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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 3:52am

Topic: shrinkies...
Posted By: Samantha~Jane
Subject: shrinkies...
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 5:26am
Hi all i'm new here, although i've been reading alot of the pages, which is really useful!
I'm new to using shrinkies, hair extentions is rare where i am!
I was wondering, I have straight dark hair.. if i were to use shrinkies to apply light brown wavy human hair... will it blend in ok? also what is pre-tipped hair?
i was just curious, thanks!

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 5:37am
Please read my first review of shrinkies back in October here:;read=59382 -;read=59382

I have photo links in that post that show what shrinkies look like up close in both blonde and brown hair.

The only thing I would amend to that post now is that the "fusion" glue on the inside of the shrinkie does come out with acetone and vegetable oil. I will not say all the residue comes out with the oil because sometimes I have more coating on my strand than others.

I think any extension application can have a downside. The shrinkie residue is that applications only fault, imo. I rarely have to take the time to work it out though because I usually put a strand right back in the same spot. How can I do that? Because I still have all my hair and it's not broken. Yay!

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Krystee
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 10:27am

How long does it take you to do a full head? And how long do you have to apply the heat clamp for? Do you think this would work with Monofibre the same way as with Human Hair?

Posted By: Amanda8beech
Date Posted: December 23 2004 at 4:13am
I'd just like to add that I tried shrinkies for the first time last night, just put a couple in my hair and I thought WOW these are absolutely fantastic, I used a pre-bonded extension and they just grabbed it !!!


Posted By: Jenn_RR
Date Posted: December 23 2004 at 4:53am
Excellent news. Did you use the kind from Doc Locks? Which prebonded hair did you use? Are you finding that the they're smaller and less noticable that other methods? Any tips you'd like to share? Congratulations!

Posted By: Amanda8beech
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 5:44am
Yes I used the kind from Dr Locs, they are fantastic, I couldn't believe how well they shrank and how small and undetectable they are. I have used and had glue methods and micro-rings and haven't thought much to either of them especially the micro-rings I thought they were terrible things and so uncomfortable to wear but these shrinkies are ace. You can hardly see them and they shrink to the colour of the hair you put in as well, they are so small but effective. I made my own pre-bonded hair using the liquid gold glue. I couldn't wait to use my shrinkies till my fusion wand came so I just used my normal ceramic straighteners and they worked a treat. I've had these shrinkies in for nearly a week now and they are as they were put in, I've used intensive conditioner, straighteners and hairdryer and they haven't budged xxx

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 10:03am
Amanda, that's great! Just wait until it's time to remove them and there's no damage. Yippee!

After you reheat the shrinkie to remove it, don't try acetone at first. Try straight vegetable oil and wrap it around the hair strand to gently work it out.

I tried olive oil and it doesn't work. Apparantly it's not gritty enough like veg oil is.

Again, congrats!

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Amanda8beech
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 10:55am
Thanks ever so much for the advice. I've just ordered a full head of bohyme hair colour 613 for my first shrinkie client, I'm going to prebond it myself. She can't wait. SHRINKIE HEAVEN XX

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 11:54am
I have been using the original 'shrinkie' system called Shrink Links. Shrink Links, (previously known as 'Toobz' or 'Elegant Additions') was invented and patented by Mark Barrington Concepts, Inc over 10 years ago. The Dr. Locks method is a copycat, and Mark Barrington has contacted them regarding patent infringement.

I like the Shrink Link method, but they also leave a lot of sticky residue in the hair and it is hard to get out. I have been using a product called "Take Down" which is a oily substance used to remove hair extension residue and it works good. The only remaining problem is that it is hard to get the oil out of the hair, which you must do before you can reapply.

I would caution anyone against reapplying the Shrinkie over hair that you have not got all the residue off of or brushed out the fallen, naturally shed hair because you could get massive matting problems in the future.

Conparing the two systems, I like the Mark Barrington Shrink Links better than the Dr. Locks' Shrinkies. I think the Shrink Link Shrinks down much better ( I have tried both systems)

The Shrink Links system is only sold to professionally licensed cosmetologists, and I think you have to take a class to become certified.

see the website at

I am not affliated with the company, I have only used their product (and worn it myself) for several years.

Good luck!

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 12:35pm
I looked at the Mark Barrington site and there is the tm symbol after shrinklinks which means trademark. I did a patent search for shrinklinks and there is none, nor is there one pending. Dr. Locks is fine with what they're doing because they have not called their product the same thing. It's similar to Kleenex. Other companies can make facial tissues that look and feel exactly like Kleenex... they just can't call them Kleenex.

Unfortunatley the Mark Barrington shrinklinks are not available online for purchase. Clear, dual wall tubing and shrinkies are and I for one am grateful.

