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Katie Couric Revisted

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Category: Beautiful People, Beautiful Hair
Forum Name: Celebrity Hair Talk
Forum Description: The hair trials and tribulations of Celebrities
Printed Date: June 12 2024 at 9:07am

Topic: Katie Couric Revisted
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Katie Couric Revisted
Date Posted: September 25 2000 at 11:09am
Anybody catch Katie and the Today show this morning? Katie's hair was styled a little bit different. I couldn't honestly tell if it had been trimmed or not. I think no -- it was just blown straight and thus appeared different.

In the earlier post a few of you had suggested Kaite will cut her hair short when she returns from Australia. I think that is unlikely. She has been growing her hair out for 4 or 5 months now -- I doubt she was growing it out just for the Olympics. However, if she is going to make a major change in the next couple of months, I'd say the 2 weeks following the Olympics are the most likely time for it to occur.

I see 3 hair options in terms of length for Katie for the next few months--

1) cut it short soon
2) leave it at current length
3) grow it longer, to around shoulder length

All 3 seem possible. I would guess option 2, but would say 1 and 3 are also possible and not unlikely. Her pattern in the past has been to always revert to a short style soon after growing it out, so that portends option 1. However, she hasn't ever worn her hair this long in all the years she has been on Today, so that makes me think this might be the time she will grow it out long. Right now, I wouldn't call her hair long or short, but rather an in between style.

Personally, I like diversity in hair styles, so I'd like to see her hair longer. I think she is cute regardless but I also think her current style is softer--prettier than her usual style.

My primary question is do you think she will let her hair get long enough so that she will EVER wear her hair up in a ponytail or another similar style? I hope so, but if I had to guess I'd say probably not. That is something I'll be watching for in the coming months. She probably needs at least 2 or 3 more months of her hair growing for it to be long enough to do that. At any rate, it's been interesting to track her hair styles so far this year. Let's hope she doesn't decide to cut it real short anytime soon and ruin all the fun discussion.

Posted By: JerkyFlea
Date Posted: September 25 2000 at 12:44pm

You know, I was thinking the same thing, that the back looked a bit shorter.  Since she seems to be letting that big front  bang section grow, maybe she is keeping the back trimmed with the intention of growing it into a bob.  The only reason I would doubt that is that Katie loves to tuck her hair behind her ears if it isn't cut over them and the bob would make that harder.  We'll have to wait and see.

Oh, and even if she doesn't cut it, I doubt she'll get it long enough for a ponytail, or at least wear one on the air.  Personally, I'd like to see it at about her shoulder/collar length, with some layers to allow her to do the flip she had a while back that I really liked.  I'll be interested to see where she goes with this, because I, like you, get the feeling she in a transition state.


3 pm is simultaneously too late and too early to start anything.

Posted By: ssjockey
Date Posted: September 25 2000 at 1:03pm
There is one thing I think we are all forgetting about Katie...she is DATING! A women's self image is very different when they date (only from a personal observation standpoint), and I think that Katie will continue to grow her hair out until one of two things happen. Either first, she breaks up, or second, she gets engaged. If she breaks up, look for a return to short hair heaven in short order. If, on the other hand, she gets engaged, she will continue to grow her hair until she gets married, THEN cut it short in the first few months after the marriage.


Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: September 25 2000 at 1:28pm
All very good points. I'm of the opinion that her hair will get longer way before it gets shorter. She has never got past the growing out stage before she cut it again but now she actual looks like she has a new style. Plus due to the extentions she has seen what she would look like with hair.


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