Personal Experiences w/ Viviscal???
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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am
Topic: Personal Experiences w/ Viviscal???
Posted By: Miracle
Subject: Personal Experiences w/ Viviscal???
Date Posted: January 10 2002 at 10:40pm
I`ve just started taking it about three weeks ago...
What results did you get with it? How long have you taken it? How long was it till you saw results?
I tried HF37 for three months, but it didn`t do anything for me (they refunded my money) So I thought I would try Viviscal for a couple of months.
I`ve been taking silica, biotin, Nourishair, & MSM. I have seen good results, but would like to see more length (quicker)
Thanks your all your replies and answers
Posted By: Miracle
Date Posted: January 10 2002 at 10:41pm
woops...sorry - ment to say:
I started taking Viviscal three DAYS ago.
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: January 11 2002 at 11:47pm
Hi Miracle,
Thank you for being willing to share your Viviscal journey with all of us.
I think that is very good that you are specifically adding MSM as a supplement to your Viviscal. I think that may be key for you based on a lot of positive feedback we are getting from our new hair vitamin that has MSM added to the formula.
Today Jeff Hines was telling me that since he started taking the new HairTopia vitamins (he started taking them about 2 weeks ago) that have MSM he noticed brand new little hairs growing along the front of his hairline.
While Jeff has healthy hair to his waist, his hairline has been slowly receding back over the past 5 years, although his hair is still long and healthy at the crown and in the back.
He was very excited to find the new growth at the hairline and to tie it to the new vitamins. He also said his hair feels stronger and thicker and it seems to be growing at the back as well.
I think the MSM is definitely a factor for Jeff`s new hairs at the hairline. Now MSM does not work for everyone and in some very rare cases if taken as a powder it may cause an overactive colon. However, this does not seem to be the case w/ MSM taken as part of a vitamin supplement or as a stand-alone vitamin.
We have had no reports of any negative side effects w/ the HairTopia which does have MSM added to the formula.
I am very interested to hear your results w/ Viviscal. It would be interesting to try it with and w/out the MSM to see the differences although that may not be feasible for various reasons.
Thanks again for your post. Keep us informed of how it goes. I am very interested to hear what happens as you go forward.
Best wishes, Karen
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