Why does someone need to be profesionally licensed to use these? Certification is overrated. There's enough former Hairlocs wearers in this crowd that can tell you a "certificate" isn't worth the paper it's printed on sometimes.

Perhaps Mark Barrington will make his shrinklinks available on the market? That would sure be nice. I mean, what's the big holdout here?

Reapplying shrinkies over a hair strand that is still holding residue from a previous shrinkie is fine. It's all about common sense. If you're wearing a strand for a week and it falls out, just reapply -- if you're doing a maintenance after there's been enough time for shedding and matting to start, remove the residue and get the shed hair out.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 12:37pm


What's inside Barrington's shrinklinks? Do you know what the coating is?

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Blondie_911
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 1:19pm
I have to agree with amm: Certification is WAY overrated (two "certified" extensionists ruined my hair way worse than I possibly ever could). I hadn't heard about any patent violation, but I really doubt the Mark Barrington people have much of a case. Even if they do hold the patent, these sorts of products are all rip-offs of one another (fusion, links, Shrinks, and so on), and there are probably enough differences between it and the Doc Locks version that it wouldn't be a problem. I don't see any reason why a product like this wouldn't be available for home use--God knows there are much more damaging products any 13-year-old with an Internet connection can get.

The Take Down product sounds interesting. Is that available for home use? What are the major ingredients?


Posted By: Blondie_911
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 1:21pm
I just re-read the thread. A trademark is definitely not the same thing as a patent, so if they've only trademarked it, I don't see how it could be a problem.

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 6:37pm
Has anyone tried shrinkies with human hair? I was wondering if the bonded extensions would slip out of the shrinkie.


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 6:42pm
Amm uses human hair, so all of her comments above and on various threads apply to human.

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Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 7:38pm
hi there!

my roommate has been reading your site and referred me to you...and i have to say WOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW! what a wealth of information!

anyway, i am all over begging my friend to put in shrinkies for me (and likely my roomie too---we''re both sort of donkeys when it comes to hairstyling or i''d do it myself. oh gad, i can only imagine if i did them myself!), but i am baffled by just how MUCH hair i need to purchase. i''ve been looking at the ebonyonline and the superhair...something (i can''t remember already lol) sites that i believe AMM recommended....remy and boheme hair. i have chin length hair and really need maybe 3/4 of a head done---as i think that the way my hair falls would look pretty intentional layers.

it looks like you can buy 4oz wefts. which means nothing at all to me . how much do y''all recommend i purchase?

i''ve also seen afropuffs'' recommendations about finding cheaper places to buy shrinkies, but being so new to it, i''m a little leery (not that more $ is better-- i spent an ***load much on my last set of extensions and they sucked). also, i have a pretty decent flatiron, will that do to apply them?

whoa. lots of questions. thank you so much for getting thru all that.



Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 7:47pm
Hi Kelly,

I'd think that you'd need at least three of those wefts (or 200 pretipped strands) to be safe, but I'm not the best at figuring out the ounces.

Hopefully someone else will chime in here...

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!

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Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 8:48pm
You have chin length hair, you say. How long do you want it to be with extensions? The longer the hair, the shorter the weft will be because of the extra weight in the length. A 10" weft is about 100 feet long. Heehee, I exaggerate on that, but it's pretty darn long.

As a reference, the picture of my hair below is about 22" - 24" and 5 oz in weight which is a little over one weft.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 8:58pm
omg Amm you have beautiful hair!! What type do you have in right now? I know I read you have a few differnt kinds but just wondering where you buy it and how you make it. What would we do without you on this board.


Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 9:06pm
first of all, holy craptastic your hair is gorgeous AMM!!

well, my friend has agreed to this, so now i just need to decide on hair. as for length, i'd like it maybe to where the bra strap turns into bra. how's that for a description LOLOLOLOL.

i have and want to keep it straight..i've found the silky straight boheyme for $60 for 4oz online...but locally, $100 will get me this: Weight of each extension is 1/4 th of a pound and the length of the weft is 60-70 inches.

how long will it take to ship the shrinkies? i'm such an instant gratification ******. i want it NOW!!



Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 9:14pm
Thank you both! Somewhere on here I say what all that hair is and where it came from. There's numerous types and some of it has copper Jazzings streaked in.

Bra strap length is about 18" and one weft will probably be plenty. I'm assuming you'll be making your own strands with it? ebonyonline and superhairfactory is where I believe the good bohyme hair is. Good luck!

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 9:35pm
commonpleasure...where the heck did you find bohyme for 60 bucks.....gotta know!

