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Got this from another messageboard (ro)

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: May 15 2024 at 3:18pm

Topic: Got this from another messageboard (ro)
Posted By: JenniferM
Subject: Got this from another messageboard (ro)
Date Posted: January 11 2000 at 7:07pm
This didn't happen to me, but I read this on another messageboard about beauty misshaps. I know this has happened to many people before. (I have omitted the author's name.)This was about 2 years ago...I decided I was going to try to copy my hairstylist's method of styling my hair. He blew it dry around a big round brush, and it always looked so great after I left the salon, but couldn't ever get it to look that way on my own. So I bought a big round brush and tried it myself one morning, before work (I worked in a law firm at the time). Well, the brush got stuck. I had twisted it up to far (and too tight). I don't mean it was hard to get out--it was STUCK in my hair. I spent about 20 minutes pulling and tugging and crying, until I thought I was going to have to cut my hair off to get the thing out of there! I called my mom hysterical, crying "I've got a brush *stuck* in my hair," she started laughing (she said I would laugh about it later, and I do, now, but at the time it was anything but funny!). I was already late for work, and there was nothing I could do. I had this brush hanging vertically next to the side of my face, right below my ear, with my hair all wrapped tight around it. There was no point in staying home, I couldn't get it out myself, and I figured my female co-workers could help me out. So I drove through downtown 8 a.m. traffic like that, and walked all the way up the parking deck stairs and into my high-rise type building that I worked in, and right past the receptionist like nothing was going on. I walked directly to my friend's office and we both burst into make a long story short (oops, too late!!) she got it out after working on it for about 30 minutes! I've never tried a round brush since, and probably never will again!
