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Does Haiir Formula37 really work.

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Category: The HairTalk® Archives
Forum Name: Hair Vitamins & Growth Formulas
Forum Description: Questions & Answers about Hair Vitamins
Printed Date: February 16 2025 at 9:23am

Topic: Does Haiir Formula37 really work.
Posted By: Cass03
Subject: Does Haiir Formula37 really work.
Date Posted: September 05 2003 at 3:09pm
Can some one give me the low down on hair formula 37 does it really work.


Posted By: Mylissa
Date Posted: September 08 2003 at 9:41am
Will keep this brief so as not to sound like infomercial or that I'm pushing the product. It has worked wonders for me. I began taking it in March, I've experienced accelerated growth, both hair and nails...texture, body etc., all aspects 100% improved. I won't be without it!!

Pls keep in mind tho, all things don't work for everyone...I began to see a difference in nails around week 2, hair about 3 - 3/12 weeks and it just keeps getting better and better. Another product might be the answer for you..trial and error.

I have a site that has some helpful and somewhat informative points on some various hair vits. If ya'd like it just b-mail me and I'll get it to ya!

Best of luck!!


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