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Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 9:58pm
http:// - -

of course, that's 12''. which, now i know, is short.

so i think i'll go to the local supply store and get 14'' or 18''... one weft. and order my shrinkies stat. i hope i won't need more then one order???
and hope my flatiron works, b/c i already spent a ton on that thing and i don't know about buying a new tool.

oooooo i'm so excited. i'm moving back east and no one will know they aren't real since i've been gone for 8 months. except the boy i adore. gotta figure out a way to tell him, cause he's the one who will be, um, close enough to figure it out! LOLOLOLOL



Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 29 2004 at 9:59pm
double post sorrrry!!


Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 2:47am
Concerning Shrink Links ( Mark Barrington Concepts) :

It does say on his website (under the Shrink Links sections) that the method does have a patent on the product. (what that # is-it doesn't say?)

That's what I thought he said when I took the class from him several years ago to become certified. ( I also think certification is over rated)

I happen to live in the same city where the company is located and so I have often stopped into his office to pick up my client's hair orders, and we often chat about how his business is going. Very nice group of people.

I don't think he aggresively markets his system because he wants to keep it 'exclusive'. He would probably never sell a system to an unlicensed person.

A big difference with their system, is that the hair is pretipped with a small plastic end that does not melt under the heat of the flat iron. So that means you can easily reuse the hair several times and don't have to keep rebonding it. It's really no hassle.

Also, they are big on sellling true 100% European Hair which they get from Extensions Plus, in LA. Real European hair is so much better than any kind of Indian hair (which includes Bohyme), but almost three times as expensive. I do have clients who have been using the same European hair for over 2 years with no tangles at all. I myself have also have worn European hair and it is great, if you can afford it. However for the most part, I think Indian Remi hair does just fine for most clients.

For the most part, the Dr. locks system seems good too. Their shrinkies are more firm than the shrink links and therefore take more heat to shrink them down, but I don't think that is a problem.

Posted By: Aeone
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 3:00am
Personally, I'm glad Doc Locks has this sort of stuff
available for the DIY'ers.

If it works, It works. :)

And I agree w/Amm's analogy regarding the Kleenex :D

Lol, that one gave me a good laugh

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 3:59am
Thanks for the info on Shrinks, MetalGirl.

Perhaps Doc's version is made from a slightly different material, and that's how they get around the patent issue (this would also explain why they feel different). I know there was a lawsuit, or a pending one, between Eurolocs and Hairlocs awhile back. But my guess is that there's some materials difference there, too, even though those methods, as well as rings and extendtubes, are all very similar. My guess is that that lawsit didn't go too far, since Hairlocs is still in business.

I guess we all think certification is overrated, although I think stylists are in a difficult position with this. If anything ever were to go wrong with a client, the first thing people (and hair companies) seem to say is, "Well, were they certified?"

That's interesting about pretipping and re-use. I imagine with the DIY stuff, you can just rebond it after removal. ...

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 4:45am
Just found this community, what a wonderful gathering of useful information.

If this question has been answered, I appoligize...In regards to the heat clamp for putting in shrinkies? Do you have to spend $100 on one or can you get buy with a hair straightener? The discount stores have a small hair straightener, its about an inch wide and has multiple heat settings for $15.00.



SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Amanda8beech
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 5:31am
Just for home use you could use that straightener xx


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 7:43am
I agree: Several people have said they've used the corner of a flatiron. It's probably a bit more cumbersome, but as long as you're careful, it should work.

Any opinions on temperature? How high does the heat clamp go?

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Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 1:21pm
does anyone know how long shipping time is from dr locks? i'm trying to get a day put away for my friend to do this. maybe i'm dumb, but i couldn't find it on the site

thanks :)

oh shoot and one more thing...jeez, i feel like such a tool asking all this lol....machine weft vs hand tied????


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 1:23pm
Depends on where your at. Im in Colorado and I got my supplies within 3 days.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 4:55pm
Could you use Kanekalon with shrinkies or would it melt with the temp you need to shrink the shrinky?

I have a wig made of Kanekalon that Ive been wearing for 3 months. I wash it 3 times a week, blow dry it and even use a low temp curling iron on it and the hair is still silky soft and wonderful.

Im wanting to go back to extensions because my hair has grown out to the point that wearing a wig is getting uncomfortable.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 5:51pm
A few people have said you can use Shrinkies with synth, so I don't think it would be a problem.

That's great news about the Kanekalon wig; I wouldn't have thought it was that durable. Have yo had any difficulties with the Kanekalon? Was it tricky figuring out how to style it properly, or was it pretty simple? What kind of texture do you have?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am (obviously) obsessed....

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 7:06pm
Here is a picture of the wig that I got. -

It looks exactly like the picture. Its my third Kanekalon wig, Ive been wearing wigs for about 2 years trying to grow my hair out.

