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improving damaged hair

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: improving damaged hair
Posted By: Joginny
Subject: improving damaged hair
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 4:20pm
Hi again,

I took out my fusion hair extensions this past weekend, my shoulder length hair is now 2 inches long if that. I had no choice but to put in shrinkies to hide the bald thin spots.

My question, does anyone know what I can use to improve my real hair while wearing extensions to hide the mess I've made. Will hair growth serums help? One I found at Sephora FNS sounds interesting, but I would welcome any help or suggestions. I am so distraught.

Posted By: Scotchyroo
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 5:28pm
Okay friend, here's what i know. If your doctor says it's ok, rogain for women works really well. My mom uses it and it's made a world of difference to her. You need to buy special products to care for the hair.. I think Nioxin is formulated for rogaine use, because the rogaine makes it really ****y, and be sure to not color or do so only with a pro.

If that's not for you, the mineral supplement msm is really really good for growing stronger hair. A good diet is immeasurable in it's value. With MSM, you won't notice a difference for three monthes but then you'll really be happy. In fact I recommend this harmless supplement in conjuntion with whatever you try.

I have a client who swears by the laser brush from Bliss catalog. But... She paid like $600 for it. It supposedly stimulates the follicle. She has had regrowth, so who knows.
That said, how are the shrinkies working for you? Best Wishes


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 6:16pm
Hi Joginny, Your hair is only gonna get worse by having extensions in. I just took mine out and like I've already mentioned,"I WANT TO WEAR A BAG ON MY HEAD" I have asked for suggestions and some people told me to put in clip in extenstions, however, I don't want to put anything in my hair that's going to put tension on it. I originally had beautiful hair, and then a dermatologist put me on a medication last year for a skin problem and hair loss was the #1 side effect. So I had GL's put in (not knowing the medicine was causing my hair loss), and just made a bad situation worse. After losing about 40 to 50 bonds, (all of which pulled every piece of hair out that it was attached to) I had them taken out after having them only 1 1/2 months ($2,000.00 later). After the removal process I felt pratically bald. After finding out the medicine was the culprit, I stopped taking it and got on hair vitamins. After 2 months I decided to try another method of extensions and went to Hairlocs, thinking they wouldn't damaged my hair like the GL's. Well........ they just kept slipping out of my hair and I got fed up so I took them out. Now my hair isn't as bad as it was when the GL's were taken out, but it isn't much better. Anyway, I would suggest getting a really cute cut and staying the heck away from the extensions, oh and get some hair vitamins and deep condition the crud out it. Please look at the difference of my hair on the thread that has subject:IM GONNA TRY TO POST MY PICTURES: You will have to click on the hyperlink because I couldn't figure out how to post the pics. Anyway, look at the 3rd picture down (the one with me and a girlfriend of mine) that's after the GL's were taken out. Now look at the last picture of me with my back turned to the camera, that's my hair before medication and extensions, and I hope to God to get it back to that again. Everybody I know personally is sorry they got extensions, whether it be weft, or Hairlocs, or GL's, etc................. Give your hair a break (in a good way) :-)

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 6:48pm
LISA LISA...I personally for one will never be sorry that I got extensions! I had crappy hair before extensions and Im sure Ill have crappy hair after extensions. I dont intend to take them out anytime soon. Some of us were not blessed with great or even good hair, some of us were cursed with awful hair and for people like me, extensions are a great way to have beautiful hair. I have worn extensions for 5 years or more and my hair is no worse, no better than before.

Youve said yourself that you were on medication that caused hair loss, so extensions was not entirely to blame for your hairloss, and also the fact that you used two methods that are quite well known for being damaging surely contributed to your hairloss as well.

I am very sorry for your bad experiences and am sorry what you must be going through with the hairloss issues, but hair extensions are not all bad experiences for all of us. I believe that with proper care and proper application and removal that extensions will cause little to no damage. ANd for myself, the little damage that Ive had is no worse than the other harsh things that Ive done, such as color and bleach. I am no worse off than before extensions after 5 years.

One question that I have for you is why did you get extensions in the first place? Your hair looked beautiful in the picture that you said was before extensions.

