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probably the most damaged hair in the world

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: June 21 2024 at 12:25am

Topic: probably the most damaged hair in the world
Posted By: claribuzz
Subject: probably the most damaged hair in the world
Date Posted: April 19 2003 at 4:08am
ok maybe i am setting a record for the most damaged hair in the world. I dont know if anyone actually records it. but i had my hair relaxed 6 times, and colured it 4 times all in 2 months. My bangs was the most abused of all my hair. I applied peroxide because my friends told me it would turn into a rusty shade but it did not. Then after 6 relaxers i coloured the bangs golden blonde, then i colored it brown. All this happened in just 1 week. After 3 weeks, i felt my hair was getting curly so i wanted to apply my relaxer. I used Pantene Extra moisturizing conditoner as a deep treatment a day before relaxing. Everything was fine when i applied the relaxer until the time when i chenck the results. AAAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!
my bangs and some part of my hair felt like mushy spagetti, yes mushy spagetti when wet or dry. the breaks so easily, just running my hair with my fingers cause it to break. Horrible and ugly it was at that time. But I kept a clear mind and went to the hairdresser and have it all cut off. :(
you have to do what you have to do. Nothing could save my hair except a clean cut. i had it cut short just like Justin Timberlake. well a new stlye was due anyway, and my mother would not like it because semester break is arriving at my Unirvesity is 2 weeks. and she will see me everyday for2 months. i decided to keep all my hair colorant and relaxers in a box, here in my dorm. to keep my hand from it. I also vowed not to get a haircut until i used all my hair styling product that i have ( 3 different kinds only1/4 used). any one can top this mess that i got my self into.


Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: April 19 2003 at 10:26am
Wow. What a story. I'm sorry to hear about all that claribuzz. The upside is that you sound like you acknowledge making some mistakes and have learned from the experience. It takes a lot of mental clarity to be able to say, "This didn't turn out well and I've just got to move on." The short hair style sounds like a last resort yet I bet it's not so bad at all. Think of all the time (and money) you'll save on shampoo, conditioner and styling! Plus it's probably nice for warmer weather. Thanks for sharing your story--by the way, how are you liking the new style?

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: claribuzz
Date Posted: April 23 2003 at 1:44am
yeah its ok
but very boring looking. you cant do anything with it
i still shampoo everyday but i use a lot less gel now
cant wait till my hair get longer, so i can straight it again. :)


Posted By: nikkichy
Date Posted: April 24 2003 at 2:15pm
I didn't read any of the repies to the original message but HELLO! I was waiting 4 u to say you did this in the 80's or something! this is 2003 you should know better and furthermore, u should be using only 1 product in you hair, not 3 diff kinds! You're asking for it. I suggest you throught out what u have (don't be cheap now) or just keep 1 product and stick with it and only IT!
Let me tell u something, chemically processing your hair is bad enough and to keep changing the chemicals u put in it causes even more stress and damage to you already chemically processed hair! So once again I'll say PICK 1 QND STICK WITH IT!!

Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: April 25 2003 at 5:13am
Claribuzz - I really hope you learned something from this experience. Don't fight with what nature has given you. Look at Justin T...Do you see him fighting with his curl? No, he celebrates it, accepts it and accepts himself the way he is. This confidence radiates from him and makes him even more attractive. What I am trying to say is, you will have this hair all of your life and once you begin to enjoy it and celebrate it, you will see that others will too.
A thing i see in people a lot is, they expect their hair to give people the message that they are funky and exciting...Well, Although I think your hair can play a part in that - I don't think you should have to abuse it to do that. Let your personality and fashion make the statement about you more so than your hair.

Just my opinion

Take care



Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: April 25 2003 at 10:46pm
I have to agree with hairalways. I fought my hair for years and tried to make it thick, curly, texturized--all things that it just won't do. Even if it looked good at first, the look didn't last more than a couple of weeks and there I was again, looking for something to make it look good. It is best (and cheaper) to learn to work with what nature gave you rather than against it. It will make you happier in the long run. Find styles that work with the texture of your hair and maybe experiment with color when you get really bored (use a professional though, DON'T do it yourself). But trying to relax curly hair sounds like an exercise in futility and curly hair is beautiful. I wish I had it...

"It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal

Posted By: claribuzz
Date Posted: April 28 2003 at 1:53am
to nikkichy
3 different kind of hair products for 3 DIFFERENT HAIR STYLE.
super hard gel - spikes and out of bed looks
normal gel - for just casual days
olive oil - for lazy days

fight nature
h**l yes
i will do it until I am 40 years old or at least after my pilgimidge to Mecca :)


Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: April 28 2003 at 9:44am
Well have fun while you're young! When you do reach 40 (or get to Mecca) you may find that other things take prescidence.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: May 02 2003 at 12:19am
I dunno... my hair is at least in a close second. My long (mid-back length) hair has been bleached twice, manic panic-ed at least 5 times, bleached again, dyed red and dark brown, bleached again and dyed dark brown and black... which I am severly unhappy with. I asked for blonde and dark brown. So, most likely it will either get color removal or bleached again tomorrow.

Anyone know of anything else I can do to quickly strip the permanent black dye out of my hair, without damaging quite so much... my hair has stayed nice until now, but I don't know if it can take anymore?

Posted By: claribuzz
Date Posted: May 02 2003 at 12:10pm
woa kathleen
welcome to my world :)
i'm kinda lucky to be a guy so that i could cut my hair really short people wont care. good luck on hair problems. i wish you the best


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