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track sewing method

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 11:03am

Topic: track sewing method
Posted By: Ley Ley
Subject: track sewing method
Date Posted: September 14 2004 at 3:43pm
I know of two ways of doing the track/sewing metod. And those two ways are braiding the hair in a beehive going around and around the head and sewing the tracks on that way but usually in the end you have this small peak at the top of your head which will not show if you are doing and up do , but most likely when you let it down.

The second ways is brading your hair straight back and sewing the tracks going across so you will not have that peak i have never tried that method but will soon one day to see for myself. If there are any other ways out there that you may know of please reply i could use the feedback.

P.s and definitely if you happen to know more about causcasian hair let me know cause i have to do a head on friday and i have never done a caucasian before so if there are better ways out there let me know and thank you.

Leyonii Henderson

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