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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 7:06pm
LISALISA, I just want to clarify that I am in no way trying to make your bad experience seem unimportant, because I believe that it has to be a devasting experience to loose your beautiful hair.

And after I re-read your post you state that you got extensions after you started experiencing hair loss, and not knowing it was the medication causing it. Is this correct? I would think if you were experiencing hair loss, a stylist should have told you that extensions were not an option for you.

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Posted By: delin
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 8:46pm
Hair is our "crowning glory". I can't think of anything that impacts a person's appearance as greatly and thusly their self-esteem...that's not to say we are all so narcissistic we have to look good to feel good, but there's a reason people use the term "I'm havin' a bad hair day."
I've only worn extensions for about a year and I'm still experimenting with what works best for me. (I accredit this board for a lot of what I've learned) I've had some bad experiences (all attributed to my technique & the quality of hair) but the more I learn, the better it gets.
I, personally, would sacrafice some hair damage for a "flowing mane"...because there's no way I could produce one on my own. Not only do I enjoy the end product, but I love fiddling with applying...some people knit, some sew, and I stick in hair.
I agree with Sherrie, you weren't a candidate for extensions initially. Best of luck growing your hair back...everybody deserves "good hair days"...regardless how they choose to achieve them.


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 07 2005 at 10:20pm
Well said, delin. Couldn't agree more.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 7:40am

It is what it is...

Posted By: Joginny
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 9:20am
Scotchyroo thank you for your suggestions. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown over this. I think the thread took a turn and I am desperate for suggestions on how I can improve the condition of my hair. I will need to continue to wear extensions for now, so please keep this in mind when suggesting products. I started a multi vitamin, extra biotin 5 mg, I am willing to try anything. Please help......


Posted By: ccross6032
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 9:28am
hi there -

sorry to hear your situation; it may be helpful to know what medication you were/are on? sorry if i missed this, and are you still on it? if you aren't comfortable posting that BM me....i'm a vet pathologist and we do lots of derm stuff (for animals :) ), but sometimes the principles are the same....knowing why you hair began to thin may be critical for understanding how it will return and how to help that....


Posted By: Joginny
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 10:49am
You may have confused me with another poster. I am not on any medication. My only problem is that my hair is bleached and fragile and with the weight of extensions not to mention the fusion glue pulling my hair out at the roots my hair has broken off and I have bald spots everywhere. I think I am going to color my hair back to a light brown so I can stay away from the bleach for now until I repair what hair I have left.


Posted By: ccross6032
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 11:23am
so sorry - got thrown off by lisa lisa's comments/confused myself....

i think the comments about rogaine and supplements are really really sound... kind of expensive, but it's all relative, yes?...but there (in my opinion from a scientific background) is not any other proven over the counter medication or treatment that will reverse the thinning or do anything other than camouflage and prevent more damage...there are thickening and smoothing serums like frizz ease like you mentioned, etc that really helped my hair look more smooth and shiney when i have overbleached in the past...
i know it isn't what you want to hear (at least i'm guessing), but when i kinda fried my hair what really helped was a new shaggy-type haircut...i told my stylist what i wanted, she cleaned up the kinda ratty ends...and the cut really helped restore lots of volume, my shorter thicker hair looked much more aestetically pleasing than my longer kinda ratty and tatty hair...and the way my ends were, it wasn't a good start for regrowth..pantene has a new leave in treatment that the claim repairs up to 80% of damage..i haven't tried it myself though...


Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 12:04pm
Maybe I'm a party pooper, but the best thing I can tell you is to have a well-balanced diet (a good multi-vitamin can't hurt) because if you're healthy, your hair should grow in healthy. The truth is that you've fried your hair. All you can really do is be nice to it as it grows out to keep from frying it again. There is no miracle hair-repair--though a good conditioner or leave-in can help make it feel better--and I personally don't believe there's anything out there that will give you significantly faster growth. Hair growth is not consistant, so it's hard to measure that scientifically.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 2:41pm
Wow! I seem to have really offended people concerning hair extensions. I can't believe how defensive some people have gotten towards the thread I posted. I guess I should clarify what I was trying to explain.
First of all, I simply wanted to answer a question from somebody who had gone through similar problems with hair extensions and tell them about my experience. She specifically said that the hair extensions ruined her hair,and that is why I told her that she shouldn't keep them in, and that she should just get a cute hair cut and try to get her hair healthy again. I don't remember stating anywhere in that thread that extensions are horrible and NOBODY should put them in their hair, but in this case she is flat out stating they ruined her hair, and unless she is going to wear them for the rest of her life, the problem is not going to go away and her hair is gonna get worse. Obviously her hair can't handle the weight of the extensions, for whatever reason, and they don't work for her. I too have my hair highlighted with bleach (and have had for 20 years), however, I don't feel that had anything to do with the damage.
I know alot of it has to do with the stylist who puts them in, and with that in mind, I have tried 5 different stylists and had the same results each time. I have spent probably over $6000.00 since I started this venture, and have come to the conclusion that they just don't work FOR ME. I went as far as to purchase a starter kit from so I could save $ and put the bonds back in myself when they came out, well those microlinks were slipping out just as fast as the Hairloc's.
I will be the first to say that I felt prettier than ever when I had the extensions in my hair, however, it just wasn't worth the hassel, time,money, or damage being done to my hair. Sherry made a comment about the fact that she doesn't like her hair and never has, so having the extensions really hasn't been an issue as far as doing damage to her hair. If you think about it, the fact that I had nice hair before, made this even more devastating for me. And although the medication did some thinning to my hair, the extensions did most of the damage. I have been soooooo tempted to have the extensions put back in, because I CAN'T STAND how my hair looks now, but there is gonna come a day when I have to deal with my hair and try to get it healthy again. Jenny RR also made a comment about how my hair didn't look that damaged after the extensions were taken out, and that it just looked a little thinner on the ends. Ok! I didn't take close up pictures, but I had quarter size bald spots all over my scalp, and the texture of my hair is horrible. I have no shine, no bounce, no body. My hair is just like straw, and no matter what hair products I use or how I try to style it, well........ it's useless. I feel as though people on here are questioning my integrity, and I'm having to justify everything I say by detailing everything. I mean really, if I say extensions thrashed my hair, then they thrashed my hair. Whether it shows up in pictures or not, they thrashed my hair. If extensions work for other people "THAT'S FANTASTIC"! but for those of us who have had bad experiences, we should be able to let others know about it and give suggestions without feeling like we need to defend ourselves, as in this case.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 3:56pm
lisa nobody questioned ur integrity. u need to post better pictures if u want peopole to know what the probkem seems like ur mad at these women here but you should be mad at ur salon. i dont think sherry and jenn, said anything wrong. theyve talked about how bad fusion and hairlocs is forever. they warned u & u didnt listen.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:29pm
SEE! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!! I'm not mad at anybody! And as far as being warned about Great Length's and Hairloc's, I had both of them in my hair long before every coming onto this site, and therefore "had not been warned " as you put it". I posted the pictures that I had. I'm sorry that they weren't more explicit, but like I said "those were the only pictures I had. I guess I thought they really showed a difference of how my hair looked after removal of the extensions, but apparently not. I'm certainly not here to make anybody mad or start anything. There have been several times when I have posted threads on this site and it seems like some people have been kind of insensitive. I'm sure that I haven't had as extensive damage as some people and I don't feel that I'm comparing myself to anybody. Just stating the facts about a bad experience, and nothing more! Actually, I thought I was possibly helping somebody.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:51pm
I just want to reiterate the fact that I'm not mad at anybody, and in no way was I saying that Sherry or Jenn RR said something wrong. I was simply stating that it seemed to me that people thought I was exaggerating the damage done to my hair by the extensions. And to longerthanlong, as far as taking up the issue with my salon!!!!! I have been to 5 different salons and there comes a time when you just have to say "enough is enough", and these extensions aren't for me. Please don't put words in my mouth by saying things like " I'm mad at the girls on this site" or that Jenn and Sherry said anything wrong, because I NEVER said anything to that affect. In fact, if anything, Jenn has helped me out with alot of information and has been nothing but nice to me.

