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Questions for Karen or Jeffery....

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 12:42pm

Topic: Questions for Karen or Jeffery....
Posted By: flesh mechanic
Subject: Questions for Karen or Jeffery....
Date Posted: July 25 2001 at 10:11pm
*I tried to email this to you, but my emails were sent back...*

I was just wondering how many pills of step 2 are safe to take per day? I have heard of people having more success with taking more step 2`s... but is this safe?

Also, how important is the herbal booster to achieving maximum growth?

I have very short hair and have been trying to grow long hair for over a year and have only had about 3 inches of growth (I posted on your forums, if this sounds familiar) and would really like long hair in the next 8 months... (for my graduation.)

ALSO, THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAVE: is Hair Formula 37 safe to take with prescription drugs? Such as Accutane and other medicines? Please let me know.

I am aware that this doesn`t work for everyone, but what are the chances this will work for me?

Please reply soon. Thank you!!


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