Bleach hair---severe breakage
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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: January 04 2025 at 4:53pm
Topic: Bleach hair---severe breakage
Posted By: Southern Girl
Subject: Bleach hair---severe breakage
Date Posted: January 03 2005 at 10:53pm
Hi,I have been having my very dark hair professionally bleached for years.My hairdressers have always been very careful not to overlap.The guy that had been doing my hair for the past year has gotten very careless lately and letting it overlap,he just seemed to not care that my bangs were breaking off to about 1 inch! I was mortified that he laughed it off.Today I went to another lady who was kind and sympathetic to my breakage.She took extreme pain to be very careful.She used Matrix bleach and put conditioner on my ends throughout the entire process,she had me under the dryer about 50 minutes!It looked great at the salon,the bangs did not have the usual fried look they have been having.But in the car driving home,I ran my fingers through my hair and gobs of hair kept coming off.By the time I was home I had a lap full of hair and a face full of tears.I closely examined the hair that was coming out,it is the longest hair from my scalp,it lookes like it is coming out from the roots,about an inch of it looks "melted or withered".I am just a mess with worry right now.Am I going bald?Did she leave it on to long?I honestly don't think she overlapped so why is hair melting off at roots?I have been on Mediafast diet the past month,lost 16 lbs on less than 1,000 calories per day,was the new growth weak hair from the diet that the bleach just finished off?Please help me,I feel my life is over! What products will help me?
Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 5:38am
She overbleached your roots, even though she was careful not to overlap.
Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 8:45am
I am not familiar with the Mediafast (medifast?) diet, but as long as it gives you a balanced diet in which you get enough vegetables, vitamins, protein and carbohydrates, (in other words - balance), without giving you too much vitamins (such as vitamin A) the diet should have nothing to do with it. Sounds to me too like it was just overprocessed.
I have never known anyone with hair in this state, (though I've heard stories before) so I don't know if it will help, but I guess you can only try to condition and moisturize your hair very well and be as gentle with it as you can to avoid losing as much as you can. Try coconut oil or jojoba oil as a moisturizer. Like I say, I don't know if it will do any good, but I'd try it just in case it helps. Sorry to hear about this happening to you.
------------- Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:
Posted By: Southern Girl
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 10:16am
Thank you both for being so very kind to reply to me.I was also thinking she may have "over done" my roots and left it on too long.As for as the diet,it is very,very balanced and I take tons of vitamins prescribed by the physician,they said if I were to experience hair loss it would not come until aabout 6 months after being on it and I have been on it just 5 weeks!(I talked to them earlier today). So it definitely was the strong process! I think I will give my hair a rest for about 8 weeks,will be hard for me because I ususally get my roots touched up every 5 weeks! I guess I will go back to first guy and cry and demand,in a nice way,that he be more careful.At least he never had all my long hair fall out at the root-just frizzzed up the fine hair in the front!
Posted By: betty boop
Date Posted: January 04 2005 at 9:49pm
this has happen to me also all my hair around my hair line has fallen out i just use wild growth and hemp and for now a wig is my friend
Posted By: Southern Girl
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 11:37am
Where can I get wid growth and hemp?
Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 11:46am
I have to say that 50 minutes under a hot dryer with bleach on the scalp (I'm almost sure...haven't used matrix in a few years) is not recommended by Matrix.
Most Professional Companies do not recommended heat on their bleach... If it was truly matrix bleach.
I would call the company and ask them if they recommend heat on their would be helpful if you knew exactly which lightening product you were talking about when you call them. And just ask them this question...don't go into your whole story...just get your information. Then I would call the Stylist back and at least ask for my money back.
How long did your previous Stylist leave the bleach on?? and did he put it under the dryer??
------------- Sophie -
Posted By: Southern Girl
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 1:25pm
I called the Matrix customer service number,they knew exactly the product she used on me but refused to discuss it with me.They said they would need to talk directly to the hairdresser and not me! I said I am not going to take legal acyion-I just wanna know if she should have left me under the dryer for 45 minutes with a tight bag on my head! I give up!!!
Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: January 05 2005 at 5:55pm
Southern Girl; I'm sorry this happened to you.
But I still would urge you to call the salon and let them know what happened and politely , but firmly ask for your money back. If they try to blame it on you or your hair don't allow it. It is the Stylists responsibility to tell you if the integrity of your hair is not up to the chemical process you are asking for.
I don't know the exact circumstances...I don't know for sure what she used on you.
Did your process with your old hair stylist include 50 minutes under the dryer???
It sounds to me like you have had this type of color service for a while without having your hair fried off.
Will your old stylist help you??
------------- Sophie -
Posted By: circus_harlot
Date Posted: July 22 2005 at 4:17pm
nexxus emergenee` works so well. this is happening to me right now.
Posted By: eatgreenjello
Date Posted: July 26 2005 at 11:05am
I'm so sorry about your overbleaching Southern Girl. It really sends a red flag to me that when you called the Matrix company, they wouldn't discuss the process with you. What I would do, is call the Matrix company back and act like you haven't had anything done yet, and explain that your stylist wants to put you under the dryer with bleach for 50 minutes, and ask them if that is correct (of course, let them think you haven't done it yet.)