I love kanekalon, the colors are beautiful, it holds its style very well and the color dosnt fade.

As for styling, when I got it I took it out of the box, shook it out and put it on. I only have to comb it once a day, right before I put it on, otherwise its good to go.

I would love to use Kanekalon with shrinkies if its possible. Guess Ill just have to try it. Besides, Kanekalon is waaaaaaaaay cheaper than human hair.


PS: thats the color and style Im trying to find in human or kanekalon.

SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 7:49pm
Now, I've seen Kanekalon in the beauty store and it is scary looking stuff. I would never even consider buying it. Before I got the funky colors from Kristin, I went and looked at the Kanekalon and I ran out the door. There must be different versions and grades of it?

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Aeone
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 7:59pm
Yea, that's what I've been thinking :\

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Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 9:48pm
ok...shrinkies purchased, checked out bohyme silky straight at a local shop today (ahhhh, that's how hair should feel lol)

here's where i'm getting nervous (other than the real vs synth debate). making my own stands? do you mean cutting them off the track and threading them thru? what's the best way to gage how much hair to thread thru the shrinkie?

eeep. i'm so excited about trying this, but so nervous that we're going to screw it up....and frankly, i can't afford to screw it up. if i could i'd have a professional do it .

again, thanks


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 9:54pm
I think there probably are different grades. Plastikhaar's Kanekalon is the only one I've seen specifically recommended for loose.

That said, most of the beauty-supply-store Kanekalon I've seen is Yaki Kanekalon (meaning it's textured for "ethnic" hair). It can blend wonderfully with Black hair, but would look real odd with Caucasian hair. Was that maybe what you saw? Yaki textures are more widely available because black girls have been doing there own weaves for ages, and it's a relatively new phenomenon among white girls.

The only other thing I've noticed about beauty-supply-store Kanekalon is that it looks a bit shiny, but I guess we'll have a better idea of that when we see the Dome, Plastikhaar, and (hopefully) ProStyles stuff.

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Posted By: Aeone
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:20pm
Nope, as for me - I saw the silky straight kanekalon,
it was in alot of different colours wasnt the yaki.

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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:21pm
commonpleasure, you will need to pre-tip the hair first. It would be difficult to thread loose hair through and then it would all slip out becauce human hair shrinks/swells when wet/dry. I usually buy pre-tipped hair but have also pre-tipped some myself. Lots of the ladies here pre-tip theirs using liquid gold & various other types of glue.

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:31pm
Aeone: Thanks for the info. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm anxious to see what happens when I wash and blow-dry the synth.

commonpleasure: AMM posted extensive directions for pretipping a few weeks ago, so it should come up if you search. Good luck!

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:38pm
commonpleasure: Amm's pretipping directions can be found on this thread: -

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Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:41pm
should. i'm not exactly an amateur with the message board thing and i simply cannot find the thread.

link? please? i swear i'm not lazy, i just can't find it. and i'm really worried that i made a huge mistake here. of course, maybe when i look at the directions amm posted i'll feel stupid for even worrying about it.


Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 10:42pm
hahahaah look at that. ask and ye you post!

thanks so much!


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 11:08pm
yes there is different grades of Kanekalon just as there are different grades of human. Most all beauty supply stores carry Yaki because its the cheapest, and I do mean cheapest. Ive found a few websites that carry the different grades of Kanekalon. My wigs are made of Kanekalon on a weft and I even have some websites for wig making supplies where you can buy the hair.

If I do decide to go with Kanekalon I might get it from here: -

You can click on the picture for a nice close up and you can see the silky look of it and it comes with a slight curl.

Best of all IMO, they take


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 11:24pm
Thanks, Emma.

Have you ever used Thermofiber? Just curious.


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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 11:25pm
Ive been hearing wonderful things about Thermofiber but I cant find it anywhere and Ive doen exhaustive searches for it.

Someone on Ebay sells it but you never can be too sure about that.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 30 2004 at 11:43pm
Aeone, yeah that Kanekalon hair I saw in the super long length was like clown hair. Really. It looked like Bozo wig stuff. It looked like thin strands of fishing line or something in different colors. I'm all like, no way!

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 12:22am
OMG I cant believe I found it. Just stumbled across it accidentally.

The new fiber is called Hot Stuff Fusion, do a search on yahoo or google and youll get some links.

It can be curled with a HOT curling iron.

