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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 1:06am

Topic: HAIR ?S
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: HAIR ?S
Date Posted: April 05 2001 at 8:57am
im 17yrs. old, and i have heard many myths about heat styling your hair. i heard if you straighten your hair which i do everyday, you will eventually lose all your hair. is that true. my hair is a bit past shoulder length, kind of rough texture, kinda thick, and aisian if that has anything to do w/it. i condition my hair every Saturday night by putting coconut oil in my hair. i sleep overnight w/it then shower in the morning. does that help my hair. it does feel softer later. also i`d say my hair kinda damaged. alot of split ends. it looks alot worse when i dont straighten my hair. i heard egg makes your hair stronger and healtier but part of the egg (white/yellow) makes your hair white. is that true? oh yeah i have wavy hair too. so would it be ok to get a lose perm? or will i eventually lose my hair cuz of all the heat? oh, i also blowdry my hair. i colored it like three times when i was.....13-14. did that make my hair worse. thanx for your time and could you please respond to my questions a.s.a.p. please. im totally freaken out. thanx.

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