Stretch Marks?
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Topic: Stretch Marks?
Posted By: Starburst
Subject: Stretch Marks?
Date Posted: June 11 2003 at 7:38pm
I have read that the cosmetic surgeons have made amazing progress with using lasers on stretch marks to reduce them. Has anyone read anything like this before? I would love to know more.
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: June 14 2003 at 2:35am
Cocoa butter is supposed to help a lot to soften stretch marks. I have heard you can also get laser treatments but I don't have any info on that. Sorry.
Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: June 15 2003 at 2:36pm
I saw a new product called StriVectin D on the web and it is supposed to be some kind of miracle for stretch marks, and to a lesser degree wrinkles. I haven't tried it yet because it is about $100 for a six month supply but if you do a Google search on it you'll get a lot of hits. It was originally developed for stretch marks.
------------- "It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal
Posted By: Gally3d
Date Posted: June 20 2003 at 7:42pm
demodoll wrote:
I saw a new product called StriVectin D on the web and it is supposed to be some kind of miracle for stretch marks, and to a lesser degree wrinkles. I haven't tried it yet because it is about $100 for a six month supply but if you do a Google search on it you'll get a lot of hits. It was originally developed for stretch marks.
AAH! Don't buy that stuff! ^_^;; If you read the ingredients, there is NOTHING in there that you can't get from an $8 over-the-counter wrinkle cream, a bottle of moisturizer, and a LOAD of oils that you really don't want on your face if you have sensitive skin. O_O Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3, the "miracle drug" on that page is used in just about every wrinkle cream out there. Save yourself some money by reading the ingredients first ;)
Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: June 23 2003 at 3:30pm
Well, that is good to know. I was intrigued by all the adds but couldn't find anyone who had tried it. Thanks for filling us in.
------------- "It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: June 25 2003 at 7:18pm
coco butter works good on stretch marcks. cheaper too.
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Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: June 30 2003 at 12:14am
When skin is stretched, it only makes sense that the skin cannot be "unstretched." Do you mean the depth of color that stretch marks leave?
It's been my experience that the intensity (color) of stretch marks (due to the miracle of childbirth) does indeed fade with time.
But I'm not sure how to eliminate the marks without actual surgery.
This may be an odd analogy, but think about taffy! Once it's stretched, it can be stuffed back together, but it will never look quite the same as in the unstretched position.
Posted By: ll_insomnia_ll
Date Posted: July 18 2003 at 2:53am
A lot of people get stretch marks in their teen years.. but thats pretty much normal since their bodies are growing. They usually go away though. (In the teen situation)
------------- no
Posted By: dana073
Date Posted: October 01 2003 at 9:06pm
As for the StriVectin-SD, I read about that stuff in the Lifetime magazine (from the cable channel, Lifetime). They were saying to use this stuff INSTEAD of botox. Yes, the article does say it removes stretch marks, however they are saying it is a good alternative to Botox.
As for if it works, not sure. The article said a 6 ounce tube costs $138 directly from the makers at
The article, for anyone who cares, is in the September issue of Lifetime, and if you cannot find it then you may want to try to goto their website I am not saying it works for anything, but saw that someone mentioned it and thought I would add the little I knew about it. I was actually thinking of trying it as an alternative to Botox (because some of the stories I have heard frighten me).
If you cannot find the September issue, since it is now October, then if you would like to read it you can email me ( and I will send it to you.
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: October 15 2003 at 12:06pm
I recently hadbreast lift suregery and all I can say is Bag Balm in the green tin and Coaco Butter with Vitamin E are my friends! The Bag Balm is REALLY good stuff, especially if you want an overnight treatment. I have used all for 4 weeks and my scars have healed wonderfully! Good Luck
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: December 23 2003 at 11:03pm
Where would one get bag balm? I am losing weight slowly but my skin is not snapping back as quickly as I would like it to and if bag balm would help I would definitely be willing to try it.
Thanks in advance.
Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: December 26 2003 at 7:54pm
You can find bag balm at Walmart. Good luck to ya! Debbie
------------- There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: May 02 2004 at 1:22am
I heard for a long time that Coaco Butter can get rid of stretch marks, but i've been using it for about 3 years and i have NO good results at all. I just wish somebody would have a product that works one of these days...
Posted By: A Voice
Date Posted: August 07 2004 at 12:07pm
I lost about 35 pounds a couple of years ago and during that time I used a body wash and a lotion that both had collegen. I'm not a dr or anything, but I learned that our skin's elasticity is tied into the collegen level. All I can say is that I didn't get any stretch marks from losing all that weight. Not one. Now this year I've lost 40 pounds and I have stretch marks on my boobs. Sure it's about 3 years later and all, but I think the added collegen really made a difference last time. I plan to go back on that regimen and also to use the skim firming lotions that are out there on the market now. There are some really affordable ones now you can buy right off the shelf. I think as long as you do SOMETHING and do it CONSISTENTLY in order to see results. If you've used cocoa butter for years and you STILL have the problem, it is time to try another approach.