Hmmm, decisions, decisions, decisions.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: commonpleasure
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 12:50am
okay. y'all have to stop introducing all these new options. really. my head hurts from the possibilities.

so is synth, or THIS synth, equivalent to human hair? i worry about quality after the disaster that was my last hair extension. not to mention the synth stuff is way cheaper. ouch. there goes my head again ;)

i'm also starting to worry about tipping this stuff myself. i failed cut & paste in nursery school, if you know what i mean. that said, i checked the prices for pre-tipped and whoa nelly. what a difference.

what a pain in the arse i am, huh? thanks.


Posted By: Kris408
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 1:06am
OK KANEKALON is a fiber it is not human hair, kanekalon was made so your hair would not catch on fire.. kanekalon does not burn at least its hard to get it to, it wont burst in to flames like some braiding hair. and u could never use a flat iron or any heat it would melt. OK second Yaki comes from a Yaki animal in africa thats y some people break out in rashes or thr head feels like its on fire or it just iches really bad. Ive been to a factory where hair is made human hair and well lets just say human hair is not human hair either. its cloned..hope this info helps...


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 5:07am
Here is a link to the new fiber hair: -

As I said I have been wearing Kanekalon wigs for over 2 years and I blow dry them and use a curling brush and even a curling iron on it. Granted their all on the lowest setting (warm not hot) but Kanekalon does take some heat.

Fiber hair when its brand new has a ton of silicone on it that the factory put on thats why its so shiny and fake looking. After the first wash, however, that fake shine comes out and it looks and feels just like human hair. I use moose, gels, and even hair spray on mine and its fine.

There are different grades of Kanekalon just like there are different grades of human hair. You just have to know what your buying.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 7:09am
I go to sleep for a couple hours...and this. Oh, the possibilities....

Hot Stuff Fusion. Aha! Very good reviews on Black Media Forum, plus great photos: -
Apparently this is part of the Janet Collection and seems only available in Yaki up to 18 inch. They have it at: - and -

I'm confused by the BMF thread--sounds like Carrie used velvet hot rollers on it and it turned out great, but Nisey's didn't work well when blow-dried (or is Nisey referring to a different type of hair?).

I wonder if this is much different from other high-quality synth because Bridget, who uses ProStyles/ProHair, says you can use velvet hot rollers and a blow-dryer on them, too--she doesn't recommend an iron, though. And several people on Quinnster's have said that they do the same with monofibre and kanekalon. Mark Glenn in London also says you can use hot tools on their synth.

Oh, this is so confusing.... Information overload.

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Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 12:44pm
re: Hot Stuff Fusion. Aha! Very good reviews on Black Media Forum, plus great photos: -

That looks awesome! LOVE how it curls. 18" only? Darnit!!!!

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 12:55pm
Yeah, 18 inches ain't gonna do it for me, either. Back to the drawing board....

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Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 2:58pm
It doesn't seem to come in very many colors, either.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 8:22pm
Those are awesome pics. That forum is locked, their not taking any new members, darnit, I had

I wonder why you cant find synth in longer lengths, I mean its man made hair, seems to me they could make it in any length....back to the search...


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 9:21pm
Well, you can get other synth brands in long lengths, but apparently not that one. I think Dome and Prostyles come up to 24 inches long, and Plastikhaar up to 48 inches. I think Trimco comes in 24 inch too, but only in straight. Do you think Thermofibre is better than the high-quality monofilament brands? I can't really find any definitive information on the differences.

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 10:34pm
There must be another name for it. Ive tried searches with thermofiber hair, thermofiber extensions, thermofiber wigs and get zero results.

Your supposed to be able to use heat with it, its supposed to act just like human hair, but like you I cant find any real information on it.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 10:38pm
I'm in California and in 1999 legislature exempted people from having to obtain a cosmetology license to do extensions.

I should be able to purchase ProStyles without a problem, I'm hoping.

I will be calling them next week.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: December 31 2004 at 11:47pm
Emma, there's something that might be comparable called Ultralux; it's described as a "heat-resistant" fiber. Some wigs are made of it, like: -

It's quite expensive, but some people claim that high-quality Kankelon is also "heat-resistant." Kate Bair says she uses such a fiber for her wigs: -

By the way, do you happen to know if there's such a thing as a velvet- or felt-covered curling iron? I know hot rollers come this way, but I was wondering about curling irons or even flatirons.

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 01 2005 at 12:42am
Hey that is cool, now if I could find that in extension hair I would be in

I dont think Ive ever seen a covered curling iron, the other day I did see a covered straightening iron at KMart tho.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 01 2005 at 4:55am
At Kmart? Ha! I'll have to check it out.

I guess this Conair model comes with velvet plates, but what horrible reviews! -

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 01 2005 at 12:18pm

How about this: -

There's also someone on Quinnster's who wants to do a Thermofibre/Dome-Prostyles exchange, if you're in Europe: -

So I guess the actual texture is different than standard high-quality synth. It sounds like Thermofibre is baby fine.

