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Fur - To Do Or Not Do It?

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Category: Fashion
Forum Name: A Passion For Fashion
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Topic: Fur - To Do Or Not Do It?
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Fur - To Do Or Not Do It?
Date Posted: June 09 2003 at 8:53pm
So here is a great topic. The new fashions for 2003 are full of real fur. Real fur colors, coats, boots and even hair accessories and hats. What is the current world mood about using fur? I read that the fur activists are out pouring fake blood on stuff.

So dish on this topic and I will be happy to hear the current thoughts on fur as clothing.

Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: June 09 2003 at 10:01pm
You know, I'm on the fence on this subject. I used to be really against it. I am against inhumane animal farming in general. I dunno how the conditions in mink farms are. I stopped eating pork because I know how terrible pig farms are. And I would never buy a pet store animal because puppy farms are so horrible.

Sigh... so even if they weren't phenominally expensive, I would probably never buy a new fur coat.

Having said that, I did buy a vintage fur coat last fall. I found it in a consignment store. It's beaver. So soft! So warm! It's a casual, waist length cut, so I can wear it anywhere. I didn't wear it nearly as much as I thought I would though. Too bulky, and my purse just slides right off the shoulder. Yuck!

Anyway, I felt no guilt about it because the beaver(s) certainly lived and died long before I was born. I think the coat is from the 60s.

It is kind of weird that fur is making a comeback. I thought it was a thing of the past.

"Hair is a part of you. It is not a part of me, because I am a frog." - Kermit the Frog on Sesame Street1b/N/ii ~ ??"/27"/32"

Posted By: Isla Q.
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 2:32am
NOT!!! No way, not ever! It just feels wrong. IMO fur is only beautiful when worn by it's rightful owner; the animal.


Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 7:22am
I too have never and will never wear fur. I'm not really an animal rights activist (ok, definitely not) but I eat very little meat and no beef at all. (As my mother would say, if it had a mother or a face....)

But I can understand the argument behind buying a secondhand fur. While I hate the thought of animals dying for fashion as opposed to nutrition, the creature was killed and made into a coat. And it would seem sad to just throw out all that's left instead of using the coat. So I suppose since the deed is done, you might as well make use of it. Waste really kills me. I don't mind at all if others eat meat, but it's painful to see half-eaten steaks thrown away in restaurants. In a way I would feel bad if I saw a fur lying in a dumpster.

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 7:33am
I am definitely torn on this topic and I agree about not wasting something like SuperGrover's vintage coat as Lyris pointed out. I also hate to see good food wasted. It is upsetting.

I am wondering if the fur - no fur controversy is more centered in the US or is it a worldwide controversy?

My mother-in-law LOVES animals. She feeds the squirrels and the birds and the rabbits near her condo. I was talking about this with her and she said that she has no problem with mink because minks are farm raised to be coats and minks are nasty little animals. But she was horrified by rabbit coats. So who knows.

I guess this has to be a personal thing. However, I am just wondering what will happen when the fur fashions hit the streets from the runways.


Posted By: wittils
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 10:50am
Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. I can't kill an animal for vain reasons. Or have someone else kill one for me.

If the whole animal is used ( like in the cattle industry... although it is awful how these cattle are killed ) then I personally feel better about it. I wear leather shoes. The leather products are part of our food industry.

But to raise mink, nasty or not, and kill them just for fashion, I think it is really sad. If a person can go and watch the process and still wear a coat, maybe they've earned it. Maybe they have cold hearts. So wearing a fur coat would be a symbol of a cold heart. Just trying to keep warm.

But then again, maybe it would change a lot of minds.

I am sorry that fashion has taken a swing in this direction again. I hate waste too, what's done is done. We can't change the fact that those beavers died and their coats became a wonderful coat to be used. It should not be tossed out by no means. But I would rather see a total stop on this sad part of fashion.

I won't buy, therefore I won't contribute...

I will wear what makes me feel wonderful though, and with all this sun well I am off to the ocean

Have fun girls!

Precious is the day... it happens only once in a lifetime.

Posted By: babs
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 12:53pm
OK. Well speaking of fur and fashion, what exactly happened with Anna Wintour and Vogue magazine? Were they part of a deal with PETA or what? I never got the total scoop.

My opinion is that fur boycotting is more open and obvious in the US. Of course that is just my opinion and I do live in the US.

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 1:12pm
I agree with Wittils.

I love leather and suede.
Both are parts of an animal that is used primarily for food. If the animal's hide was discarded, that would be wasteful indeed.

I totally disapprove of raising and killing an animal for it's skin. That is cruel, vain and wasteful of life.


Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: June 10 2003 at 4:18pm
Definitely no fur for me. Not much leather either (I can always wear flip flops). There are such nice fakes out there these days that I can see no reason to ever wear the real furs. How could anyone?

"It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 17 2003 at 7:25pm
I can fully understand why some people don't want wear fur or leather or even eat meat. They have the freedom to choose not to do those things. i have no problem with that.
What I do object to is the animal rights advocates who believe no one else should have the right to wear fur or leather, and no one should be allowed to eat meat.
It is the extremists, the totalitarians in the animal rights movement, that hurt the animal rights cause.

Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: June 17 2003 at 9:58pm
Yes, Yes Yes, I will wear fur or leather!

Big suprise if you know me very well. I'm a huge animal lover!! Humans have been using skins to cover thier bodies forever!!

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: 3katz
Date Posted: June 21 2003 at 5:12pm
Nope, I will never wear fur.I don't see the point when there are so many realistic fakes available, and we don't need to kill for warmth anymore. Leather shoes/accessories are as far as I'll go, for the reasons Uzma stated.


Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: June 27 2003 at 8:26am
I love animals, and philosophically, I feel that the fur industry mistreats animals for finacial gain and find that very very distasteful.

Fur coats feel beautiful when you put them on and they are so warm, but that is not good reason enough to engage in that awful business, in my opinion.

My mom left me two gorgeous, expensive fur coats when she died. They didn't fit me for a long time (she was a size 6-8 and 5'7). Now, they fit better. But I can't bring myself to wear them. One is a full length mink, it would have to be shortened quite a bit for me. The other is a hip length silver fox. It's too puffy for my 5'3 frame.

So I can't wear them and I can't bear to sell them. I wish I could sell at least the fox on ebay, but I can't seem to part with anything that was hers.

What would you all do?

Clinging to whatever I have left of my mother


Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: July 19 2003 at 1:48pm
Never had a problem wearing fur.

Posted By: Rachel A
Date Posted: July 19 2003 at 10:30pm
I'm not an evironmentalist wacko but me personally.... I wouldn't wear fur. It's funny...I think it's alright to wear leather.

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

Posted By: ll_insomnia_ll
Date Posted: July 20 2003 at 2:17am
I have no real problem with fur. I've got several minks from my grandmother. I don't wear them though.. No reason or occasion. They are very pretty. I've got leather jackets as well.. And I love meat. Ehh that sounds so much worse than it actually is.

Posted By: caramia
Date Posted: July 21 2003 at 8:44am
I agree with Wittils and Uzma. Having said of the most revolting things I ever saw was a woman at a wedding reception wearing a fox around her neck and shoulders. It was a whole fox with the head and everything and the front and back claws were joined together as a way of clasping the whole thing together at her back. Ick!

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