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Best Place for Clip Ons?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 5:43pm

Topic: Best Place for Clip Ons?
Posted By: whatadumbbunny
Subject: Best Place for Clip Ons?
Date Posted: January 10 2005 at 5:13pm
With my wavering interest in extensions, wigs, and the like, I've been browsing lots of neat websites with clip on extensions. So far, I'm pretty interested in these clip ons by Raquel Welch @ -

Can anyone recommend any of their personal favorite sites?


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 10 2005 at 5:33pm
They're a little pricey, but I've heard the RW brand is really good quality. I've never bought those specific clip-ins, but I've purchased a lot of wigs, clips, and falls from,, and, and they've all been fine. If you know you're interested in those specific clips, you may want to price them out at a few sites (I don't think InternationalWig carries RW, but I believe the other two do).

Better yet, a few threads down (in the "clip-on" thread), I think Heather said she had the RW ones and likes them a lot. You may want to ask her about them beforehand.

Good luck!

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Posted By: whatadumbbunny
Date Posted: January 10 2005 at 5:43pm
Yea, these puppies are pretty expensive. But I found them ideal because they were real human hair.


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 10 2005 at 5:49pm
Yeah, if they're good quality and they last, they might be well worth the $$$. I unfortunately have very little experience with clip-ins, but I'm sure someone knowlegable with chime in (Metalgirl seems to know a lot about them).

By the way, I was thinking more about your situation, and posted a little more info. on the first thread you posted (don't know if you saw it or not).

Good luck!

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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 10 2005 at 8:00pm
I made my own clip ins for roughly $65 and that included the hair and the clips. Took me about an hour and a half to sew the clips to the wefts. The prices for those are outrageous.


SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: January 11 2005 at 2:52pm
I would definately recommend that you make your own clip ins. That way, you can customize the width of each weft piece according to your head's measurements. Also, I usually double the weft and zig zag stitch them together on my sewing machine at home and then sew the hair piece clips on.

I usually use Bohyme hair for this.

Posted By: purrmachine
Date Posted: January 11 2005 at 9:27pm
This question is for Jenny - and sorry I don't mean to hijack this thread but I have to ask! You mentioned that you have worn wigs before. May I ask what kind and what were they like? I have though about giving my hair a break from extensions every once in a while and wearing a wig instead. And I'm talking a full wig, not a clip on pony tail or anything like that (I don't look good with my hair up unfortunately). Thanks!


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 11 2005 at 11:00pm
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of experience with wigs; I've worn the 3/4 and clip-ons a lot, but I only wear full wigs every once in a while when I'm going out, and they're pretty standard synth ones, mostly from They don't look all that "real," but I don't really care much when I'm going out.

As I understand it, the best (most realistic) kind are the lace-front wigs. There is a great MSN group called Wig Support, made up mostly of women with hairloss, and I've seen some amazing pictures there (you'd really never know they were wearing wigs). The women there have a lot of knowledge and are always happy to share their info. Plus, they're really buying wigs to wear them every day, so they should be able to provide good suggestions based on quality, durability, and daily use.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on this. Do keep me posted on what you find out, and good luck!


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Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: January 12 2005 at 9:23pm
Not sure about the Raquel Type but try Ebay because I have seen some for sale on there. This time I am thinking of making my own from Bohyme hair since I have read it is really good quality hair.


Posted By: Paulina
Date Posted: January 21 2005 at 5:37pm
I just my clip-ins a few days ago and I absolutely love them. I got my on Ebay. You should do some research first. I think that RW are way overpriced! Good Luck!

Posted By: Paulina
Date Posted: January 21 2005 at 5:43pm
You should also check Then will send you hair sample for free, and you could buy hair there for $150.


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 21 2005 at 6:03pm

Have you used their hair? How would you describe the quality?


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Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 21 2005 at 11:14pm
purrmachine, Ive been wearing wigs for many years. Ive had both human and synth. My preference is human for wigs but synth is cheaper. These are the two place that Ive bought all my wigs: - -

Great selection, great prices and great service from both.

As for wearing a wig it depends on the length of your hair. I would definetly recommend wearing a wig cap, its much more comfortable. Ive gotten into extensions in the last 6 months because my hair has gotten so long its getting uncomfortable to wear a wig everyday, and I wore mine EVERY day for 8-10 hours. If you go with synth make sure you get Kanekalon. Its the best synth for wigs. Human hair wigs are not generally graded like extension hair. Remy, Bohyme, etc...their just called human hair wigs so you dont know for sure what your getting. But the human hair wigs Ive had so far have been great. I even considered cutting the hair off of one of my human hair wigs and making extensions out of

SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: heather0x
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 12:06pm
Hey! I have a set of the Raquel Welch clip ons and they are excellent. My hair is very thick but one set worked just fine for me, but my hair dresser recommends 2. I paid $150 Canadian for them, through my hair dresser. Don't know if that's a lot of not?
This is the best before and after sort of thing I could come up with [I didn't really take many pictures at the time i wore them]



Posted By: heather0x
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 12:09pm
Don't know what's going on with the second picture but you can just copy and paste it to your browser :)


Posted By: heather0x
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 12:09pm


Posted By: amymusic
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 3:39pm
What are the cheapest sites to purchase clips? Do I need a special kind of thread to sew them in with?


Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 4:24pm
Do a search for wig clips or toupee clips. If you can get them for less than a dollar each your doing good. I used to have a ton of links for clips but I deleted them all when I found that clip ins wont work for me. The thread I used was the weaving thread they sell at the beauty supply store.

SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 7:04pm
I like to use upholstery thread that you can buy at any fabric store. It's very strong stuff.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 22 2005 at 7:19pm
I believe the upholstery thread is what's often used for pinchbraids, no?

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