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very bad haircut

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: June 01 2024 at 1:56pm

Topic: very bad haircut
Posted By: bobbin
Subject: very bad haircut
Date Posted: December 31 2003 at 11:10am
help! about a month ago i went to have my hair colored and a trim. my hair was about 23 inches long starting at the crown. when i sat down i told her that i only wanted 1 inch off the back because of the bad ends. what i ended up with was about three inches off the sides and i have no clue what she did to the back. i have very little hair in the back. she said that my hair was really thick and needed to be thinned. i told her that i have always had fine thin hair and i wasnt sure what thinning out hair meant. she assured me that it only took the "bulk out" what she did was part the back of the hair into 2 sections and then she would twist the section and start hacking with the thinning sheers. its horrible. i have like an two inches of hair under the top layer. what can i do. i called her and told her that i was unhappy. she told me to come in and she would look at it. to me that is not good enough. what would you do???

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: December 31 2003 at 12:52pm doesn't sound good to me...damn it. I don't know why she thought you needed your ends shattered like that....maybe she could have ASKED YOU if you thought you needed so called bulk removed. One persons idea of bulk is anothers idea of georgous thick hair.

I CANNOT STRESS THIS POINT ENOUGH....PLEASE get out there and find a stylist you can TRUST. We do exist.....but we usually don't work at the chain salons in the mall. You defintely, usually can't walk in, we usually have to make our new clients wait a couple or even 3 to 4 weeks to see us......There is good reason for this. OUR CLIENTS KEEP COMING BACK TO US, because we listen to them.

Sorry, for the caps, and I know this is advise too little too late....but really, even if you only see a stylist once or twice a year, You need a stylist you can trust. Karen has a great article on finding a good stylist....I'lll try to link it here.

Back to your hair, your right, there is little you or she can do now. When it's cut it's cut....You could try asking for your money back. Speak to the manager about it. I know it's not what you want to hear.....let us know.

Sophie -

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: December 31 2003 at 1:16pm
Hi I'm back....Here are some of Karens rec's on finding a stylist, from one of her articles:

Karen says;
If you are not convinced that you want to permanently dissolve your current relationship then take your tresses on a tour of some new salons. Ask friends and family with great hairstyles to refer you to their favorite hair care professionals.

Make a few appointments for consultations only. Be sure to clarify that you do specifically want a consultation only and that you will come back if you decide to have any hair work done after the consultation.

Take your hair on a few look-see meetings with different stylists and get their suggestions on how they would cut, color or style your locks.

And I will just the consult be very clear about what you are lookng for, in a stylist's not just about the cut....It's about you and what you want from a stylist. Tell him/her about this bad experience and that you felt over runned by the stylist and that she didn't Listen to you.

See how they are in the will know, if they are genuinely listening or not. If afterward you feel they were not what you were looking for then move on to the next one.....DO THE WORK, it's worth it in the long run.

(Karen i hope it's ok to cut and paste your words here) Sophie

Sophie -

Posted By: bobbin
Date Posted: December 31 2003 at 9:06pm
well i did contact the lady today. and after wearing her down a bit she did confess that she went overboard on the thinning and even admitted that when she was drying it that it was uneven and very thin in the back. she has agreed to compensate for the damages. now i feel a little guilty because she said that she didnt have any income and she just left her husband. hmmm what to do?


Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: January 01 2004 at 1:14am
I wouldn't trust her-- more likely she's just saying those things so you'll go easier on her. If she messed up that badly, definitely you need to cause a fuss until you feel suitably compensated.

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: January 01 2004 at 8:53am
OK....You don't feel guilty, please don't. Look at it this way....If she listened to her clients, focused on her work and cutting skills, she wouldn't be soooo broke, because her clients would come back to her.

I don't want to sound bi!@#y and anyone out there may disagree....But she won't make it unless she gets her poop in a group. And what she should be doing is apologizing to you and being straight forward with the fact that it will NOT happen again , thereby letting you know that at least she learned something from her mess up.
Insted, all she can think about, are her personal problems.....and on a side note, THAT was the LAST thing she should have been discussing with you, laying on you, guilting you with.

