they wreck ur hair? are they good?
Im only 17 so i duno nothing..Trying 2 find out more.Any advice? Thanx xxxxxxxxxxx


Posted By: mannyv1031
Date Posted: July 19 2004 at 5:31pm
Hi there,
My name is Manny and I am a educator for a strand-by-starnd hair extension company called So.Cap.USA. This comapny is really good and im not just saying that because I work for them. If youd like you can visit the website at to see for yourself and to find somone in your area who does them. A word of advise be careful and make sure the extensionist is compentent in what s/he is doing. If not done correctly there could be some serious problems. If you have any questions feel free to email me at hope to hear from you!!


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