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HUGE knot

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: June 29 2024 at 4:10am

Topic: HUGE knot
Posted By: karemil
Subject: HUGE knot
Date Posted: January 17 2004 at 1:23pm sons girlfriend has a HUGE knot right in the middle of her hair. Her hair is quite long....below bra line, but above waist and very pretty. She won't let me SEE the knot, but has tried a number of things to untangle it and it just won't budge. She has a hair appt. on Tuesday, and if the stylist can't get it out, she's getting it cut short, which she really doesn't want to do. She has said to me, "every time I think about it, it makes me sad", so if anyone has ANY ideas, I'd surely appreciate it!!
Thanks to all!

Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: January 17 2004 at 5:20pm
I had a similar situation a while back, and what I did was I poured Infusium leave-in on it, and then worked from the bottom up with a small brush. Granted, my knot wasn't too huge, but it worked quite well.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: karemil
Date Posted: January 17 2004 at 11:22pm
Thanks Grace912! I appreciate the advice, and I just happen to have a recently purchased bottle of Infusium Leave-In....I'll have my son tell her asap...can't hurt to try, right??


Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 2:50am
If she won't let anyone see the knot, how do you know there is one? Maybe she's just making it up as an excuse because she wants to cut her hair but thinks she won't be allowed, whether it's by her own family, friends, or her bf. If there really were a huge knot and she wanted it out, I would think she'd be showing it to any and everyone she could to see if they could get it out.

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 10:52am
I wouldn't show the knot to people! Maybe I embarrass easily, but the question "How did it get there" has got to come up at some point, and if it was something really stupid, like [insert failed styling attempt here], I'd kind of do anything to avoid drawing attention to my gaffe. I'd sooner own up to a specific intention to cut my hair (like, "I just wanted a change") than own up to having to do it because of any outside factor. Silly pride, I know.

Monica: Isn't there any way that you could look at this as flattering? I mean, she's doing this to be more like you.
Rachel: Well, then, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 1:09pm
Hi all,

I don't know what is going on in the hair universe these days, but I have received at least 5 private AskKaren emails in the past 2 weeks from different people with huge knots or tangled hair problems.

This is one topic that always frustrates me because for the most part, when hair is totally tangled and has been tangled for more than a few days, it is usually impossible to untangle. Usually the only option is a scissors which is a bad last resort IMO.

I can understand someone not wanting to show their tangles. One woman wrote that her college daughter had a huge knot at the back of the nape of her neck and the daughter did not want her mother to see it. The mother told me she literally grabbed her daughter's hair and lifted it up to see the knot.

I went through my own tangling situation a few months ago at the salon and wrote an article about it called Running From Scissors. In my situation the stylist wanted to cut the knot out, which would have removed about 8 inches of my hair length. Since the stylist caused the knot in the first place when she washed my hair, I was not in the mood to let her destroy my hair because of her original careless damage and took the knotted mess into my own hands.

At any is what worked for me:

1. I slathered each tangled section with Phyto 9. It has Macademia Nut oil and will detangle just about anything that can be untangled. The oils instantly soften the hair and will help make it easier to unwind.

I only had to use about 1/8 th of a tube of 9 on my hair which is why I love the Phyto 7 and 9 leavein/detanglers so much. They are expensive but only a tiny blob will work and I can make a tube last for 1 year.

2. Aveda Curressence Spray. It has silcones and will help soften as well.

NEVER wet tangled hair. Water makes it worse. Separate each tangled section into 1-2 inch sections and then use a good faux tortoise shell(since real tortoise is a crime to own) wide tooth comb and carefully & slowly work from the bottom up.

I have a Kent comb because they are so soft...almost like butter....and it will glide through easily. A wooden comb will work if it is totally smooth. A wide tooth pick made out of faux tortoise is also good because the teeth can help get in close to the source of the knots.

When my hair was so tangled, I separated the tangled sections into 2 inch blobs and then sprayed the top w/ Aveda and slathered each section at the bottom with Phyto 9 and then carefully detangled and combed. It took me a few hours to get all the tangles out but I did.

I also clipped off each section when I finished untangling to keep it from retangling with the still tangled mess.

So whether the girlfriend mentioned above really just wants a haircut or is embarrassed by her hair, tangles are hell.

Best wishes,

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: karemil
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 3:10pm
Hi! Thanks SO much for all the replies. Just wanted to say that I know the tangle is there because, 1)my son has seen it and he has no reason to lie about it, 2)I have spoken with the grandmother who has tried to get it out. The gf is quite close to her grandma, and, I guess, therefore not embarrassed to show it to her. She IS a very self conscious girl and a little bit shy, which is why I guess she won't show me. I have been around her some, but not a whole lot, and although I really didn't understand why she wouldn't show me, I didn't press the issue.
I may go by Sally's tomorrow and see if they have any of the Phyto 9....thanks SO MUCH Karen, for responding personally. Very much appreciated. (my name is Karen, also ).
Well, again, thanks to everyone who responded. I will certainly pass along the info to her. This is a very neat place, and since I totally goof my hair up all the time , I'm sure I'll be coming back a lot. Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Posted By: karemil
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 3:10pm
Hi! Thanks SO much for all the replies. Just wanted to say that I know the tangle is there because, 1)my son has seen it and he has no reason to lie about it, 2)I have spoken with the grandmother who has tried to get it out. The gf is quite close to her grandma, and, I guess, therefore not embarrassed to show it to her. She IS a very self conscious girl and a little bit shy, which is why I guess she won't show me. I have been around her some, but not a whole lot, and although I really didn't understand why she wouldn't show me, I didn't press the issue.
I may go by Sally's tomorrow and see if they have any of the Phyto 9....thanks SO MUCH Karen, for responding personally. Very much appreciated. (my name is Karen, also ).
Well, again, thanks to everyone who responded. I will certainly pass along the info to her. This is a very neat place, and since I totally goof my hair up all the time , I'm sure I'll be coming back a lot. Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Posted By: karemil
Date Posted: January 18 2004 at 3:13pm
I don't know why it posted that reply twice, I only clicked on the post reply thing once....sorry!!


Posted By: Tap Dancer
Date Posted: January 19 2004 at 9:30am
Thank you, Karen! I remember having a huge knot when I was about 11 and my hair was waist length. It was horribe! I refused to let my mom cut it and we tried everything people suggested, from peanut butter to ice. Finally my mom just spent a long time combing through it. I'm now letting my hair grow long again and I hope I never get a huge knot again. Those are the worst and I think now I would just cut my hair to get rid of them.

[IMG]" />

Posted By: Kimmy
Date Posted: April 10 2004 at 7:27pm
When I was 7 I had an insedent with a round brush which resulted in a buzz cut for me...not the happiest moments of my life. But see at that time I didn't have a hair stylest I had my mother, her scissors, and her clippers. Last year my daughter got a huge not in her hair right at the base of her neck because she would never let me brush her hair. So I took her to our stylest who tried and tried but failed after about trying for 1 hour with out any sucess but the manager was able to help a little and by the way my daughter was 5 at the time. so after sitting have some one tugging at her hair for two hours she wasn't happy so when the manager had tried for another hour we just said who cares and just clipped the back part off with clippers (only about on 1 and a half inches up for her hair line) no it is growing back and every one is happy

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