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Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: January 01 2005 at 12:25pm
Originally posted by Jenny_RR Jenny_RR wrote:


How about this: -

It looks attractive, but it's only about 18" long.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 01 2005 at 11:02pm
grrr why is the good stuff out of the country? Thats just not fair.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: maliburum
Date Posted: January 02 2005 at 5:53am
Hi Ladies, I just wanted to know if anyone thought that one heat clamp is better than another. There are a couple listed on ebay. Is one companies heat clamp hotter or more comfortable to use...?

Also when you do the shrinkies with pretipped hair and you heat it with the heat clamp, doesn't the tip of the hair melt with the heat ? and when you remove is the bond from the hair still there or will you have to retip the hair?


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: January 02 2005 at 6:41am
I would suggest to buy one that has a variable temperature control. Ive seen some that just have one temperature, you definitely want one that you can control the heat, so it can be used for different types of hair and methods.

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Posted By: amm
Date Posted: January 02 2005 at 12:50pm

Sorry, I don't know much about heat wands. I've only tried one brand and it's working pretty well. Why are they so expensive though?! Jeez!

Yes, the glue from the pretipped hair will also heat and somewhat melt under the shrinkie. When I make my own preipped, I put just the smallest drop of nail glue on the tip*. This does two things -- it stops the strands glue from melting in my own hair and it keeps the tip intact so I don't have to redo it over for the next install.

*nail glue is never installed wet. Always allow plenty of time for it to completely cure and dry before placing in the hair.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 02 2005 at 3:08pm
Not to change the topic, but does anyone know of any curling irons that are low-temperature (or temperature-controlled) enough that they might work with synth? Any particularly good velvet or steam rollers?

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 12:48am
Well I went to my local hardware store today and they didnt have dual wall heat shrink tubing, I bought some regular just to mess with. There are 2 other places I can check tomorrow that wernt open today.

I bought some Toyokalon hair to play with and practice making tips. Toyokalon is notorious for not taking ANY heat whatsoever but after I tipped it with Liguid Gold and used the regular heat shrink and applied one to an old wig I have, it didnt melt!! I was shocked. I think the LG provided a barrier for the heat.

I was going through my links and is DrLocks the only place to get shrinkies? I couldnt find them anywhere else.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 3:47am
Well, there are others who sell tubing without the glue lining, but I think Doc's is the only one anyone's used with any success....

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Posted By: maliburum
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 5:17am
I was wondering. If anyone that has tried the shrinkies have had any problems with loosing them? I have microrings now and every now and then I find on has come out.

Also where can I find this 'Liquid Gold' for tipping hair?


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 5:39am
I think the consensus is that Shrinkies are more secure than microrings, but you might want to search some of amm's previous posts for more information on slippage. Generally, though, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

You can get Liquid Gold from, here: -

Good luck!

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Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 5:03pm
Thanks for the bonding site. Where is a good site to purchase the microrings?


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 5:19pm
For microrings, go to (they call them Extendtubes there): -

But for Shrinks, go to Doc Locks: -

Good luck!

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 7:28pm
Oops! I didn't realize Liquid Gold has it's own website: -

I would think you could get a better deal there than at (but I haven't compared the prices).

Good luck!

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 9:29pm
Liquid Gold is definetly cheaper if you buy it directly from their website.

And I can tell you that it works great at tipping hair. I practice tipped about 6 pieces last night and it went pretty fast and the LG makes a nice tip after it cures. My problem was getting too much hair in the tip, still have to practice on that.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 9:31pm
Thanks Em, that was my next question. Do you have to roll this stuff around after you dip the hair in or just dip and wait?


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 9:47pm
I used an old piece of cardboard. I cut the hair from the weft, pulled off the short hairs, fanned it out and used the brush that came with the LG. I made sure I brushed it on ALL the hair and then I TURNED it over and did the same to the other side.

I waited about 30 secs then I rolled it between 2 fingers. Dont worry about getting a perfect point, just get it rolled nice. Be careful, because LG bonds to itself when it dries and I glued my thumb and first finger together the first, keep some nail polish remover handy just in case.

Then I laid it across a chair to cure (about 5 mins, its cured when the tip is hard) then I took sharp scissors and snipped the tip off to even it out.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 7:14am
Em, Thanks again for all the helpful info. What size microring would be the best? I went to order and saw they have 3 sizes. Do most use the large for the bottom of the head?