Then, if they say NO that is wrong, get more info and write it down, then go back to the stylist and get your money back and hopefully some free heavy conditioners.
Your life is not over and congrats on your 16 lb. weight loss, and sticking to what sounds like a very hard diet!
Let us know what happens with the Matrix Company.
**Hair type: 2a, which is wavy and fine.
**Color: Naturally dark brown, currently dyed reddish brown.
**Length: below shoulder length
Posted By: mizzcathy
Date Posted: July 26 2005 at 5:59pm
Southern Girl, you can get wild growth oil at Sally's Beauty store or you can order it here: - Trust me it really makes your hair grow crazy fast!! find out ALL about it here: -
------------- Hair Goal- Shoulder length growing it bra length in one year for the 8th grade!!
Posted By: circus_harlot
Date Posted: July 27 2005 at 1:43am
how are you postitive it works? do you know how much it costs?
Posted By: mizzcathy
Date Posted: July 27 2005 at 4:29pm
Yes it really works I have bought it a few monthes ago and my hair is growing. At Sally's it costs 7.99
------------- Hair Goal- Shoulder length growing it bra length in one year for the 8th grade!!
Posted By: circus_harlot
Date Posted: July 28 2005 at 4:54pm
yeah i was just at sallys, how long has your hair grown since you started using it?
Posted By: mizzcathy
Date Posted: July 30 2005 at 1:34am
i think i cut my hair chin length and it was may-june and now my hair is shoulder length.
------------- Hair Goal- Shoulder length growing it bra length in one year for the 8th grade!!
Posted By: shadowrox
Date Posted: August 03 2005 at 12:23am
I am experiencing the same exact problem. It's like the hair is melting off at the root! I went back to the salon today and they gave me an intense Kerastase protein treatment and sent me home with some Redken moisture treatment to use every other day. I hope this will do the trick.
I am curios as to what you did to stop your breakage. How did your hair turn out in the long run?
Posted By: rbober
Date Posted: August 04 2005 at 10:40am
Same thing happened to me. I had bleach blonde hair for over 3 years and it was so damaged and dry from the bleach, so I decided to go dark brown to bring my hair back to life; make it healthy and vibrant again. Then, I hated having dark hair so I decided to go blonde again, but this time just medium blonde, not platinum. You can read all about my horror story in the topic I created "severe chemical damage". There are lots of tips here, including my attemps to take legal action. I filed a complaint against her w/ the cosmetology board and I'm taking her to small claims. I did not pay her. Oh, and yes she left that bleach on too long under the dryer. That is EXACTLY what happened to me.
Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: August 05 2005 at 7:27am
same thing happened to me. I shaved it off and bought a wig. its beyond repair when it feels gummy and falls out like that. the best thing for that is to cut it all off and let it grow back healthy and strong.
Posted By: aubergine
Date Posted: August 15 2005 at 4:07pm
Southern Girl wrote:
Hi,I have been having my very dark hair
professionally bleached for years.My hairdressers have always been very
careful not to overlap.The guy that had been doing my hair for the past
year has gotten very careless lately and letting it overlap,he just
seemed to not care that my bangs were breaking off to about 1 inch! I
was mortified that he laughed it off.Today I went to another lady who
was kind and sympathetic to my breakage.She took extreme pain to be
very careful.She used Matrix bleach and put conditioner on my ends
throughout the entire process,she had me under the dryer about 50
minutes!It looked great at the salon,the bangs did not have the usual
fried look they have been having.But in the car driving home,I ran my
fingers through my hair and gobs of hair kept coming off.By the time I
was home I had a lap full of hair and a face full of tears.I closely
examined the hair that was coming out,it is the longest hair from my
scalp,it lookes like it is coming out from the roots,about an inch of
it looks "melted or withered".I am just a mess with worry right now.Am
I going bald?Did she leave it on to long?I honestly don't think she
overlapped so why is hair melting off at roots?I have been on Mediafast
diet the past month,lost 16 lbs on less than 1,000 calories per day,was
the new growth weak hair from the diet that the bleach just finished
off?Please help me,I feel my life is over! What products will help
me? |
Sorry if I sound silly, I've never had my hair coloured at a salon (my
mum does it), but what is overlapping, and how can it make bleaching go
< id="kpfLog" src="" onload="destroy(this)" style="display: none;">
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Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 6:45am
Instead of just bleaching the undyed roots, getting bleach on the hair
that has already been bleached. A little overlap happens (you
just can't be precise to the millimeter) but you should try to minimize
as much as possible.
------------- Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 7:09pm
aubergine wrote:
Sorry if I sound silly, I've never had my hair coloured at a salon (my
mum does it), but what is overlapping, and how can it make bleaching go
< id="kpfLog" src="" onload="destroy(this)" style="display: none;">
< ="text/">
Why do you put that unusual javascript tag at the end of every one of your posts?