Extension Accessories
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Topic: Extension Accessories
Posted By: EmmaSkye
Subject: Extension Accessories
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 8:55pm
Maybe this would be a good place to start a thread concerning extension accessories.
Combs/brushes Shampoos/conditioners Styling products Shine sprays
Please enclose an example pic if you can.
------------- SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.
Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 8:56pm
Ok I found this on ebonyline. I always braid my hair at night when I have extensions in, but I was thinking this might help keep the tangling at bay. It reminds me of the old fashioned snoods.

woohoo sixth times the charm lol, thanks for the help
------------- SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.
Posted By: darthmom
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 9:24pm
wrong way to do the tags!! use these instead [ and ] try again..also, duh, i just noticed they have a link right below the reply box, click on image, and it will do it for you. you can just put the url right between the tags.
Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: February 09 2005 at 9:31pm
Sorry, Emma. I didn't make it clear enough in my explanation. I used for the example because if I used the real ones with [ ] they don't show up. It should be [img ] with no space or you can use the "image" button on the bottom (between bold and code).
Posted By: darthmom
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 8:17am
Speaking of extension accessories. I have gotten my shrinkie kit and about to buy the hair, when I finally decide on that...what should be on my shopping list? Which type of shampoo and conditioner (most likely going with the platikhaar) also, my hair is EXTREMELY oily so I am really worried about not being able to wash my hair every day. I was wondering if I can use baby powder or that dry shampoo on my roots to get rid of the oil. It won't hurt the extensions will it? Mess with the bond? I wouldn't think so, but just wanna be sure. Any little extras an extension wearer needs to have on hand?
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 11:35am
Well, I think a dry shampoo would be a good idea, as well as a shine spray, a wide-tooth comb, a boars-hair brush, possibly Febreeze, schrungis, a clarifying shampoo. I like those cheap shower caps, for when I don't want to wash my hair. For the application, you'll obviously need Liquid Gold and nail glue (or whatever you're using), a template can be helpful, and a needle or wire. At that point, I think you'll be all set, though. :)
------------- http://www.beautyaddictmag.com - www.beautyaddictmag.com
Posted By: darthmom
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 12:37pm
Jenny_RR wrote:
Well, I think a dry shampoo would be a good idea, as well as a shine spray, a wide-tooth comb, a boars-hair brush, possibly Febreeze, schrungis, a clarifying shampoo. I like those cheap shower caps, for when I don't want to wash my hair. For the application, you'll obviously need Liquid Gold and nail glue (or whatever you're using), a template can be helpful, and a needle or wire. At that point, I think you'll be all set, though. :)
Needle and wire? For the shrinkies? I got the kit, it has a needle in it, is that what you meant? I got the liquid gold and can easily get the nail glue, so, check....and most everything else, including the febreeze. for my house lol...and what is the template for? I have only mentally gone through installing them, which I don't know what a template would work for, or pretipping....thanks. now you are stressin me cause I feel as though I have missed something important. 
Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 12:43pm
I've only seen the template on Kristin's site. Basically, it just helps you keep the strand you've selected separate from the rest of your hair. It's not necessary, but I guess it will make things easier.
You can see how it's used in Kristin's microlink tutorial: http://www.haircandy.net/microlink.htm - http://www.haircandy.net/microlink.htm
I also suggest an extension brush. I got one called a Super Looper (it has nylon loops instead of bristles) at Sally's for $8. It allows you to brush at your scalp without getting bristles caught between the shrinkies and your scalp (ouch!).
Posted By: darthmom
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 12:47pm
Oooh yeah, I do remember that. Yes, that crossed my mind when I was wondering what she meant, but since I only saw it on Kristen's site, I wasn't sure that was it. It is a vERY good idea though.
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 3:00pm
Hey Shaman,
Yeah, I just meant that you'd want to use either the needle or the wire to section the hair. The template is optional; it can be helpful in keeping the hair separated and in keeping the heat from your scalp, although I think it's easier to use it on someone else than yourself.
Good luck! :)
------------- http://www.beautyaddictmag.com - www.beautyaddictmag.com
Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 3:09pm
You know, Emma...that's a mighty attractive hairnet thingy!!LOL! I'd be afraid I'd forget it was on and accidentally answer the door.
If tangling at night is an issue, consider the good old fashioned satin pillowcase. I was skeptical, but it really does make a difference. I braid my hair at night, too, but the satin pillowcase seems to keep it from being completely unravelled in the morning.
Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 5:48pm
Baby oil gel Fabreeze-I have cats and dogs, ALWAYS have Frebreeze on hand....lol Satin Pillow case Loopy brush-already have one of those, I use it on my wigs.
woohoo so many good ideas on here 
Im most excited about the layering idea Kalika gave. I said in another post I havnt had my hair cut in over a year and I noticed when Ive put extensions in, they dont blend well. Im hoping with layering the extension before I put it in will add volume and help them blend better.
Oh yeah, and WELCOME Doc, Ill be ordering shrinkies in the next couple of days...YIPPEEE
------------- SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.
Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 10 2005 at 11:24pm
Emma~ I also found this.....
"The classic lucy" silk bonnet http://www.maverickwear.com - http://www.maverickwear.com
Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: February 11 2005 at 1:25am
Can you imagine Kalika trying to cram all that synth hair into that satin bonnet? I bet it's great for mid-back length or shorter hair, though.
I never thought a satin pillowcase made much difference until my brother got one. He has uncontrollable head movement, and he was developing a bald spot where the back of his head rubbed against the pillow. My mom made him a satin one, and now the hair is only a little thinner there. I really should look into one for myself.
Edit: But I can just hear my boyfriend saying sarcastically, "A regular pillowcase isn't good enough for the princess."
Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: February 11 2005 at 2:26am
It's description is..........
Classic Lucy� style is ideal for covering loose hair, medium length to longer hairstyles, voluminous braids, locs and with the use of hair rollers. Combination elastic in front with tie in back adds to your fitting comfort.
If I wore this my man would die laughing......I'd never live it down!! I will invest in the silk/satin pillowcase, for my next set of extensions.
Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: February 11 2005 at 5:58pm
leia1979 wrote:
Edit: But I can just hear my boyfriend saying sarcastically, "A regular pillowcase isn't good enough for the princess."
To which you reply:"That's exactly right. Bring me my breakfast."
Posted By: EmmaSkye
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 12:27am
I think it was Boogiemama who recommended Flasher by Beyond the Zone for synth hair. I bought some at Sallys today. I tried it out on my synth wig. Its really nice stuff. It comes out in an almost powdery mist, smells very nice, is not oily like most sine sprays and it made my wig look great. I could just slide my fingers right through it. Ive had this wig for over a year, I wore it everyday of most of that time, its been washed numerous times and was starting to get dry and dull. I really like this stuff. Thanks Boogiemama!!!
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/emma_skye/detail?.dir=5501&.dnm=b516.jpg&.src=ph - http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/emma_skye/detail?.dir=5501&.dnm=b516.jpg&.src=ph
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/emma_skye/detail?.dir=5501&.dnm=5411.jpg&.src=ph - http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/emma_skye/detail?.dir=5501&.dnm=5411.jpg&.src=ph
------------- SHE human hair blend, 18", #4 with Supertape.
Posted By: amm
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 12:38am
I saw that at Sally's when I was there picking up a layering razor yesterday. I'll go back and get it. Thanks for the recommend.
------------- http://shrinkies.net - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 6:16am
Does anyone know about dry shampoos, but the way? I've never used them before, but I think it might be helpful when I get my synth.
Thanks :)
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