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 11:11am
Kimbearly, you don't dip hair into Liquid Gold, you brush it on with the applicator brush that comes inside the LG. Once it becomes tacky, roll it between your thumb and forefinger and then allow it to cure for a bit.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 3:48am
The size of ring you use would depend on the look your going for and your hair condition. I have fine thinning hair and I used the medium rings, I think I would have been better off using the small or xtra small, especially around the hair line.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 4:06am
Well I spent an hour running around to electrical supply places and contractors today.

The first place I went into was full of guys dressed in construction gear and I immediately felt like Id walked into the mens room by mistake. The looks I got from the men were hilarious.

Then when I told the guy what I wanted: 1/8" dual wall shrink tubing with adhesive lining: he looked at me like I had asked him to put on a tutu and dance on the counter. GEESH!!

I didnt fair any better at the second place so I came home, dragged out the phone book and started dialing. I finally found one place where a LADY answered the phone, she was very helpful (but still a bit confused about what I was looking for) but she offered to check on it and call me back, and big surprise, she did!! lol

Anyway, Im going there tomorrow to look at what she found, hopefully it will work. I know they will only have it in black, but my hair is a range between 1b and dark brown so I should be able to get by with the black tubing for now.

Onward and Upward, perseverence pays off....someday....LOL


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: clairey
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 4:40am
Ive just been reading this thread and the shrinkies seem really good, would you be able to put them in yourself, are they complicated to put in??
Also how long should you keep them in your hair before removing them??
Sorry one more question! Wherebouts do you attach the extensions onto your own hair with them? near the scalp or further down??
Sorry again for all the questions!!:)


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 5:30am
DrLocks has a great demo on how to do shrinkies as well as other demos on the other systems also. Take a look around her website and you can decide which system would work best for you.

Yes its possible to do them yourself, it gets a little tricky doing the back so having a friend to help would be the way to go. -


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: OCGal
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 3:27pm
Hi there,
New poster here (although I''ve been lurking for quite some time). First off, just wanted to thank everyone for sharing. I've been reading all the posts and have taken notes but have just a few questions to ask.

For the experts here, when you insert shrinkies in your hair, do you start from the bottom of your head and work your way up or do you start at the crown first? Do you insert shrinkies in random spots on your head or do you separate the hair into rows? I''d like to add volume and length to my shoulder length hair so any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.



Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 6:59pm
Generally, all extensions are applied in a basic row formation (although this can be customized, depending on the look you want and your natural hair).

Basically, it's like this: Start 1 inch in from all the hairlines (this will enable you to put your hair up without the bonds showing). Starting at the bottom, apply them in horizontal rows. So, after you finish the bottom-most row, start the next one about 1/4 inch up. Continue in that vein up to the ears or so. At this point, you can stop or continue to apply more rows; if you continue, you should make the shrinks smaller as you go up (the higher you go, the more visible extensions are).

I would say that most people go about an inch or two above the ears; you can go higher, but again, the further up you go, the more visible they can be (of course, if you have a lot of thick hair on the top that's curly or wavy, you can probably get away with more on top than someone with thin, fine, straight hair).

Generally, they're not placed randomly. If you want to add streaks, that's really a matter of preference--just place them where you think they look good.

Here's the Shrinkie demo: -

And to get an idea of how to do the rows, go to this page, and click on the demo for "Strand By Strand"--they're not using Shrinkies there, but it's the same basic idea in terms of the row patterns.

Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask questions--it seems confusing, but once you've done them or have seen them done once, the row formations are fairly simple to understand.

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 7:01pm
Oops, forgot the link. Go to this page, and click on the demo for "Strand By Strand"--they're not using Shrinkies there, but it's the same basic idea in terms of the row patterns: -

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Posted By: OCGal
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 7:33pm
Thanks so much, Jenny!

I just bought the shrinkies and the heating clamp from Dr Locs. As soon as I get the liquid gold and bohyme hair, I'm gonna start experimenting. Boy am I excited about this.

I've been wanting to do this for such a long time but never had the guts to do it myself. About six months ago, I went to an extension stylist who used the weaving method to add length to my costed me $300 and only stayed in for 5 days. I'm not sure why since I was told that it would last at least a month. I have Asian hair so perhaps that's partly the reason why it fell out faster (my scalp is extremely oily if I don't wash it everyday). Anyway, I'm really hoping that the shrinkies will last longer and will not be too much maintenance.



Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 8:08pm
Came out after five days? Uggghhhh! Even if you have an oily scalp, I wouldn't think that would happen--do you know the weaving method used? Were they wefts or individual pinchbraids?

Anyway, that's exciting that you're delving into the world of Shrinkies. If you think your hair might be a bit extension-resistant because you're Asian (although I'm not sure that would be it), you might want to post some questions about that here or on Quinnster's in the Loose section: -

I have dry, thin, brittle white-girl hair, so I don't know much about the subject, but I know that many Asian women use extensions with great success:).

