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My hair has radically changed - HELP!

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Senior Strands
Forum Description: Tips & techniques
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 1:06am

Topic: My hair has radically changed - HELP!
Posted By: Trishymouse
Subject: My hair has radically changed - HELP!
Date Posted: May 21 2004 at 3:27pm
I am a 45 year old woman who for most of my life, until recently, had thick, naturally curly hair. Hairdressers marveled, men swooned, etc., etc. Now, in the last 2 years or so, my hair has thinned so much, it’s TOO thin. Also, in the front, it’s to the point it’s almost so thin you could call it on the edge of balding. My hair is more brittle, dryer, and the curl is all but gone. I don’t use hair dryers, didn’t need and don’t use permanents. I’m kind to my hair. But I really HATE my hair now. Nothing looks good. Cuts to make it look fuller fall flat. It’s lifeless. Help!

P.S.: I am not on birth control any longer, but once was. I have had my thyroid checked. No problems there the doctor claims.

Posted By: Green Eyes
Date Posted: May 30 2004 at 6:21am
I found this site. -

Maybe it will help to answer some of your questions.

"Too soon old, too late smart."

Posted By: FairyTales88
Date Posted: June 27 2004 at 5:23pm
Hello Tish,

My older sister has the same problem with extreamly thin hair, she too was on the verge of baldness.

What she did was she went to a really good hair dresser in our community and got it cut really short, these looks are really great because it makes your hair appear full and thicker.

Look online for the perfect cut that will suit you, print it and take it to a good hairdresser to copy it. This should help you, if it can help my sister this can definately help you.

Best of Luck!!!


Posted By: cinderella
Date Posted: February 21 2007 at 5:16pm
Has your hair thinned slowly or quickly. My hair started falling out fast last march and I rushed to the doctor for blood tests. My iron came back at 19 and I went on iron pills. It took 2 months to stop. I havent noticed any regrowth in the really thinning area around the front hairline. I have read our hair can thin in peri/menopause which is why I believe my hair has lost a lot of bulk. I just had a layered cut and it looks a lot fuller.

Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 4:40pm
Sorry to hear about this How is your diet?? Does it contain lots of good oils,like Olive oil? Do you
take a good vitamin? I have heard also that in peri-meno
that this can happen. My hair has changed texture and
is grayer now at 48. Hope you find the answer soon,maybee
a dr or dermotologist? Good luck, let us know.


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