Posted By: tennischick
Date Posted: September 11 2004 at 9:27pm
this isnt actually about cosmetic surgery for removing scars but to save u some money use cocoa butter everymorning and night and whenever it gets dry and also vitamin e oil u can get that at ur local drug store it really works well i recently burned my self on a motorcyle(not bad) but i hav been using both and they work well i hav a motorcycle burn not bad but enough to scar bad and i use those product and they work miracles for all my scars and stuff like that so try that befor u get surgery
Posted By: LauraR
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 3:50pm
Check out - ~ it was developed by the head of Dermatology Dept. at UCLA. This stuff is truly amazing and it is the only stretch mark cream with clinical data.
Posted By: cebnn
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:42pm
I had geatational diabeties when I was pregnant... So I gained ALOT of weight. With all that weight came alot of stretch marks. I had my son a year ago. Well in Feb. I just now started to think about bathing suits, and started putting Vitamin E on them. I just poke the capsul and squeez it out and rub it right on. In 2 weeks I noticed them completely flatten, and now two more weeks later the smaller ones are almost not noticable at all. I put it on twice a day, if I shower more then once I put it on everytime I shower. Then make sure to slather a bunch on before bed. Its probably alot cheaper then any cream you could buy.
Fotki updated on 10/28 address in profile
Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 6:07pm
ll_insomnia_ll wrote:
A lot of people get stretch marks in their teen
years.. but thats pretty much normal since their bodies are growing.
They usually go away though. (In the teen situation) |
I am wondering about stretch marks aswell. I got them in my later teen
years around my hips, in the middle of my lower back, and of course on
my Behind... they are kinda white.. scarred kind of lines.
I haven't found anything yet that makes them less noticable. I've tried
anti-wrinkle cream, all kinds of lotions,they did fade over time, but
are still there... I SEE YOU, DON'T THINK I DON'T! Anywhoo, I dont'
think thier really is a sure fire way of totally REMOVING them. Have
you seen Anna Nicole? Have you spotted the scars on her lower stomach?
She's rich enough to afford any kind of surgery she wants... and that
is still there.
------------- ~* Bambi Lee *~
Posted By: pisceschica
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 10:49pm
I've tried a mixture of palmers coco butter and cocobutter for strectch mark lotion (w/ shea butter in it) twice a day; massage it in really good. They're still there but alot less noticeable. I've heard of alot of other effective treatments but since i'm saving up for plastic surgery this is the CHEAPEST way that has worked so far. Good luck to you. .
Posted By: muneca
Date Posted: August 05 2005 at 4:39am
dont waste your money.. nothing will make them go away.. its proven.. plus stretch marks lose the redness in a lil bit of time so just wait and see them be less noticed.
Posted By: london411
Date Posted: October 29 2005 at 5:50pm
wow i just lost alot of weight too and i was actually thinking of lemon juice to fad the marks would that work?
------------- wiqlf personal reassons=)
Posted By: Tinkerbelle
Date Posted: November 07 2005 at 2:07pm
I think my biggest suggestion is cocoa butter and vitamn E oil or vit. E capsules. I gained a ton of weight during my pregnancy since I was at high risk for a miscarriage. I didnt really work out a whole lot, just ate! I should really find a pic to show you! Anywyas, I smothered my entire body 3 times a day with cocoa butter and vit e oil or else I would cut a vit e capsule and spread the oil on my tummy. And I dont have any stretchmarks.
I also kept using the oil as I was losing the weight. I still have weight to lose and am slowly losing it, so I have been still doing this skin regimine. I would really recommend everyone using a cocoa butter lotion at all stages of their life.

Posted By: Cherryblsmgrl
Date Posted: January 02 2006 at 11:49am
Bambilee wrote:
ll_insomnia_ll wrote:
A lot of people get stretch marks in their teen
years.. but thats pretty much normal since their bodies are growing.
They usually go away though. (In the teen situation) |
I am wondering about stretch marks aswell. I got them in my later teen
years around my hips, in the middle of my lower back, and of course on
my Behind... they are kinda white.. scarred kind of lines.
I haven't found anything yet that makes them less noticable. I've tried
anti-wrinkle cream, all kinds of lotions,they did fade over time, but
are still there... I SEE YOU, DON'T THINK I DON'T! Anywhoo, I dont'
think thier really is a sure fire way of totally REMOVING them. Have
you seen Anna Nicole? Have you spotted the scars on her lower stomach?
She's rich enough to afford any kind of surgery she wants... and that
is still there.
I feel your pain... both of you! During puberty, I developed late, but
very fast. As a result, I have mild stretchmarks on my hips and on my
breasts. They are not terribly noticeable unless I am under harsh
lighting. Still, if you discover that something works for you...pass it
I think I am going to try the vitamin E approach that was posted here, as I have a huge bottle sitting in my kitchen cabinet.
Posted By: Energy Recruitm
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 10:02am
he Beauty for Life quiz matches information about your age, appearance, beauty regimen, lifestyle, and body image with facts and images that can show you how to look your best throughout your lifetime. Your Beauty for Life plan, created especially for you, will lend advice on both lifestyle changes and cosmetic medical procedures that can help you achieve your personal goals—today and in the years to come.
he Beauty for Life quiz matches information about your age, appearance, beauty regimen, lifestyle, and body image with facts and images that can show you how to look your best throughout your lifetime. Your Beauty for Life plan, created especially for you, will lend advice on both lifestyle changes and cosmetic medical procedures that can help you achieve your personal goals—today and in the years to come.
