Shrinkie Installation
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Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 4:08am
Topic: Shrinkie Installation
Posted By: mochachip
Subject: Shrinkie Installation
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 3:35pm
So on Doc's site the demo shows the pretip sticking slightly out the
top of the shrinkie. That's also how I installed my microrings.
But I've caught a few comments on here that seem to indicate that
people have had better luck with shrinkies when the hair doesn't quite
stick out the top of the shrinkie. I seem to recall a similar
comment on microrings.
So was I hallucinating all this when I was sorting through all 40 pages here for shrinkie info?
Whats the consensus on relative placement of the hair? And what's the reasonsoning?
Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 5:02pm
I think a lot of people will say the tip should probably be flush with
the top of the shrinkie. I've had them both ways, but I find that
if the top sticks out of the shrinkie, it's also more likely to stick
out of your hair, catch on something, or poke you in the head.
Posted By: amber
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 6:50pm
i was wondering if anyone tried to do these on their own? the salons are so expensive. if i bought the fusion iron, couldnt i have a friend do it...? or is it more involved then i am thinking? thanks for answering
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 6:58pm
Several people here do their own(or do with alittle help). I've
done microrings/extnedtubes completely alone and braids and pinchbraids
with my husbands help. I'm planning on him helping me with the
back of my head so I don't burn myself with the shrinkies and wand.
Posted By: mtolady
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 7:22pm
i was going to try husband's shrink tubing from his shop....but after
sleeping on it (the idea, not the tubing :P ), we both decided
that 'you get what you pay for' and i ordered Doc's starter kit today.
I can't wait to get them!
------------- has someone been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool again?
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 7:41pm
I have shrink tubing from work(well I ordered it separately so I wouldn't get in trouble but same thing)
I'm going to test run a few rows of it when I put in the *real* shrinkies.
I hope to have a comprehensive report sometime in the near future
Posted By: amber
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 7:51pm
thanks for the answer mocha
Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 7:53pm
The shrinkie should be flush with the strand tip. If the tip is coming
through the top, it will catch at every opportune. It needs to be
removed immediately and reinstalled if that's the case. The worst is
when you're brushing and the tip bends back. Your own hair will rip
out when that happens.
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 8:04pm
you're using a looped brush at the scalp?
like I said I let my pretips stick out slightly (definitleyless than
1/8") on my microrings. But then again I never brushed at my
scalp. Anyhow I didn't rip any out.
Is this what you are talking about?
Are you using the Docs shrinkies? they're pretty short right?
Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 4:28am
By all means you don't have to necessarily brush your roots but I wouldn't recommend it. If you're not brushing your roots then you're not going to get the full 3 months out of your extensions because you will get matting quicker xxx I never let anything stick out the top of any method, as Amm says you'll catch it with your brush and that can be fatal. I suppose it doesn't matter so much if you're doing your own but I certainly wouldn't send a client away like that x
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 6:18am
Nope no clients
Just want to both do the best thing and understand it.
That's curious about the matting. I would have expected that sinc
eyou can't really brush into each section that it wouldn't really
affect the matting.
I wear microrings about 8 weeks at a stretch. And I take them out
because once they are that grown out they start to show especially when
I need to pull my hair back.
Of course they tend to be chipped by that point too which makes them stick out a lot more.
I tried one row last night (I need the rest of my hair to arrive!) with
Kristin's shrinkies and found it a little fiddly to get the shrinkie
both close to my scalp and without the pretip sticking out. Of
course this is doing it totally by myself and with a straightening iron
(also need my heat wand to arrive).
Anyhow just brushed with my new looper brush and was pleasantly surprised to actually be able to brush my scalp. -- party
thank you for the explanantions
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 7:07am
Yay! I got back into my account again.
Anyway, Mocha: I just got the Looper brush too, and it's a trip to be
able to brush my roots! Before that, I would sort of fingercomb up by
the extensions, and if I felt like something was getting matted, I'd
separate it that way, which is helpful, too.
Good luck with your shrinkie install, and if your microrings are
getting chipped quickly, you may want to try the extendtubes from, which seem to last a bit longer.
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 8:01am
Yay for your account!
Yeah I figured if and when I buy them again I'll get extendtubes.
How big of sections are you making (either for pinch braids, or rings, or shrinkies) and how long do you leave them in that you were getting matting? And exactly where ws the matting? above or below the application device? This is absolutely fascinating to me.
Posted By: mtolady
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 11:24am
what is a "looper brush"???
i have a vent brush with nylon bristles that have the little ball tips,
i have a paddle brush that has little ball tips, i have a round brush
for straightening, and a boar's hair for moving shine sprays through my
pix please!!
------------- has someone been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool again?
Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 11:28am
Kristins' site has a pic of the one I bought from her.
But basically instead of the tines sticking straight out they loop back into the brush base. so instead of a bunch of sticks you have a bunch of loops. they bend differently so they don't catch on your extensions near your scalp.
SOmebody please correct me if I'm wrong for I just recently learned.
Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 12:28pm
That looper brush is an amazing invention! I bought one from Kristin and can't even believe the thing - it is so gentle I don't hear the usual cheese-grater sound I get from brushing my roots!
Also you guys, Kristin's shrinkies are about twice as long as Doc's, so if you're a total newbie, you can use the whole shrinkie to keep the whole extension strand tip in without so much difficulty. And when you get to be a pro (after putting in about 20 you will be), you can cut those shrinkies in half and get twice as many out of a box.
But I must agree with what's been said: try your best to keep the tip of the strand from sticking out the top of the shrinkie or extentube. Eventually, you will catch it and it will rip your hair out. Plus it doesn't look as good.