Avatars are the cute little pictures that you can associate with your user and appear on the left side of posts with your other member details.
The old forums allowed the avatar to be any height and width.
With the new forums, all avatars are displayed as 64 x 64 pixels and are limited to 15KB. This means that for the best looking avatar you will need to format it as 64 x 64 pixels before you upload it.
Note: That the old forums had many pre-defined avatars and these have been carried over for existing members from the old forums. The old avatars are no longer available for selection by new members. There are a number of new pre-defined avatars that available with the new forums for users to select.
If you don't like the pre-defined avatars or just want to be different you can upload your own .gif or .jpg from the Settings -> Edit Profile page of the forums.