Posted By: Scotchyroo
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:51pm
Oh, I couldn't agree with Lea (crap I can't remember how she spelled it now!!) enough. A good diet will help so much. I have a friend who's a doctor who says that fat girls always have the best hair and skin, because you almost have to eat too much to get everything your body needs. Think Omega 3 fatty acids.
Please try MSM. It's a harmless mineral supplement, extremely cheap, that works with the calcium in your diet to improve your eyes, hair, skin, nails and joint function. Seriously, this is like a $7 investment.
On another note, everybody here has good intentions, and if there have to be misunderstandings occasionally, I for one think it's worth it to have everyone telling it like it really is for their own head of hair.
So, you know,, don't go try and please the hair extensions message board....we like you just the way you are.


Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:54pm
not sensitive? the women have helped you so many times answering your questions and suggesting different stuff. they warned you that you shoudl stop with the hairlocs a long tiem ago and you did nt listen. all that tme you have only posted your probelms and complaints but never tried to help others, and these girls have tried to help you over and over again.

you shoudl be thanking them, who told you hairlocs sucked months ago, but instead youre whining that they havent treated u well enough and cant feel your pain. EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE HAD MUCH WORSE DAMAGE THAN U!

grow up, lisa, and take responsibilty for ur decisissions. dont take ur anger out on innocnet peopel.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 4:55pm
Lisa lisa I was not offended by anything you said. I was just commenting based on something you said
Quote Everybody I know personally is sorry they got extensions, whether it be weft, or Hairlocs, or GL's, etc.................

All I was doing is replying back with my opinion. As I am sure there are many other ladies on this board who dont regret hair extensions.

I didnt think I was being defensive or insensitive nor did I take offense by what you said....I was just stating my opinion. I also said that I was very sorry about your situation, and I truely do feel bad that this happened to you.

This board is all about finding the best and least damaging methods and doing it at affordable costs. We always try to steer people in the right direction and away from methods that we know are damaging and going to drain your wallet. Its a good thing to have a board like this to help people. If someone wants extensions they will get them with or without these boards. And if we steer even a few people in the right direction( and away from disaster) then I consider this board successful. And there has been many a' posters that have been given the advice here that they were probably not a candidate for extensions! I dont think any of the frequent or regular posters would suggest to anyone with a hair loss issue to get extensions.

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Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 5:03pm
Originally posted by sherrie215 sherrie215 wrote:

Lisa lisa I was not offended by anything you said. I was just commenting based on something you said
Quote Everybody I know personally is sorry they got extensions, whether it be weft, or Hairlocs, or GL's, etc.................

All I was doing is replying back with my opinion. As I am sure there are many other ladies on this board who dont regret hair extensions.

Me being one of them.
On the contrary. I'm thrilled to death that there even is such a thing. And I'm not even that upset about the damaging aspects of some of's like, live and learn. Same thing with stylists: some are good, some are bad. The only thing I don't like about extensions is the human hair market and the lack of reliably good hair. But extensions themselves and wearing them? They rock. No regrets.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 5:09pm

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 5:16pm

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 5:29pm
PLEASE....ladies! Lets not turn this into something ugly....thats not what this board is about. Lets be able to discuss our differences of opinion without the drama. I think this was just a lot of misunderstanding. Come on....It takes everyones opinions (whether the same or different) to find the best answers to the same thing we all are striving for...BEAUTIFUL HAIR!

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Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:04pm
Sorry to sound so brash, but when somebody starts telling you to grow up, and that all you do is whine, well........................ you tend to get a little upset. There was absolutely no reason for longerthanlong to talk to me like that. I too have also tried to help people on this website and given suggestions. It just so happens that I don't have all the experience that some of the other girls do. I'm thinkin I need to just stop coming onto this site. If I can't even express how I feel, without being talked to like that, then I want no part of this site. Thank you Sherry for understanding and not taking offence to my post. I really appreciate all the help you girls have given me, and I hope to God that nobody else see's me as the whinny person that longerthanlong seems to think I am. I for one know how beautiful I felt with hair extensions, and I only wish they would have worked for me. I did have alot of people telling me that Hairloc's were damaging to the hair, HOWEVER, I had just spent $2,000.00 on them and was going to try to make them work in any way that I could. I don't have tons of money to throw away. The only reason I told Joginny to remove the extensions and give her hair a break was because SHE said that they ruined her hair. I can't believe my response turned into such an issue. And I do have several friends that have had different types of extensions in and once they were removed, there was quite a bit of damage, and they too are sad that they can't wear them. You know what?!?!? Whatever works for you!!!!What a day!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:17pm
I am sorry lisalisa for what happened today. I do hope that you will stick around. Youve been here awhile and know that today is not the norm. I understand why you got offended by some posts and felt the need to defend your position. It does help to have ALL different opinions to help people find the best and safest solutions to their hair situations. Yes sometimes we will differ in our opinions, and I hate it that occassionally it gets heated (like today.)

