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just ordered first shipment - so frustrated

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 15 2025 at 1:13am

Topic: just ordered first shipment - so frustrated
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: just ordered first shipment - so frustrated
Date Posted: March 18 2000 at 12:34pm
Well, I finally took the plunge and ordered after being HACKED once again by a hairstylist (what is so hard to understand about "just a trim"???????) I feel as though I'm destined for a bob 2" above my shoulders by some secret society of hairstylists. I have been trying to grow my hair out for over 3 years, but it grows slow, so whenever I try to get my split ends trimmed, I end up losing all growth and often (as is the case this time) ending up even shorter than the previous cut. This time, I got a bad, choppy uneven cut but hopefully I can just endure it and HF37 will kick in and it will grow out long enough to fix it and I won't have to cut it more to even it out. If it can work on me it can work on anyone.
