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which is a superior product HF37 or Viviscal??

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: which is a superior product HF37 or Viviscal??
Posted By: sugar
Subject: which is a superior product HF37 or Viviscal??
Date Posted: June 02 2000 at 9:20am
has anyone tried both products? i guess you would have had to have used both for at least a few months to see some sort of results. if so which results were better! why do you think so? viviscal is very ambiguous about their ingredients so i don't know if they compare. my desire is for overall health and great length in as short period of time as possible. thanks in advance.

Posted By: administrater
Date Posted: June 02 2000 at 1:27pm

The biggest question with Viviscal is what is it?  At least with H37 you know exactly what you're getting. Viviscal pretends to be some miracle formula, while H37 is just a specially formulated combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Things that everyone could get from a healthy diet, but most don't get enough of due to poor diet, stress, or other unhealthy lifestyles.

No matter what you take whether its Viviscal or H37 it won't make your hair grow faster than your genetically predetermined maximum hair growth rate.

Best Wishes...

Jeffrey Hines
