shrinkies v. microrings
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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 2:33am
Topic: shrinkies v. microrings
Posted By: leia1979
Subject: shrinkies v. microrings
Date Posted: January 29 2005 at 1:19pm
So I had mircoring highlights, which were great. In three weeks, I only had one that slipped; then I took them all out to dye my hair. After I colored on Tuesday, I put four back in, this time with my new smooth pliers. The next day, I put in about 5 shrinkies (as my samples had arrived from Sherrrie--yay!). Thursday I put in more shrinkies, then washed my hair. One of the microrings slipped. I took it out and replaced it with a shrinkie. Then on Friday, I was brusing my hair and another microring fell into my lap, attached to a blonde streak. (Horrors! I quickly wrapped it up and stuck it in my purse.)
It seems so odd that a method that worked so well before is now just falling off my head. I have two theories: 1) The smooth pliers aren't applying as much force and I'm just not clamping them hard enough; or 2) coloring my hair made it more slippery (true) and the microrings just can't get a good grip. It might also be a combination of the two, but I think I'm converting to shrinkies. Not one of them has budged.
I think I'll return my pliers to Sears and put that $10 towards a jar of shrinkies.
Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: January 29 2005 at 10:50pm
Since Sherrie requested, I've posted a few pictures of my hair with shrinkies. It's rather simple, just highlights, but feel free to take a look: - -
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 29 2005 at 11:13pm
Damn girl, you've got gorgeous hair!
Is it all yours without the shrinkie highlights?
I'm so jealous; my hair's such a wreck right now!
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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: January 29 2005 at 11:53pm
thanks for posting the are so pretty! You have beautiful hair! Glad the shrinkies are working out for you and glad I could return the favor!
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Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: January 31 2005 at 1:02pm
Yep, Jenny, 90% of that is my real hair. I have never had short hair in my entire life. I'm just really really careful with the bleach and I'm a conditioning fiend. Also, I only bleach the top portion, so even if I fry it, I just need layers. The underneath part is minimally processed (and the only way I can tell what my natural color is!).
Now I've learned it's way easier (and less harsh) to do extension highlights, so the only time I'll damage my hair is when I lighten the entire top layer. I get bored easily. =)
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: January 31 2005 at 6:39pm
You are genetically blessed; your hair is so lovely!
Not to lecture you at all, but please, please be supercareful with any methods you use going forward--test everything thoroughly before you install. I've lost a lot of hair to extensions, but I had crappy hair to begin with so it's not as heartbreaking as it would be for someone like you.
That said, it sounds like you're using extendtubes and shrinks, which should be fine. (I get nervous when I see anyone with hair as nice as yours wanting to enhance it in any way, so forgive me....).
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