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Vanna White's haircut on "Wheel of Fortune"

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Category: Beautiful People, Beautiful Hair
Forum Name: Celebrity Hair Talk
Forum Description: The hair trials and tribulations of Celebrities
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 8:22pm

Topic: Vanna White's haircut on "Wheel of Fortune"
Posted By: JerkyFlea
Subject: Vanna White's haircut on "Wheel of Fortune"
Date Posted: February 22 2000 at 1:15pm

More flotsam and jetsam from the ocean of celebrity hair news that got caught in my net, but didn't make it as the monthly special in the column (how's that for a long drawn out metaphor?): 

If you remember a few years ago, Vanna White decided to cut her hair and had a week long poll on the show of what she should do.  End result was that she decided to go short.  Pat Sajak, ever the helpful host, ensured that Vanna wouldn't back out by cutting a big hunk out of her hair right on stage as the cameras rolled, much to Vanna's shock.

Didn't catch that episode of Wheel?  Well, fear not.  The fine folks of "Wheel of Fortune" have put a few of the more memorable clips of the show online and this happens to be one of them.  If you want to see it, you have to have QuickTime installed (which you can get from - "> if you don't have it already.  After that just click here: - "> -



3 pm is simultaneously too late and too early to start anything.

Posted By: Arco_Arena
Date Posted: August 07 2005 at 2:23pm

I reallize that this is a very old thread but does anyone have or know where I can get this video clip?  I would like to see it for a project I'm working on.  Thank you very much!!

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 8:20pm
Link doesn't work.

Posted By: AngelDream
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 3:38am
Yeah, that is an old thread but never saw it so I'd like to see it.

Posted By: ssjockey
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 10:40am
I saw the cut a few years ago, the video quality I saw was very poor, and the host only cut a very small piece of her hair.  Not much of a clip.

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