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Posted By: wvulovey
Date Posted: October 17 2008 at 1:28pm
I've tried a lot of stuff and did not work. The stretches are down inyour dermis, the deeper layer of skin. lotions and cream can not penetrate this deep.
Have you heard of Fraxel laser treatment? its very pricey and I believe pretty new but it doesn't eliminates stretch marks. Whether thre new or old I'm not sur eif that matters.
My mom made me a appt to get a session. I got them 3 months ago from a 30 -40 pd weight gain that I got last fall. And the stretches appeared this fall. A year later. I hate them. They appeared over night. And it was all mainly due to a med I was put on...I went back to my docs 3 month slater and had gained 20 plus pounds and he immed. took me off it.
But its hard to shake those pounds. I'm 25 and never have been pregnant and never grow that fast or gained weight when younger.
If you want more info about fraxel and if ne1 wants to see my b4 and after pics after my first session in nov ill show you, just PM me. goo dluck
Posted By: MajorLinda
Date Posted: March 18 2009 at 5:06am
you can try this oil called BIO-OIL. You see a fast result and it really does work.
Posted By: MajorLinda
Date Posted: March 20 2009 at 3:09am
I've always heard good reports about Bio Oil. It's good to remove stretch marks.
Posted By: Howard
Date Posted: June 11 2009 at 1:14am
Laser therapy has become too advanced now a days. Any type of marks , dents and other skin problems are treated nicely with it. My friend has taken this laser treatment for its face acne marks ans she has got remarkable results. You can surely get benefit from it.
------------- Howard - 642-654 - - 642-655
Posted By: rosylee
Date Posted: April 30 2010 at 6:25am
My mom is using mixture of Coaco Butter and Vitamin E for stretch marks on her face. There is a noticeable change on her face.
Of course Laser Therapy has become advanced these days and it works but it is quiet costly for middle class people... So I think Coaco Butter is better and also cheaper........
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Posted By: jasika
Date Posted: July 05 2010 at 12:58am
Stretch marks,for a stretch marks you use a natural or a home-made items for that is a best because if you prefer a surgery then also take a guidance from a doctor then do because a some side affect occur or a stretch marks a not a reduce this are happen,better use a using mixture of Coaco Butter this are the best use it.
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Posted By: Aphrodiva
Date Posted: July 12 2010 at 11:02am
Yes, they can be vanished, or diminished. I won the battle against Stretch Marks by following a regimen recommended to me by a gorgeous friend. First, Exfoliate every other day. To removed little by little those layers of dead skin, and allow skin to renew, and create more collagen. I used a Micro-Dermabrassion cloth..fantastic!!!! Second, after you are towel dried, apply a mix of PURE UNREFINED Shea butter and NATURAL vitamin E.
You will see the changes in a few weeks if you are really devoted to this.
I still do this to keep my skin looking youth and fresh
If your skin is very sensitive you might want to exfoliate every 3 days or so. You known your body.
Now I do it every 2 days. I noticed a HUGE difference on my skin, in general, not only stretch marks.
The Micro-Dermabrasion cloth can be purchased online, look it up. And it can also be use in your face.
I hope this helps!!
Posted By: joybery
Date Posted: April 01 2011 at 4:09pm
There are special cosmetic surgery is available for removing stretch marks. All complications and major procedures, as well as with plastic surgery, including infection and possibly death is not the proper use of anesthesia. Moreover this surgery is quite costly of almost 5000$ to 8000$.
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Posted By: jamesdfrank
Date Posted: October 15 2011 at 7:13am
Laser therapy has become very advanced today. Any marks, dents and other
skin problems are treated very well with it. My friend has had the
laser treatment for acne on his face marks ans has obtained remarkable
results. You can surely get benefit from it.
Posted By: jerrywoods
Date Posted: December 02 2011 at 7:59am
The main cause of stretch marks in pregnancy or sudden weight gain due to many possible factors. During puberty, hormonal changes is at its peak, which sometimes triggers a sudden weight gain. If you regularly work your muscles are developing very quickly, which could cause stretch marks on your skin.
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Posted By: marshdawman
Date Posted: December 24 2011 at 8:12am
I got them 3 several weeks ago from a 30 -40 pd excess bodyweight that I got last drop. And the exercises made an appearance this drop. A season later. I dislike them. They made an appearance quickly. And it was all mainly due to a med I was put on. I went rear again to my documents 3 30 days slater and had accumulated 20 plus bodyweight and he immed.
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Posted By: maaria
Date Posted: April 16 2013 at 7:01am
Skin is usually fairly elastic but when grow or gain weight really quickly may get fine lines on body called stretch marks. - doctors notes
Posted By: amandagreen
Date Posted: May 29 2013 at 8:12pm
I think that laser has made a lot of progress recently and it is possible to use laser to reduce the way that stretch marks look as well as their texture. Creams definitely help! Cocoa butter and vitamin E oil. It can only do your skin good