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Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:42pm
Thanks Sherry, I think I'm still stunned by that last post by longerthanlong. Man, she sounds really hateful. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your hair. It looks beautiful!!

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:42pm
I thought a little humor might be good right now! I thought this was freakin hilarious! No offense intended to anyone...just thought this was funny!

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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:45pm
What the****? This has gotten way out of hand.

Lisa, I hope you know that I was not doubting your bad experiences with GLs and Hairlocs--after all, I had bad experiences with them, too! I was just saying that, based on the photos, the damage didn't look too bad. I'm sure if I could see the scalp, the damage would be clearer. Anyway, I explained all of this to you on another thread. But the point is, I don't think anyone here was questioning your motives at all. Why would we? Especially since there have been photo after photo, and post after post, detailing damage from these sorts of methods.

And I don't think Sherrie was denying your experience or being defensive at all either. She was just pointing out that all methods aren't created equal, nor are all clients. As I pointed out in the other thread, there are some methods that I believe are quite gentle, but ideally the best thing for hair is no tension--as well as no hot tools, no bleach, etc. But for me, for example, the damage post-extensions was so horrible that there was no way I could walk around like that. Really. I would've had to have worn a wig or find another method of extensions. I chose the latter, as the original poster, JoginNY, has also chosen.

LongerThenLong: I think you've misinterpreted Lisa's post. I don't think she's angry with the members of the board. We've all been chatting here for a long time and are quite friendly. I do think Lisa is a bit angry, but I can relate to that 100% after having spend thousands of dollars on systems that ruined my hair, too.


Edited to say: I love the kitties, Sher!

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Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:51pm
Holy macaroni noodles....

Luv the kitties too!

It is what it is...

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 6:56pm
staying with the tradition of the board I thought a humorous pic. was in order!

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Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 7:09pm
Now see what you made me do. I had to bust Oolong out on you.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 7:20pm
Oh Amm! too funny!

It is what it is...

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 9:00pm
Like sands through the hour are the threads on this board! I'm all amped up wantin to fight after readin this drama!
Sherrie...damnit I needed those meds. That sneaky kitty!
But this I think sums it up:
Originally posted by Scotchyroo Scotchyroo wrote:

So, you know,, don't go try and please the hair extensions message board....we like you just the way you are.


I've got a new puppy!!!
She's a - White Boxer

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 10:21pm

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 11:15pm
That's so obviously fake.



A penguin would never carry a purse like that.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: delin
Date Posted: March 08 2005 at 11:39pm
It is hard to convey conversation nuances in text. Someone can write something completely innocent and a reader can mistake it for something else entirely. I, like Sherrie, just wanted to put in my positive 2 cents for extensions. I don't feel defensive about it in the least.
Yes, I probably did take a wrong turn up there...sorry about that. As far as making your existing hair's dead stuff. You can coat it with products to make it feel and behave a little better, but that's about it. Your new hair growth will be a direct reflection of your health, so the advice about nutrition is sound.


Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: March 09 2005 at 1:34am
I think longerthanlong is just trying to be incendiary.

Anyway. Back to on-topic!

Pre-natal vitamins! Even if you're not preggers. I've heard so mnay women say how they took pre-natal vitamin blends when they were pregnant, and their hair and nails got nice and grew faster. I think it's just a really complete vitamin blend.

Good luck with the hair growth!


------------- - Hair Alchemy

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