I'm proud of you Bobbin, for going back and making her take responsability for her inattention to what you were paying her for.

OMG....all you wanted was a simple trim on your ends.....she would have made the same money either way. And what you asked her to do was so much easier, Plus as a bonus if you had liked what she had done you would possibly have gone back to may have told all of your long haired friends about this great Stylist you found that really bent over backward NOT to cut you long hair....and maybe she would have had a few NEW Clients calling her....and so on, and so on. THAT, is how it works. In fact she could have offered you an awesome relaxing conditioning scalp massage to treat you....just because.

OK, I'm on a bit of a jag this morning....but what are you going to do about next time you need a trim?

Sophie -

Posted By: Igor
Date Posted: January 02 2004 at 9:56am
Originally posted by bobbin bobbin wrote:

well i did contact the lady today. and after wearing her down a bit she did confess that she went overboard on the thinning and even admitted that when she was drying it that it was uneven and very thin in the back. she has agreed to compensate for the damages. now i feel a little guilty because she said that she didnt have any income and she just left her husband. hmmm what to do?

What a *****!!
Trying to make you go easy on her by making you feel guilty!
Maybe an engineer could use that excuse when a bridge collapses: “I just left my lover- waaaah! Poor me!”

Golden/reddish blonde
Growing out from 0 mm, now a little
below shoulder lenght

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: January 14 2004 at 11:43am
You have my deepest sympathies. I think we must have the same stylist.

After growing my hair out for six months, I thought it would be fairly simple for my regular hairdresser to cut my hair into a photograph that I found. All that needed to be done was for the sides to be trimmed half an inch and the back to be scissor tapered (giving a sort of half ear preppie style).

I showed her the picture, she examined it carefully, then she started on the back. After a few minutes she commented "You probably don't need all this depth at the back" and started whacking away with the clippers and then went berzerk with the thinning scissors. She did this weird technique where she'd take little sections from the top lengths, twist them around, and chop them up with the thinning scissors, until I was left with thinned out strands were just over the tops of my ears.

I did go back to complain, but she said that my hair was too fine for the style that I wanted.

After going to another place to get the chopped up ends cut out, it's going to take me at least three months to regrow the sides out, and six months to grow the top lengths out.

I say if anyone does something like using thinning scissors, or shaving off your sideburns without permission, find somewhere else.

Posted By: Reenie
Date Posted: January 14 2004 at 7:40pm
It really makes me mad when stylists just assume that they can do whatever they want to your hair. Especially after you told her exactly what you wanted. It's such an invasion. I feel for you as I'm sure that at least once in our lives we've all encountered the stylist from hell. Good luck!


Life is wonderful...when you have a cat. But even better when you have a cat and good hair!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: February 20 2004 at 1:55pm
Thanks. I've been bouncing being hyper-ballistic and completely zonked out for the past four weeks. It really annoys me that someone I thought I could trust decided to lose self-control and go "creative", (I found a picture that matches exactly what she did give me), so that cheeses me off even more.

Maybe January is a bad time to get a haircut.

At least in six weeks, I'll have something I feel comfortable with.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: April 02 2004 at 9:18pm
I woulda cut the ***** right there.

Posted By: angelgirl
Date Posted: May 03 2004 at 2:19am
hi, what a shocker!
anyone who uses thinning scissors must be nuts.
ok, maybe there are some styles they are needed for (like the bald guy sweep over maybe!).

seriously tho, i would go right up to her face to face, and DEMAND my money back, don't ask - demand. You asked for a creative service and she gave you neither creativity nor service.

And ask her for a free conditioning treatment on top of it (unless you think she's so hostile now she'd rather stab you with her darn thinning scissors). then i would tell everyone in the neighbourhood what a lousy stylist she is.

I would say you are not the first person she has done this too.

One good rule i know for choosing a stylist is to look at their own hair. Is it in a cut/color/condition you can appreciate as being good, even if you wouldn't choose that look for yourself? if not, look elsewhere!

don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing

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