Good luck!

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Posted By: OCGal
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 1:16am
Thanks for the link to that message board...there's a wealth of knowledge on there as well.

Yup..I was p*ssed!! She braided three tiny cornrows from ear to ear and used a needle and thread to sew the weft to the braids. The hair looked pretty nice after it was done but as the days went by, I noticed that the wefts were starting to loosen from the braids and after day five, one side had completely fallen apart so my husband and I spent an hour in the bathroom taking it off. I called my stylist to explain what happened and all she said was "well Asian hair doesn't hold well with extensions but it was worth a try". Can you believe that?!?!

I had mid-length hair and very full before I decided to get it cut to shoulder length and I'm really regretting it and want to go back to having it long again which is why I decided to try the shrinkies. My hair is somewhat oily and very full but also very fine. I probably won't have any problems with it but we shall see. more question about the shrinkies. There was mention of slippage, does that usually happen more so when brushing the hair or does it happen on a typical day out to the mall or something?



Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 1:44am
Ive never had hair just slip out, its always been while brushing.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 5:15am
With Shrinkies, I don't think your extensions would just randomly slip out. It would have to be because too much pressure had been applied (while brushing, perhaps) or that they weren't installed correctly. With some loc/linking techniques, there is a lot of slippage, so they can randomly some out, but I don't think you'll have that problem with Shrinkies.

So your stylist said, "Asian hair doesn't hold well with extensions, but it was worth a try...." Huh? If she didnt think they would hold, she should've suggested something else. I certainly hope you got your money back.

That said, I do think there's some truth to what she's saying in so far as woven wefts aren't really the best with your hair type. Generally, the more textured the hair, the better the cornrows hold (which is why many black women do well with this method, as well as some curly-haired white women). Smooth, silky-straight hair generally isn't a good candidate for that technique.

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 10:59am

Can ya tell Im just a teeny bit excited??? lol

I picked up some heat shrink tubing today from a local electrical supply. She didnt know if it had adhesive in it or not but for the price I thought "what the heck" Ill try it anyway.


I went to Kmart and got a small straightening iron with 25 heat settings, cranked that baby all the way up to 25, and put one in an old wig I had, and it stuck great. It shrank down really small, smaller than a microring when its clamped.

Im very excited. Im going to spend the day tipping that new synth I found and tonight my hubby will help me install them.

As a side note: So far Ive gotten over 100 tipped pieces out of one weft I bought and Im just over half way with it. I dont think Im making them too small, we'll see tonight when we put them in.

Thanks everyone for all the help and suggestions, Ill let you know how it goes.

Oh yeah, Ive already taken "before" pics, Ill get the "after" pics when we're done and post them.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 11:51am
What kind of tubing is it? Don't just randomly install this without testing the hold between your own hair and the extension. You may very well spend hours putting this all in only to find out it will not hold or stand up to washing and styling.

I can understand your excitement but please don't ever attach anything to your own hair without FIRST seeing how it's going to be removed.

I strongly suggest shrinking this tubing around a strand that is not on your head and testing the removal. Then, I would only put in about 10 or so, blend them into your own hair and wear them for a week to see if you need to adjust how you install them.

Take your time. Take your time....

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 3:20pm
As timid as I am about messing with my hair, I have ordered myself a hair mannequin to do experiments like these. It wasn't expensive, and I'm sure I'll learn how to do lots of things that are hard to learn while working on your own head.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 3:30pm
Way ahead of you

After it worked so well on my wig head, of course I couldnt wait to try it on me. I put 6 extensions on the side of my head, above my ear. The tubing dosnt seem to shrink as much as I thought it would. But there is definetly adhesive in it. It flattend out kind of like a micro ring. I tried to roll it between my fingers but it wouldnt roll so I just left it to cool off. I left them in all day, tugging on them every once in a while to see if they would budge, I brushed my hair 3 times and they held great. Just now I reheated them with the straightening iron and they slid right off. Since I hadnt left them but a few hours they didnt leave any residue and I dont know how they will do with washing. I may put a couple on my practice wefts and wash them again so see how it does. I start back to school Monday and I dont want to go with half a head of extensions so Ill put them all in tonight and play with them over the weekend. That way if something goes wrong Ill have all day Sunday to remove them.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: Liviray
Date Posted: January 06 2005 at 3:43pm
Can you imagine how HUGE it would be if there was a ring that held up well, and slipped out when heat was applied, leaving no residue or damage?

Even if it was for temporary wear like a night out? Im interested in finding out how this works long term ...please keep us updated and for crying out loud be CAREFUL...I dont want you to damage your real hair.


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