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disaster! emergency! help me!

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: June 15 2024 at 5:14pm

Topic: disaster! emergency! help me!
Posted By: Powerally
Subject: disaster! emergency! help me!
Date Posted: May 26 2003 at 10:57pm
My hair is so messed up right now that even the professionals don't know what to do with it. This is an emergency and I hope someone reads who knows what to do. My hair has bleach in it and I mixed that with an "anti-frizz" treatment which actually turned out to be a relaxer which didn't go too easy on my bleached caucasian hair!! I've already cut 5 inches off and I sleep with deep conditioning treatments in my hair each night but my hair is breaking off in clumps. To make it even worse, something about the way that the chemicals reacted together has made my hair so sticky that I can't even comb through it when its wet and each morning my hair sticks to my pillow!! please someone tell me that they seen something like this before! i need to know what to do...product reccomendations...anything!! I don't want to have to shave my head!

Posted By: ssjockey
Date Posted: May 27 2003 at 12:18am
Not being an expert, that can't be good...I would suggest looking up pictures of Mia Farrow (around the late 60s, early 70s), Jean Seberg from the 1950's, or Marley Shelton today.

Posted By: claribuzz
Date Posted: May 27 2003 at 4:51am
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I had the exact same situation as you did
I had my hair bleached then i colored it then i had it relaxed
It was nasty how the hair was clumping together and was sticky and it breaks with the slightest tug
it was horrible, i know your situation
all you can really do is cut it off
sorry at this stage there is nothing you can do
but try to have the shortest cut that your stomach can handle and just grow it off. Its hair, i'll grow back

I never thought that anyone else had these same problem too


Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: May 27 2003 at 9:02pm
I'm sorry to say when it reaches this point there is no hope. I suggest a really healthy haircut.

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 03 2003 at 11:15am
Oh My God!
suck it up blondie. So basically you shed. Wow i'm sorry well not really but that is soooo groose. You must be like have dog or something!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 12:42pm
(just ignore that last reply that was so rude..I don''''t think that person even spoke English!)

Anyway...I sympathize with you so much. I think that the damage is done and can''''t be reversed no matter how much conditioner you put on it....the best thing I think is just to cut it off and start fresh. I had to do the same hair was sooo short. It''''s been a year and it''''s almost touching my shoulders. I vowed never to do anything that will damage it again...and now I have soft ringlets with no frizz. I have kept the hair dryer away from my "new" hair. What helped me was looking at celebrities that went from really short, to really long again...Demi Moore...Felicity....even Faith Hill''''s hair is long again..and look how short she went! Good luck!

Posted By: Louise
Date Posted: June 06 2003 at 9:35am
Oh God, I'm sorry to hear that! My advice--share it all off and wear a wig 'till it grows out. There are some really nice wigs out there, seriously. If your hair is really that bad, then by all means, shave it off and let it grow out. Take vitamins and eat a lot of tuna fish and gelatin. I, too, a long time ago, had a horrible hair color experience and I had no other choice but to chop off my locks and let them grow out naturally. It was a cathartic experience that proved to be very humbling...and I still haven't given up on haircoloring! Two days ago, a new stylist botched my hair color and now it has an orange tint. I went back to her yesterday and she had the audacity to "get in my face" and profess that she only did what I told her to do. Well, I showed her a picture of Britney Spears and told her to make my hair golden blonde. I'm already a sandy blonde. Well, it turned out drab and orangish. My husband hates it. My neighbors asked, "What happened to your hair????" I told the stylist about my family and friends' reaction to my new hair color and that I didn't like it. That I wanted her to correct it, if she could. Instead of the stylist being cooperative, she turned combative. She spoke loudly and insisted that she used golden blonde haircolor on me just like I wanted. Well, I didn't argue with her. I just calmly stood my ground and said, "You are the stylist. You know what products to use to achieve the look I've shown you in a magazine. I don't know how to get that look by myself--that's why I paid you $108.00 to color my hair. Now, can you correct it? And what would you charge me to correct it or will you correct for free?" She fired at me, "Oh, I can correct it, but it will cost you...." By this time my blood pressure was rising and I embarrassed by her behavior--in front of other clients--so, I politely got up, looked her in the eye and said, "No, thank you," and walked out. Apparently, the stylist was having a bad hair day. Honestly, the nerve of some people. I mean, what ever happened to customer satisfaction? I probably should have yelled back at her and demanded she correct my hair but I didn't feel it would be wise letting that hostile #%"*))# touch my hair.
So, I'm going to correct it on my own with Prell shampoo (to help strip it); mineral oil; hot water, and hot virgin olive oil--all before 72 hours passes, so the color does not get locked into the cuticle.
Wish me luck and good luck to you.

Happiness comes from good
health...and a bad memory.

Posted By: Rapunzelwannabe
Date Posted: June 06 2003 at 8:42pm
Louise, I would speak to the manager of that salon. You should be able to come back and have your color adjusted if need be, free of charge, if it's within the same week of your original service. Tell the manager that the stylist even used the phrase "I can CORRECT it, but it will cost you" -- that's the dead giveaway. If she didn't screw up, what would there be to correct? If that doesn't work, tell them that they will lose you as a client and that you will tell everyone you know what horrible service you got at that salon (a nightmare for them! Salons survive by word of mouth).

It shouldn't have to come to that, though. If you're not happy, for whatever reason, they need to adjust your color. Simple as that.

Posted By: marielaveaux28
Date Posted: December 08 2003 at 12:08am
My hair is doing the same thing. I colored it and then permed it a week later and now my hair feels sticky or should I say gummy! I'm using CAT by Redken. My cousin's hair was really bad. She died hers blonde and permed it right after. Her hair was really gummy. Her mom went and bought CAT by Redken and it fixed her hair.

I hope my advise helps. I'm using CAT on my hair right now!!!!


Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: December 08 2003 at 7:29am
I've said it before...I love Cat protein. Keep it up,
Marie. Be sure to gently squeeze the excess water out of your hair before applying the Cat. Get all the bang for your buck you can get.

Sophie -

Posted By: Tap Dancer
Date Posted: December 08 2003 at 12:22pm
Powerally, I agree with the others: Cut your hair short and leave it alone while it grows.

Louise, what you went through sounds horrible. If I had been a customer and I had heard her speak to a client like that, I would have walked out. Either that, or I would make it clear that SHE would not be the stylist touching my hair. I hope you have complained to the salon.

[IMG]" />

Posted By: Kim57OH
Date Posted: December 31 2003 at 9:51am
Louise, I was curious, did the Prell shampoo, mineral oil help with the color before the 72 hours??
Can you do this after 72 hours?


Posted By: bald is sexy
Date Posted: January 12 2004 at 6:06pm
I know it has been a couple weeks now. It is to bad about your hair. I love short hair and even shaved on women. So I am here to say to you that if you cut it all off it will lessen the hurt and frustration of watching the hair break off all the time. It is hair. It does grow back! I would even bet that after you cut it all off that you will like it. easy care and maintance. no fuss and no damage. I believe that all women with short to no hair look great!! I also believe it is sexy and erotic. The inner beauty comes out by showing confidence and boldness. You can always wear a wig til it comes out. MY advice would be shave it all off and restart it all over with healthy new hair. good luck!!

Bald is sexy

bald is sexy

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