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Is H37 dangerous

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:40am

Topic: Is H37 dangerous
Posted By: Hello_Kitty
Subject: Is H37 dangerous
Date Posted: January 03 2002 at 10:38am
I read on a post that it burns your skin ? Like physically or just feels like that ?
Please answer.

~*Vickie*~, Click on my name to see my hair profile !

Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: January 03 2002 at 1:07pm
H37 is not dangerous. What you are referring to is a "niacin flush". This is a temporary condition (20-30 minutes) that feels like a mild sunburn on your skin. This is due to a sensitivity to the niacin in H37. HairTopia our new formula, contains niacinamide instead of niacin. Niacinamide is just as good as niacin (just costs a little more) and doesn`t cause a "niacin flush"

Jeffrey Hines

Posted By: Janice
Date Posted: January 09 2002 at 12:40am
Sounds like a pittyful attempt to switch customers over to something not as good as H37 which everyone knows is not dangerous and the best hair vitamin. Niacin..(not niacidamide...which does nothing for hair) is a must in any good hair vitamin. H37 only has 35 mgs. which won`t produce any flush. Even if it did...a flush is good. That is a given.


Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: January 09 2002 at 3:10pm
Originally posted by Janice Janice wrote:

Sounds like a pittyful attempt to switch customers over to something not as good as H37 which everyone knows is not dangerous and the best hair vitamin. Niacin..(not niacidamide...which does nothing for hair) is a must in any good hair vitamin. H37 only has 35 mgs. which won't produce any flush. Even if it did...a flush is good. That is a given.


Thanks for your comments. I have to respectfully disagree with you. In our testing Niacinamide has proven to be just as effective as niacin without the annoying (and harmless) niacin flush.

Over the years we have had many people complain about H37 and the niacin flush. We explain to them what a niacin flush is and that it is not harmfull, but its the primary reason why they discontinue use of H37.

Jeffrey Hines

Posted By: foxfan318
Date Posted: January 14 2002 at 11:04pm
Niacin flush feels like a menopausal hotflash...
or for those of you who are not`s that wonderfully hot feeling you get right before you up-chuck.

As far as Karen and Jeff trying to switch us over to something that is not as good... I have known these two for a long time and know they are upstanding people and put the consumer above all.

They are definitely trustworthy.


Hair type: fine but thick; natural blonde with 15% grey

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: January 15 2002 at 12:26am
Originally posted by Janice Janice wrote:

Sounds like a pittyful attempt to switch customers over to something not as good as H37 which everyone knows is not dangerous and the best hair vitamin. Niacin..(not niacidamide...which does nothing for hair) is a must in any good hair vitamin. H37 only has 35 mgs. which won't produce any flush. Even if it did...a flush is good. That is a given.

Dear Janice,

No one said that H37 is not a good product. still completely endorses and sells H37 every day. We believe in H37 so much that we just received a major shipment of H37 products to last us for several sales cycles. It is our intention to continue to carry H37 at forever, if possible, if the manufacturer allows us to do so.

Why would we want anyone to "switch" if we were continuing to sell the H37 product? As always, with everything at we only want to offer alternative options. We have had many people tell us that they were going to stop taking H37 because of the niacin flush which some people don`t like. We also have had people say that they could not take H37 because they preferred capusules instead of tablets. We have received many requests to offer other products with a list of issues. We promised to give our visitors options and that is what we did with HairTopia.

We sell many different lines of products. Just because we sell Phytotherathrie doesn`t mean we want people to switch from Mine. We also sell Phyto vitamins and vitamins from Edwin Paul. This doesn`t mean that we are trying to get anyone to switch from anything.

We are evaluating other hair vitamins and may offer other vitamin options in the future if we find high quality products that we believe work to grow healthy hair.

We are merely giving our customer other options. Trust me, it is very expensive to have months worth of double inventory in our warehouse and we would not be doing that if we didn`t want to offer our customers the best options.

For people who love H37 we will have that available. For people who want to try something else we have HairTopia.

Mike Trobee who has several hair sites on the Web sells H37 AND he also sell Viviscal. Does that mean he is trying to get people to switch from H37 to Viviscal? No. He is offering them options as we are trying to do. He has expressed interest in selling Hairtopia as well along with other hair vitamins that he is evaluating.

Just because a store offers more than one product doesn`t mean that they are trying to get people to switch. That would be a bad business model all around.

Thank you so much for your post.

Best wishes,
Karen Shelton

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: AmberJune
Date Posted: January 16 2002 at 10:29am
I`m getting tired of people accusing Karen and Jeff of trying to get others to switch products.. or buy H37.. so on and so on.

They are here to HELP us... not make a profit from us!

Geez... some people have to think the worst of everything!
