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Losing Great Lengths

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:48am

Topic: Losing Great Lengths
Posted By: Tiffany11
Subject: Losing Great Lengths
Date Posted: August 09 2004 at 8:26am
When I had my extensions in, my stylist told me it was normal to lose bonds every now and again... I had mine in two weeks ago tomorrow, and lost two this past weekend. Does this sound normal? They didn't just "slide" out, they took some of my natural hair with them in the bond....

Posted By: Tiffany11
Date Posted: August 15 2004 at 10:51am
Someone, HELP!

Posted By: Cleopatra
Date Posted: August 15 2004 at 4:15pm
Are you still losing hair? You should not be losing bonds this soon. I have had my extensions about 3 weeks now and have not lost any. But, if you read some of my post from last year that was not the case. The first time I had Great Lengths it was a disaster. I was losing 5-10 a day. When I had them removed my hair was so incredibly thin. The hairdresser kept telling me it was normal. I was niave to believe her. I should have had her take them out as soon as they started ripping my own hair out. Since then I have had GL two more times with another salon. There are good applications and really bad ones. The first woman put them in poorly. My 2nd and 3rd time were completely different. They look really good for a several months. But, from my experience you will start to lose some bonds after having them for a few months. And your hair will be thinner.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 16 2004 at 1:18am
if you lost one or 2 esp. after washing it is probally beacuase they were bonded right. how many have you lost? have you given birth or been under local anestia latley? are they whole bonds or just shedding? i have been a gl user for 5 years so if you answer these i will help you. also did you condiyion the bonds? what products have you put on the bonds(like anti frizz serum-it will make them slide) also did you wait at least between 48-72 hours to wash the hair? were you pulling at the hair or brushing a knot out when they came out? if you pull hard enough they will come out with your hair attatched- not reccomended as you will go bald... let me know happy to help

Posted By: Tiffany11
Date Posted: August 16 2004 at 12:34pm
One I found on my floor, so I can't really say how it came out-- Another came out when I was drying my hair and just fell to the floor. It was the entire bond, complete with my roots at the top. I have not had a baby or anesthesia lately (actually, ever), am not particularly rough, and use styling products only on the bottom half of my 20" hair, never the roots. Any ideas??


Posted By: hellokitty
Date Posted: August 17 2004 at 12:34am
if no more have come out then the 2 were probaly loose or not attached to enough hair. i would not worry, use less you were loosing that everyday


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 17 2004 at 12:56pm

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 17 2004 at 1:05pm
Warning!!!! I had Great Lenghts in for only two months and had to have them removed before I went completely BALD! I actually lost about 30 bonds within one month and had more added and lost about 20 of those. Needless to say my hair is very very thin now, however, it wasn't the GL extensions that caused the problem or the stylist who put them in. I found out that a medication that I have been on was the culprit. One of the side effects was hair loss. I noticed my hair getting thinner before I had the extensions put in but didn't realize what the problem was. I just made a bad situation worse by putting in the extensions. Be sure you check side effects for any medicine your currently taking. Thank god I was blessed with very thick hair or I would be wearing a wig. Great Lenghts is beautiful hair but a bit expensive. I think I will try hairlocs because the maint is alot cheaper.

Posted By: geongeon
Date Posted: August 17 2004 at 1:23pm
Hair extension don''t pull hair out. Unless you are brushing to vigorusly and not holding them when you brush. If you have extension fall out and you see hair trapped in the bond from your scalp this is due to natural shedding since humans lose aprox 100 hairs a day. Also your hair isn''t thinner ... it is psychological since your hair seemed so full with the extension before you had them removed. If you are losing them it is because they are not being maintained properly. You shold tie them up at night so when you are sleeping you don''t roll around on the extensions and get them trapped under your shoulder or arm and pull them out. Also make sure that your stylist is certified. They may not be putting them in correctly. The wax bond should melt entirely and fuse the hair through. If not heated throughly then it could only circle the natural hair and create a cylinder that isn''t gripping the hair. If you would like to find a certified stylist check out for a list of Balmain certified stylist in your area.
You can call me at 918-955-7684 with any questions.

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