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Want longgggg hair fast

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:40am

Topic: Want longgggg hair fast
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Want longgggg hair fast
Date Posted: December 26 2000 at 3:27pm
So does H37 really work? I will do anything to get my hair to grow.

Posted By: Lynn
Date Posted: January 02 2001 at 1:25pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1292.1 - 17.1292.1

Jonesy originally wrote:
So does H37 really work? I will do anything to get my hair to grow.

I feel your pain. I cut my hair on a whim (pms) and want my longer hair back. Of course I feel guilty because at least I have hair. But. you need to feel good about yourself right? Anyway, I bought H37 and I did a little test just to be sure it worked. Well, December 18, 00 I started and measured at 3 1/2 inches, last night January 1, 01 I took a second measurement. I was SHOCKED, my hair was at 4 inches in TWO weeks I had a 1/2 inch growth!
I would say H37 works!
Good luck

Lynn G

Posted By: AggiePam
Date Posted: January 04 2001 at 2:02pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1294.1 - 17.1294.1

Wow!! I can relate, exactly!! I also started HF37 on Dec22, and my hair was 3 1/2 inches now its 3 3/4. so its grown the same amount!! Is your hair the same length all over? Mine is layered at the ends. (It was a Lisa Rinna cut) cute, but like you, I want it long again!! Anyway...lets keep in touch so we can report each others growth!!


Posted By: Lynn
Date Posted: January 05 2001 at 1:21pm
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Lynn originally wrote:
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1292.1 - 17.1292.1

Jonesy originally wrote:
So does H37 really work? I will do anything to get my hair to grow.

I feel your pain. I cut my hair on a whim (pms) and want my longer hair back. Of course I feel guilty because at least I have hair. But. you need to feel good about yourself right? Anyway, I bought H37 and I did a little test just to be sure it worked. Well, December 18, 00 I started and measured at 3 1/2 inches, last night January 1, 01 I took a second measurement. I was SHOCKED, my hair was at 4 inches in TWO weeks I had a 1/2 inch growth!
I would say H37 works!
Good luck

Sounds like we are in the same situation!
I have a layered all over short cut. Some sections VERY short. Anyway, I am here buying some more H37!
Best of luck to you, we will have to keep in touch!


Lynn G

Posted By: TONYA
Date Posted: January 07 2001 at 6:45pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1296.1 - 17.1296.1
H37 really works. My friend who is trying to grow her hair past her waist was "stuck" for about 1 year. She bought the H37 and not only did her hair start growing again, it got really thick and shiny. Her skin is just glowing and her nails had good results too. I am going to buy some and try it when I get my tax return.


Posted By: FreshMaiden
Date Posted: January 12 2001 at 8:16pm
Doesn`t hair grow at about an inch a month anyway? Mine sure does, color your hair and see how fast it starts to grow! :-), I used to think my hair grew slowly until the first time I did an all over the next month I had an inch if not more of roots!

I don`t know what this H37 is, I suspect its a pill?? I took some pills once that was supposed to make your hair grow - and IT DID GROW, it grew as usual, and it grew on my face, little wispy long white hairs like angle thread - I mean think about it, if it makes your hair grow, its NOT going to just grow on your head, is it?

When they come out with a product that will stop hair from breaking - that I will buy!


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 13 2001 at 6:10am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1298.1 - 17.1298.1
Simultaneously growing long hair and coloring it can be a tricky proposition as hair coloring can adversely affect the condition of the hair... better to find a consistent way to measure, and allow enough time between measurings to allow for detectable amounts of growth. Measuring from the forehead line back over the crown and to the ends is a standard way to measure (though not accurate), the purpose being to detect changes in length due to growth over time.

A hair growth rate of 1/2 inch per month is average, some people get more, some less. HF37 addresses dietary shortcomings and help those who have a less-than-optimal-for-hair-growth diet.

You want a product that stops your hair from breaking? Hair doesn`t break by itself. Hair breaks based on how you treat it. Be more gentle. If it still breaks, be even more gentle. Give yourself more time to comb or brush your hair, be patient. :-)


Posted By: FreshMaiden
Date Posted: January 18 2001 at 9:21am
Hi DaveDecker...

I am easy with my hair, I even have a really cool hairbrush I bought while in London just for tangles and snares....the handle has a pivot to it, so that when the bruch gets caught the brush head pivots, I suppose skipping over the tangle as to not rip at it, know what I mean?

Thing is I have very thin hair, I have lots of it which helps it to not look thin but the shaft itself is very very thin, even when I don`t color my hair I have breakage even at the root.

Any other suggestions? I take care of my hair, I condition but I don`t over condition, I take care in combing and brushing and I take vitamins - I guess this is just my type of hair and this will just always happen.....


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 18 2001 at 10:17am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1300.1 - 17.1300.1
Hi FreshMaiden,

I have never heard of such a brush! Wild! Does it work? I comb my hair to detangle it, and if there are any knots that don`t come out easily I use my fingers to detangle, and then after fully detangled after a comb I use a brush. I have lots of fine hair too.

How do you know you have breakage at the root?

Other suggestions... a balanced diet... an exercise regimen (doesn`t need to be terribly strenuous)... scalp massages... all these things help. Good luck!


Posted By: Mindel
Date Posted: January 19 2001 at 10:43am
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1301.1 - 17.1301.1
Dave Decker,

Are there no products to help the detangling process that really work? What about those of us with fine, fragile, curly hair? ( FreshMaiden, I feel the pain!) I`m trying to grow it long and I have been marginally successful but breakage stands in my way. I condition well, use a light leave in conditioner for the ends, a spray on detangler, wide toothed comb, finger pick to detangle,...still breakage. I deep condition my hair every other week, sometimes once a week (never more than that). Is there a specific time that curly hair should be combed? Comb it wet=breakage. Comb it dry=frizz and Breakage! Help please!


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 19 2001 at 5:50pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP393429385&id=1292&page=1#17.1302.1 - 17.1302.1
Comb gently and slowly from the ends and gradually work your way up. Stop if you hit a snag and detangle with your fingers. Even with curly hair, this shouldn`t damage your hair. Do the leave-in conditioner and spray-on detangler have lots silicones in them? (high on the list of ingredients?) If so your hair may have become brittle from overuse of silicones. Otherwise, I don`t know what to say -- my hair is straight! You may want to ask this question on the curly hair message board here. Good luck!
