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tried it, my story

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 2:24pm

Topic: tried it, my story
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: tried it, my story
Date Posted: April 02 2000 at 7:49am
i bought this stuff because i believed them, well now iam not so sure. i used the vitamins and directed, and well no change, good or bad, my hair was in about the same state. so i decided to stop taking them, i have about 25% of bothe bottles left. i one thing i will say is that, really no pill is going to make your hair grow, and its a waste of money, if you believe the pills will help you then go for it, but they didn't work for me personally.
lately i have noticed a better and cheaper alterantive is straight silica, i have been taking 2 pills of them aday, ( not sure of mgs) and my hair seems like it is having a growth spurt. ( my hair gos thru periods or rest or slow growth, and then periods of now stop growth)
try it it may help!!

Posted By: administrater
Date Posted: April 02 2000 at 2:35pm


I'm sorry that H37 didn't work for you. Unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone. We don't sell H37 as some miracle formula. It is designed to help you achieve your body's genetically predetermined maximum growth rate. If it doesn't work it could be due to a number of factors.

1. You've already reached you maximum growth rate.

2. You are in such poor health that nothing will make your hair grow faster. The hair is the last thing on the bodies list of priorities when it comes to allocating nutrients.

3. You have sabotaged yourself with unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, constant stress, lack of rest.

We strongly believe that H37 will work for most people as part of a healthy lifestyle. If it doesn't work then we have a 45 day money back guarantee.

Best Wishes...

Jeffrey Hines
The Hair Boutique


Posted By: sugar
Date Posted: June 01 2000 at 1:46pm
gosh you sound so negative! how long did you use the product before you gave up? you said you still had a little of the bottle left. with any vitamin, herb or supplement you take, you should at least give it three or four months to see results. i'm glad you've found the silica though and are happy with it.
