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Category: Curly Hair Talk
Forum Name: Curly Hair
Forum Description: Curly Heads Unite & Talk About Curls
Printed Date: September 16 2024 at 3:01pm

Topic: Depressed
Posted By: Kinked
Subject: Depressed
Date Posted: April 26 2003 at 3:57pm
Hi out there. This is my first post and I wanted to get someone's opinion about my hair. For years, I have had curly hair and like everyone out there with curly hair, I complained about it. Well, the problem is during my first pregnancy, my hair got thicker and curlier and of course, I hated it and cursed every curl on my head. But, then I got pregnant a second time and after I have had my baby, I noticed my hair became considerably straight. I know I complained all of my life about the curls, but to tell you the truth, now that they are gone, I am really missing them. I know it sounds crazy, but I do. I consulted many beauticians and they told me different views. Some told me that my curls will come back while others told me they will not. While my son is only three months old, I am still wondering and wainting.

Does anyone have any suggestions, advice or opinions?

Desperate to know the truth!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: wittils
Date Posted: April 26 2003 at 10:23pm
I don't think anyone can tell you if you will get curly hair once more, only because I think that it works differently for everyone. You may or may not get those curls back.

With me it was just the opposite!

I had very straight hair all of my life. First pregnancy no changes, and my little boy had very straight hair too. (Still does). Second pregnancy, my hair started to get wavy, which I loved! My second little boy had very curly hair. (Still does).

Although mine is not curly, really, just wavy, it never did get completely straight like it had been for 25 years. It has a lot of body and doesn't hang silky smooth like it did.

My daughter's hair is half straight and underneath she has tons of curls. It's beautiful.

My sons have what they were born with, except my youngest. He went from straight hair to very curly hair. He adjusted and decide to grow it long so he can keep it back, rather than have it very short with unruly curls blipping out, or too poofy as he puts it.

What's that saying, be careful what you wish for. Sometimes I think that might just hold weight.

Precious is the day... it happens only once in a lifetime.

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 02 2003 at 11:03am
Well, alot of women do lose thier hair after they have thier baby but believe me in about a year it will grow back twice as thick and you'll hate it again.

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